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-1.492 -0.411 -0.405 -0.411 0.12 c -0.411 1.152 0.278 1.677 0.98 1.677 c 1.835 1.677 2.34 0.93 2.34 0.146 c 2.34 0.089 l 0 0.089 l h 1.91 0.399 m 1.822 1.176 1.303 1.342 0.974 1.342 c 0.335 1.342 0.05 0.823 0.006 0.399 c h f Q Q /CS0 cs 0.5 scn /GS0 gs 54.76 37.475 0.5 -0.734 re 54.76 36.741 m 54.76 35.249 0.5 -0.733 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 59.624 34.5154 cm 0 0 m 0 3.624 l -0.133 3.511 -0.474 3.448 -0.702 3.448 c -0.81 3.448 l -0.81 3.789 l -0.677 3.789 0 3.815 0 4.37 c 0 4.466 l 0.386 4.466 l 0.386 0 l h f Q Q 62.078 35.249 0.5 -0.733 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 66.5752 35.7358 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.746 -0.607 -1.302 -1.55 -1.302 c -2.656 -1.302 -3.118 -0.607 -3.118 0.026 c -3.118 0.488 -2.846 0.975 -2.201 1.158 c -2.486 1.259 -2.947 1.563 -2.947 2.157 c -2.947 2.777 -2.479 3.334 -1.543 3.334 c -0.753 3.334 -0.127 2.917 -0.127 2.177 c -0.127 1.613 -0.474 1.272 -0.898 1.158 c -0.569 1.076 0 0.709 0 0 c -1.556 -0.941 m -0.829 -0.941 -0.417 -0.537 -0.417 0.032 c -0.417 0.531 -0.835 0.969 -1.556 0.969 c -2.119 0.969 -2.694 0.671 -2.694 0.026 c -2.694 -0.386 -2.416 -0.941 -1.556 -0.941 c -1.537 1.315 m -1.183 1.315 -0.531 1.461 -0.531 2.151 c -0.531 2.506 -0.746 2.986 -1.543 2.986 c -2.334 2.986 -2.549 2.467 -2.549 2.138 c -2.549 1.62 -2.056 1.315 -1.537 1.315 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 70.4083 38.6078 cm 0 0 m -0.348 -0.474 -0.544 -0.802 -0.671 -1.032 c -1.391 -2.347 -1.506 -3.523 -1.562 -4.092 c -1.986 -4.092 l -1.917 -2.992 -1.562 -1.936 -1.012 -0.993 c -0.816 -0.651 -0.588 -0.322 -0.361 0 c -2.473 0 l -2.473 -0.999 l -2.834 -0.999 l -2.834 0.373 l 0 0.373 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 74.4119 38.6078 cm 0 0 m -0.348 -0.474 -0.544 -0.802 -0.67 -1.032 c -1.391 -2.347 -1.505 -3.523 -1.562 -4.092 c -1.986 -4.092 l -1.917 -2.992 -1.562 -1.936 -1.012 -0.993 c -0.816 -0.651 -0.588 -0.322 -0.36 0 c -2.473 0 l -2.473 -0.999 l -2.834 -0.999 l -2.834 0.373 l 0 0.373 l h f Q Q 75.462 35.249 0.5 -0.733 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 76.9358 34.8633 cm 0 0 m 0.689 0.418 1.524 1.051 1.98 1.525 c 2.119 1.671 2.555 2.131 2.555 2.808 c 2.555 3.428 2.138 3.871 1.449 3.871 c 0.879 3.871 0.361 3.498 0.361 2.865 c 0.361 2.473 0.588 2.202 0.671 2.107 c 0.152 2.17 l 0.013 2.518 -0.006 2.739 -0.006 2.903 c -0.006 3.593 0.462 4.207 1.455 4.207 c 2.144 4.207 2.973 3.84 2.973 2.783 c 2.973 2.569 2.941 2.233 2.669 1.803 c 2.113 0.917 0.746 0.089 0.582 0 c 2.821 0 l 2.821 -0.348 l 0 -0.348 l h f Q Q q 1 0 0 1 83.2925 35.6344 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.119 l -0.386 -1.119 l -0.386 0 l -2.378 0 l -2.378 0.324 l -0.417 3.347 l 0 3.347 l 0 0.348 l 0.696 0.348 l 0.696 0 l h -0.386 2.72 m -1.942 0.348 l -0.386 0.348 l h f Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 84.9436 34.8633 cm 0 0 m 0.69 0.418 1.524 1.051 1.979 1.525 c 2.119 1.671 2.555 2.131 2.555 2.808 c 2.555 3.428 2.138 3.871 1.448 3.871 c 0.879 3.871 0.36 3.498 0.36 2.865 c 0.36 2.473 0.588 2.202 0.67 2.107 c 0.152 2.17 l 0.012 2.518 -0.006 2.739 -0.006 2.903 c -0.006 3.593 0.462 4.207 1.455 4.207 c 2.144 4.207 2.973 3.84 2.973 2.783 c 2.973 2.569 2.941 2.233 2.669 1.803 c 2.112 0.917 0.746 0.089 0.582 0 c 2.821 0 l 2.821 -0.348 l 0 -0.348 l h f Q Q 88.846 35.249 0.5 -0.733 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 92.9259 38.6078 cm 0 0 m -1.993 0 l -2.081 -1.537 l -1.954 -1.277 -1.657 -0.999 -1.088 -0.999 c -0.291 -0.999 0.329 -1.581 0.329 -2.562 c 0.329 -3.448 -0.196 -4.18 -1.17 -4.18 c -1.986 -4.18 -2.537 -3.738 -2.65 -2.915 c -2.239 -2.796 l -2.233 -3.365 -1.873 -3.827 -1.183 -3.827 c -0.443 -3.827 -0.089 -3.289 -0.089 -2.574 c -0.089 -1.948 -0.399 -1.334 -1.145 -1.334 c -1.588 -1.334 -1.999 -1.631 -2.113 -2.189 c -2.435 -2.151 l -2.366 0.215 -2.359 0.373 v 0 0.373 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 96.9295 38.6078 cm 0 0 m -1.992 0 l -2.081 -1.537 l -1.954 -1.277 -1.657 -0.999 -1.088 -0.999 c -0.291 -0.999 0.329 -1.581 0.329 -2.562 c 0.329 -3.448 -0.196 -4.18 -1.17 -4.18 c -1.986 -4.18 -2.536 -3.738 -2.65 -2.915 c -2.239 -2.796 l -2.233 -3.365 -1.872 -3.827 -1.183 -3.827 c -0.443 -3.827 -0.089 -3.289 -0.089 -2.574 c -0.089 -1.948 -0.399 -1.334 -1.145 -1.334 c -1.587 -1.334 -1.998 -1.631 -2.113 -2.189 c -2.435 -2.151 l -2.365 0.215 -2.359 0.373 v 0 0.373 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 101.3505 35.7358 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.746 -0.607 -1.302 -1.549 -1.302 c -2.656 -1.302 -3.118 -0.607 -3.118 0.026 c -3.118 0.488 -2.846 0.975 -2.201 1.158 c -2.485 1.259 -2.947 1.563 -2.947 2.157 c -2.947 2.777 -2.479 3.334 -1.543 3.334 c -0.753 3.334 -0.126 2.917 -0.126 2.177 c -0.126 1.613 -0.474 1.272 -0.898 1.158 c -0.569 1.076 0 0.709 0 0 c -1.556 -0.941 m -0.828 -0.941 -0.417 -0.537 -0.417 0.032 c -0.417 0.531 -0.835 0.969 -1.556 0.969 c -2.119 0.969 -2.694 0.671 -2.694 0.026 c -2.694 -0.386 -2.416 -0.941 -1.556 -0.941 c -1.536 1.315 m -1.183 1.315 -0.531 1.461 -0.531 2.151 c -0.531 2.506 -0.746 2.986 -1.543 2.986 c -2.334 2.986 -2.548 2.467 -2.548 2.138 c -2.548 1.62 -2.056 1.315 -1.536 1.315 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 105.1839 38.6078 cm 0 0 m -0.348 -0.474 -0.544 -0.802 -0.671 -1.032 c -1.391 -2.347 -1.505 -3.523 -1.562 -4.092 c -1.986 -4.092 l -1.916 -2.992 -1.562 -1.936 -1.012 -0.993 c -0.816 -0.651 -0.588 -0.322 -0.361 0 c -2.473 0 l -2.473 -0.999 l -2.834 -0.999 l -2.834 0.373 l 0 0.373 l h f Q Q q 1 0 0 1 116.6199 38.6078 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.512 l 2.252 -1.512 l 2.252 -1.879 l 0 -1.879 l 0 -4.092 l -0.411 -4.092 l -0.411 0.373 l 2.511 0.373 l 2.511 0 l h f Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 122.4772 34.5154 cm 0 0 m -0.5 0 -0.734 0.127 -0.734 0.551 c -0.804 0.322 -1.145 -0.063 -1.802 -0.063 c -2.442 -0.063 -2.751 0.328 -2.751 0.76 c -2.751 1.36 -2.239 1.575 -1.24 1.802 c -0.734 1.917 l -0.734 2.151 l -0.734 2.442 -0.879 2.764 -1.436 2.764 c -2.056 2.764 -2.252 2.524 -2.252 2.037 c -2.663 2.106 l -2.587 2.72 -2.176 3.093 -1.48 3.093 c -0.955 3.093 -0.373 2.935 -0.373 2.183 c -0.373 0.861 l -0.373 0.456 -0.361 0.298 0.012 0.298 c 0.076 0.298 l 0.076 0 l h -0.734 1.593 m -0.923 1.544 l -1.948 1.271 -2.391 1.208 -2.391 0.766 c -2.391 0.557 -2.226 0.265 -1.783 0.265 c -1.417 0.265 -0.968 0.487 -0.816 0.835 c -0.759 0.961 -0.734 1.088 -0.734 1.366 c h f Q Q q 1 0 0 1 125.2538 34.5154 cm 0 0 m -0.885 1.285 l -1.802 0 l -2.201 0 l -1.094 1.569 l -2.112 3.017 l -1.676 3.017 l -0.885 1.866 l -0.069 3.017 l 0.329 3.017 l -0.683 1.569 l 0.424 0 l h f Q 126.677 37.475 0.5 -0.734 re 126.677 36.741 m 126.677 35.249 0.5 -0.733 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 131.5416 34.5154 cm 0 0 m 0 3.624 l -0.133 3.511 -0.474 3.448 -0.703 3.448 c -0.81 3.448 l -0.81 3.789 l -0.677 3.789 0 3.815 0 4.37 c 0 4.466 l 0.386 4.466 l 0.386 0 l h f Q Q 133.995 35.249 0.5 -0.733 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 135.4694 34.8633 cm 0 0 m 0.689 0.418 1.524 1.051 1.979 1.525 c 2.119 1.671 2.555 2.131 2.555 2.808 c 2.555 3.428 2.138 3.871 1.448 3.871 c 0.879 3.871 0.36 3.498 0.36 2.865 c 0.36 2.473 0.588 2.202 0.67 2.107 c 0.152 2.17 l 0.012 2.518 -0.006 2.739 -0.006 2.903 c -0.006 3.593 0.462 4.207 1.455 4.207 c 2.144 4.207 2.972 3.84 2.972 2.783 c 2.972 2.569 2.941 2.233 2.669 1.803 c 2.112 0.917 0.746 0.089 0.582 0 c 2.821 0 l 2.821 -0.348 l 0 -0.348 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 140.9469 39.0698 cm 0 0 m 1.518 0 1.562 -1.923 1.562 -2.372 c 1.562 -2.852 1.417 -4.636 -0.019 -4.636 c -1.057 -4.636 -1.575 -3.643 -1.575 -2.284 c -1.575 -1.518 -1.322 0 0 0 c -0.007 -4.283 m 0.828 -4.283 1.138 -3.404 1.138 -2.359 c 1.138 -1.297 0.822 -0.348 -0.007 -0.348 c -1 -0.348 -1.152 -1.721 -1.152 -2.309 c -1.152 -3.239 -0.923 -4.283 -0.007 -4.283 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 143.4769 34.8633 cm 0 0 m 0.69 0.418 1.524 1.051 1.98 1.525 c 2.119 1.671 2.555 2.131 2.555 2.808 c 2.555 3.428 2.138 3.871 1.448 3.871 c 0.879 3.871 0.36 3.498 0.36 2.865 c 0.36 2.473 0.588 2.202 0.671 2.107 c 0.152 2.17 l 0.013 2.518 -0.006 2.739 -0.006 2.903 c -0.006 3.593 0.462 4.207 1.455 4.207 c 2.144 4.207 2.973 3.84 2.973 2.783 c 2.973 2.569 2.941 2.233 2.669 1.803 c 2.113 0.917 0.746 0.089 0.582 0 c 2.821 0 l 2.821 -0.348 l 0 -0.348 l h f Q Q 147.379 35.249 0.5 -0.733 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 151.7058 38.6078 cm 0 0 m -0.348 -0.474 -0.544 -0.802 -0.671 -1.032 c -1.391 -2.347 -1.505 -3.523 -1.562 -4.092 c -1.986 -4.092 l -1.917 -2.992 -1.562 -1.936 -1.012 -0.993 c -0.816 -0.651 -0.588 -0.322 -0.36 0 c -2.473 0 l -2.473 -0.999 l -2.834 -0.999 l -2.834 0.373 l 0 0.373 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 154.3055 34.5154 cm 0 0 m 0 3.624 l -0.133 3.511 -0.474 3.448 -0.702 3.448 c -0.81 3.448 l -0.81 3.789 l -0.677 3.789 0 3.815 0 4.37 c 0 4.466 l 0.386 4.466 l 0.386 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 159.467 38.6078 cm 0 0 m -1.993 0 l -2.081 -1.537 l -1.955 -1.277 -1.657 -0.999 -1.088 -0.999 c -0.291 -0.999 0.329 -1.581 0.329 -2.562 c 0.329 -3.448 -0.196 -4.18 -1.17 -4.18 c -1.986 -4.18 -2.537 -3.738 -2.651 -2.915 c -2.239 -2.796 l -2.233 -3.365 -1.872 -3.827 -1.183 -3.827 c -0.443 -3.827 -0.089 -3.289 -0.089 -2.574 c -0.089 -1.948 -0.399 -1.334 -1.145 -1.334 c -1.588 -1.334 -1.999 -1.631 -2.113 -2.189 c -2.435 -2.151 l -2.366 0.215 -2.36 0.373 v 0 0.373 l h f Q Q 160.764 35.249 0.5 -0.733 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 162.9583 37.0083 cm 0 0 m 0.633 0 l 1.423 0 1.72 0.341 1.72 0.834 c 1.72 1.466 1.196 1.726 0.734 1.726 c 0.025 1.726 -0.228 1.227 -0.285 0.974 c -0.297 0.922 -0.304 0.854 -0.304 0.732 c -0.746 0.854 l -0.588 1.505 -0.208 2.062 0.734 2.062 c 1.075 2.062 1.449 1.967 1.72 1.745 c 2.106 1.435 2.119 0.98 2.119 0.821 c 2.119 0.442 1.973 0.1 1.613 -0.051 c 1.467 -0.115 1.29 -0.14 1.145 -0.158 c 1.398 -0.172 1.556 -0.229 1.651 -0.273 c 1.873 -0.375 2.214 -0.646 2.214 -1.246 c 2.214 -2.139 1.512 -2.575 0.721 -2.575 c -0.032 -2.575 -0.424 -2.208 -0.588 -1.949 c -0.677 -1.81 -0.791 -1.582 -0.828 -1.216 c -0.405 -1.076 l -0.405 -1.912 0.089 -2.214 0.727 -2.214 c 1.607 -2.214 1.79 -1.646 1.79 -1.279 c 1.79 -1.171 1.777 -0.778 1.48 -0.545 c 1.227 -0.349 0.924 -0.349 0.62 -0.349 c 0 -0.349 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 167.7151 39.0698 cm 0 0 m 1.518 0 1.562 -1.923 1.562 -2.372 c 1.562 -2.852 1.417 -4.636 -0.019 -4.636 c -1.057 -4.636 -1.575 -3.643 -1.575 -2.284 c -1.575 -1.518 -1.322 0 0 0 c -0.007 -4.283 m 0.828 -4.283 1.138 -3.404 1.138 -2.359 c 1.138 -1.297 0.822 -0.348 -0.007 -0.348 c -1 -0.348 -1.152 -1.721 -1.152 -2.309 c -1.152 -3.239 -0.924 -4.283 -0.007 -4.283 c f Q Q q 1 0 0 1 172.5975 35.6344 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.119 l -0.386 -1.119 l -0.386 0 l -2.378 0 l -2.378 0.324 l -0.417 3.347 l 0 3.347 l 0 0.348 l 0.696 0.348 l 0.696 0 l h -0.386 2.72 m -1.941 0.348 l -0.386 0.348 l h f Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 176.8547 38.6078 cm 0 0 m -1.993 0 l -2.081 -1.537 l -1.954 -1.277 -1.657 -0.999 -1.088 -0.999 c -0.291 -0.999 0.329 -1.581 0.329 -2.562 c 0.329 -3.448 -0.196 -4.18 -1.17 -4.18 c -1.986 -4.18 -2.536 -3.738 -2.65 -2.915 c -2.239 -2.796 l -2.233 -3.365 -1.872 -3.827 -1.183 -3.827 c -0.443 -3.827 -0.089 -3.289 -0.089 -2.574 c -0.089 -1.948 -0.399 -1.334 -1.145 -1.334 c -1.588 -1.334 -1.998 -1.631 -2.113 -2.189 c -2.435 -2.151 l -2.366 0.215 -2.359 0.373 v 0 0.373 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 188.3668 35.5777 cm 0 0 m 0.057 -0.544 0.36 -0.797 0.91 -0.797 c 2.011 -0.797 2.125 0.196 2.175 1.107 c 1.979 0.721 1.562 0.417 0.936 0.417 c 0.159 0.417 -0.5 0.969 -0.5 1.942 c -0.5 2.834 0.069 3.492 0.986 3.492 c 1.847 3.492 2.581 3.004 2.581 1.297 c 2.581 0.456 2.447 -1.144 0.892 -1.144 c 0.202 -1.144 -0.234 -0.822 -0.437 -0.159 c h 1 0.772 m 1.727 0.772 2.144 1.285 2.144 1.796 c 2.144 2.473 1.784 3.162 0.98 3.162 c 0.31 3.162 -0.076 2.682 -0.076 1.948 c -0.076 1.386 0.159 0.772 1 0.772 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 193.4715 39.0698 cm 0 0 m 1.518 0 1.562 -1.923 1.562 -2.372 c 1.562 -2.852 1.416 -4.636 -0.02 -4.636 c -1.057 -4.636 -1.575 -3.643 -1.575 -2.284 c -1.575 -1.518 -1.322 0 0 0 c -0.007 -4.283 m 0.827 -4.283 1.138 -3.404 1.138 -2.359 c 1.138 -1.297 0.822 -0.348 -0.007 -0.348 c -0.999 -0.348 -1.152 -1.721 -1.152 -2.309 c -1.152 -3.239 -0.924 -4.283 -0.007 -4.283 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 197.4491 34.5154 cm 0 0 m 0 3.624 l -0.132 3.511 -0.474 3.448 -0.701 3.448 c -0.809 3.448 l -0.809 3.789 l -0.677 3.789 0 3.815 0 4.37 c 0 4.466 l 0.386 4.466 l 0.386 0 l h f Q Q q 1 0 0 1 202.4971 38.6078 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.512 l 2.252 -1.512 l 2.252 -1.879 l 0 -1.879 l 0 -4.092 l -0.411 -4.092 l -0.411 0.373 l 2.511 0.373 l 2.511 0 l h f Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 210.5491 37.9062 cm 0 0 m -0.044 0.139 -0.095 0.266 -0.183 0.386 c -0.31 0.569 -0.614 0.842 -1.157 0.842 c -1.93 0.842 -2.208 0.416 -2.208 0.043 c -2.208 -0.533 -1.689 -0.677 -1.259 -0.79 c -0.829 -0.905 l -0.025 -1.12 0.481 -1.468 0.481 -2.17 c 0.481 -2.404 0.412 -2.84 -0.069 -3.188 c -0.278 -3.334 -0.6 -3.504 -1.182 -3.504 c -2.037 -3.504 -2.664 -3.138 -2.846 -2.264 c -2.422 -2.044 l -2.41 -2.309 -2.378 -2.422 -2.321 -2.544 c -2.195 -2.821 -1.859 -3.131 -1.182 -3.131 c -0.361 -3.131 0.05 -2.688 0.05 -2.183 c 0.05 -1.689 -0.265 -1.455 -0.898 -1.291 c -1.411 -1.158 l -1.916 -1.025 -2.619 -0.79 -2.619 0.031 c -2.619 0.651 -2.163 1.189 -1.145 1.189 c -0.531 1.189 0.108 0.98 0.392 0.209 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 212.6171 35.1534 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.17 0.026 -0.366 0.247 -0.366 c 0.399 -0.366 0.551 -0.259 0.665 -0.177 c 0.665 -0.555 l 0.582 -0.618 0.424 -0.695 0.165 -0.695 c 0.057 -0.695 -0.221 -0.689 -0.316 -0.423 c -0.353 -0.316 -0.361 -0.094 -0.361 0.071 c -0.361 2.063 l -0.993 2.063 l -0.993 2.379 l -0.361 2.379 l -0.361 3.663 l 0 3.663 l 0 2.379 l 0.665 2.379 l 0.665 2.063 l 0 2.063 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 214.5409 37.5322 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.481 l 0.158 -0.126 0.454 0.044 0.827 0.044 c 0.878 0.044 0.98 0.044 1.087 0.032 c 1.087 -0.303 l 1.012 -0.291 0.935 -0.284 0.847 -0.284 c 0.203 -0.284 0 -0.758 0 -1.365 c 0 -3.017 l -0.373 -3.017 l -0.373 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 216.678 35.932 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.448 0.19 -1.151 1.011 -1.151 c 1.284 -1.151 1.701 -1.095 1.992 -0.519 c 2.341 -0.62 l 2.201 -0.93 1.885 -1.492 1.031 -1.492 c -0.196 -1.492 -0.412 -0.405 -0.412 0.12 c -0.412 1.152 0.278 1.677 0.981 1.677 c 1.835 1.677 2.341 0.93 2.341 0.146 c 2.341 0.089 l 0 0.089 l h 1.91 0.399 m 1.822 1.176 1.303 1.342 0.974 1.342 c 0.336 1.342 0.051 0.823 0.006 0.399 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 220.29 35.932 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.448 0.189 -1.151 1.012 -1.151 c 1.284 -1.151 1.701 -1.095 1.991 -0.519 c 2.34 -0.62 l 2.2 -0.93 1.884 -1.492 1.031 -1.492 c -0.197 -1.492 -0.411 -0.405 -0.411 0.12 c -0.411 1.152 0.278 1.677 0.98 1.677 c 1.833 1.677 2.34 0.93 2.34 0.146 c 2.34 0.089 l 0 0.089 l h 1.91 0.399 m 1.821 1.176 1.302 1.342 0.974 1.342 c 0.335 1.342 0.051 0.823 0.006 0.399 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 224.3002 35.1534 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.17 0.025 -0.366 0.245 -0.366 c 0.398 -0.366 0.55 -0.259 0.664 -0.177 c 0.664 -0.555 l 0.582 -0.618 0.424 -0.695 0.164 -0.695 c 0.057 -0.695 -0.221 -0.689 -0.316 -0.423 c -0.355 -0.316 -0.361 -0.094 -0.361 0.071 c -0.361 2.063 l -0.993 2.063 l -0.993 2.379 l -0.361 2.379 l -0.361 3.663 l 0 3.663 l 0 2.379 l 0.664 2.379 l 0.664 2.063 l 0 2.063 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 226.1531 35.2489 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.62 l 0 -1.081 -0.026 -1.34 -0.292 -1.733 c -0.5 -1.587 l -0.304 -1.271 -0.259 -1.101 -0.259 -0.733 c -0.5 -0.733 l -0.5 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 232.2437 34.5154 cm 0 0 m -2.618 3.858 l -2.618 0 l -3.036 0 l -3.036 4.466 l -2.618 4.466 l 0.032 0.644 l 0 4.37 0 4.466 v 0.417 4.466 l 0.417 0 l h f Q Q q 1 0 0 1 237.6843 34.5154 cm 0 0 m -0.343 0 l -1.411 3.612 l -2.474 0 l -2.809 0 l -4.132 4.466 l -3.675 4.466 l -2.626 0.76 l -1.563 4.466 l -1.271 4.466 l -0.172 0.76 l 0.848 4.466 l 1.271 4.466 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 253.2738 34.5154 cm 0 0 m -0.34 0 l -1.409 3.612 l -2.473 0 l -2.807 0 l -4.13 4.466 l -3.673 4.466 l -2.624 0.76 l -1.561 4.466 l -1.27 4.466 l -0.17 0.76 l 0.849 4.466 l 1.271 4.466 l h f Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 257.5759 34.5154 cm 0 0 m -0.499 0 -0.733 0.127 -0.733 0.551 c -0.802 0.322 -1.143 -0.063 -1.802 -0.063 c -2.441 -0.063 -2.751 0.328 -2.751 0.76 c -2.751 1.36 -2.239 1.575 -1.239 1.802 c -0.733 1.917 l -0.733 2.151 l -0.733 2.442 -0.879 2.764 -1.435 2.764 c -2.055 2.764 -2.251 2.524 -2.251 2.037 c -2.661 2.106 l -2.587 2.72 -2.175 3.093 -1.48 3.093 c -0.955 3.093 -0.373 2.935 -0.373 2.183 c -0.373 0.861 l -0.373 0.456 -0.359 0.298 0.013 0.298 c 0.077 0.298 l 0.077 0 l h -0.733 1.593 m -0.922 1.544 l -1.947 1.271 -2.39 1.208 -2.39 0.766 c -2.39 0.557 -2.226 0.265 -1.782 0.265 c -1.416 0.265 -0.967 0.487 -0.815 0.835 c -0.759 0.961 -0.733 1.088 -0.733 1.366 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 258.6012 35.3763 cm 0 0 m 0.051 -0.208 0.278 -0.596 0.842 -0.596 c 1.424 -0.596 1.612 -0.273 1.612 -0.008 c 1.612 0.252 1.462 0.43 0.962 0.538 c 0.607 0.613 l 0.138 0.714 -0.177 0.923 -0.177 1.365 c -0.177 1.474 -0.157 1.764 0.081 1.979 c 0.291 2.169 0.639 2.232 0.904 2.232 c 0.993 2.232 1.366 2.232 1.644 2.036 c 1.878 1.872 1.949 1.65 1.972 1.549 c 1.619 1.454 l 1.55 1.803 1.189 1.904 0.886 1.904 c 0.272 1.904 0.19 1.581 0.19 1.398 c 0.19 1.043 0.563 0.961 0.822 0.911 c 1.138 0.848 l 1.67 0.74 1.972 0.436 1.972 -0.032 c 1.972 -0.38 1.696 -0.937 0.847 -0.937 c 0.594 -0.937 -0.044 -0.898 -0.367 -0.127 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 263.6801 34.5154 cm 0 0 m 0 1.909 l 0 2.29 -0.095 2.738 -0.707 2.738 c -1.164 2.738 -1.378 2.479 -1.468 2.315 c -1.588 2.081 -1.593 1.828 -1.593 1.303 c -1.593 0 l -1.972 0 l -1.972 4.466 l -1.593 4.466 l -1.593 2.536 l -1.498 2.733 -1.245 3.081 -0.658 3.081 c -0.525 3.081 -0.087 3.055 0.17 2.708 c 0.342 2.479 0.367 2.233 0.367 1.702 c 0.367 0 l h f Q Q 265.319 38.816 0.366 -0.575 re 265.319 38.241 m 265.319 37.532 0.366 -3.017 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 268.9229 34.5154 cm 0 0 m 0 1.569 l 0 1.974 0 2.213 -0.069 2.392 c -0.182 2.682 -0.493 2.745 -0.695 2.745 c -1.321 2.745 -1.6 2.276 -1.6 1.727 c -1.6 0 l -1.972 0 l -1.972 3.017 l -1.6 3.017 l -1.6 2.479 l -1.576 2.562 -1.385 3.081 -0.651 3.081 c -0.087 3.081 0.171 2.771 0.266 2.562 c 0.367 2.347 0.373 2.132 0.373 1.715 c 0.373 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 273.034 37.5322 cm 0 0 m 0 -3.206 l 0 -3.838 -0.164 -4.56 -1.34 -4.56 c -2.315 -4.56 -2.625 -3.978 -2.644 -3.485 c -2.252 -3.415 l -2.201 -3.751 -2.106 -4.238 -1.289 -4.238 c -0.537 -4.238 -0.361 -3.833 -0.361 -3.042 c -0.361 -2.436 l -0.386 -2.58 -0.613 -3.08 -1.36 -3.08 c -2.151 -3.08 -2.668 -2.46 -2.668 -1.493 c -2.668 -0.379 -2.029 0.064 -1.354 0.064 c -0.892 0.064 -0.461 -0.183 -0.361 -0.556 c -0.361 0 l h -1.328 -2.745 m -0.6 -2.745 -0.373 -2.233 -0.373 -1.461 c -0.373 -0.929 -0.505 -0.258 -1.309 -0.258 c -1.878 -0.258 -2.288 -0.67 -2.288 -1.48 c -2.288 -2.201 -1.998 -2.745 -1.328 -2.745 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 274.919 35.1534 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.17 0.025 -0.366 0.247 -0.366 c 0.398 -0.366 0.551 -0.259 0.664 -0.177 c 0.664 -0.555 l 0.582 -0.618 0.424 -0.695 0.165 -0.695 c 0.057 -0.695 -0.221 -0.689 -0.316 -0.423 c -0.354 -0.316 -0.361 -0.094 -0.361 0.071 c -0.361 2.063 l -0.993 2.063 l -0.993 2.379 l -0.361 2.379 l -0.361 3.663 l 0 3.663 l 0 2.379 l 0.664 2.379 l 0.664 2.063 l 0 2.063 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 277.6266 34.4395 cm 0 0 m -0.779 0 -1.353 0.576 -1.353 1.549 c -1.353 2.485 -0.842 3.169 0.026 3.169 c 0.968 3.169 1.372 2.366 1.385 1.6 c 1.385 0.475 0.658 0 0 0 c 0.02 2.853 m -0.526 2.853 -0.956 2.454 -0.956 1.549 c -0.956 0.62 -0.469 0.329 0.006 0.329 c 0.474 0.329 0.986 0.633 0.986 1.6 c 0.986 2.548 0.494 2.853 0.02 2.853 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 282.0543 34.5154 cm 0 0 m 0 1.569 l 0 1.974 0 2.213 -0.07 2.392 c -0.183 2.682 -0.493 2.745 -0.696 2.745 c -1.322 2.745 -1.601 2.276 -1.601 1.727 c -1.601 0 l -1.974 0 l -1.974 3.017 l -1.601 3.017 l -1.601 2.479 l -1.576 2.562 -1.385 3.081 -0.651 3.081 c -0.089 3.081 0.17 2.771 0.265 2.562 c 0.366 2.347 0.373 2.132 0.373 1.715 c 0.373 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 283.9955 35.2489 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.62 l 0 -1.081 -0.025 -1.34 -0.292 -1.733 c -0.499 -1.587 l -0.304 -1.271 -0.259 -1.101 -0.259 -0.733 c -0.499 -0.733 l -0.499 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 288.4359 38.9813 cm 0 0 m 0.601 0 1.088 -0.019 1.536 -0.493 c 1.79 -0.759 2.139 -1.316 2.139 -2.22 c 2.139 -2.461 2.112 -3.321 1.55 -3.941 c 1.48 -4.016 1.271 -4.231 0.974 -4.345 c 0.676 -4.46 0.393 -4.466 -0.221 -4.466 c -1.385 -4.466 l -1.385 0 l h -0.956 -4.087 m -0.284 -4.087 l 0.303 -4.087 0.665 -4.061 0.904 -3.947 c 1.499 -3.676 1.708 -2.853 1.708 -2.233 c 1.708 -1.796 1.562 -0.753 0.81 -0.475 c 0.563 -0.386 0.336 -0.386 -0.171 -0.386 c -0.956 -0.386 l h f Q Q 291.485 35.249 0.5 -0.733 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 296.1027 37.7221 cm 0 0 m -0.108 0.48 -0.432 1 -1.292 1 c -2.601 1 -2.765 -0.341 -2.765 -0.948 c -2.765 -1.701 -2.625 -2.942 -1.209 -2.942 c -0.57 -2.942 -0.152 -2.554 0 -1.993 c 0.398 -2.232 l 0.042 -2.966 -0.432 -3.32 -1.259 -3.32 c -2.834 -3.32 -3.208 -2.005 -3.208 -0.999 c -3.208 -0.075 -2.878 1.373 -1.304 1.373 c -0.229 1.373 0.176 0.817 0.429 0.215 c h f Q Q 297.393 35.249 0.5 -0.733 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 300.8135 34.8633 cm 0 0 m 0.69 0.418 1.525 1.051 1.981 1.525 c 2.119 1.671 2.555 2.131 2.555 2.808 c 2.555 3.428 2.139 3.871 1.448 3.871 c 0.88 3.871 0.361 3.498 0.361 2.865 c 0.361 2.473 0.589 2.202 0.672 2.107 c 0.152 2.17 l 0.013 2.518 -0.006 2.739 -0.006 2.903 c -0.006 3.593 0.463 4.207 1.456 4.207 c 2.145 4.207 2.973 3.84 2.973 2.783 c 2.973 2.569 2.942 2.233 2.67 1.803 c 2.114 0.917 0.746 0.089 0.583 0 c 2.821 0 l 2.821 -0.348 l 0 -0.348 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 306.2919 39.0698 cm 0 0 m 1.519 0 1.562 -1.923 1.562 -2.372 c 1.562 -2.852 1.417 -4.636 -0.019 -4.636 c -1.057 -4.636 -1.576 -3.643 -1.576 -2.284 c -1.576 -1.518 -1.322 0 0 0 c -0.006 -4.283 m 0.828 -4.283 1.139 -3.404 1.139 -2.359 c 1.139 -1.297 0.822 -0.348 -0.006 -0.348 c -0.999 -0.348 -1.151 -1.721 -1.151 -2.309 c -1.151 -3.239 -0.925 -4.283 -0.006 -4.283 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 310.2958 39.0698 cm 0 0 m 1.518 0 1.563 -1.923 1.563 -2.372 c 1.563 -2.852 1.417 -4.636 -0.019 -4.636 c -1.057 -4.636 -1.576 -3.643 -1.576 -2.284 c -1.576 -1.518 -1.323 0 0 0 c -0.006 -4.283 m 0.828 -4.283 1.139 -3.404 1.139 -2.359 c 1.139 -1.297 0.822 -0.348 -0.006 -0.348 c -1 -0.348 -1.151 -1.721 -1.151 -2.309 c -1.151 -3.239 -0.925 -4.283 -0.006 -4.283 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 314.2991 39.0698 cm 0 0 m 1.519 0 1.563 -1.923 1.563 -2.372 c 1.563 -2.852 1.417 -4.636 -0.018 -4.636 c -1.055 -4.636 -1.575 -3.643 -1.575 -2.284 c -1.575 -1.518 -1.321 0 0 0 c -0.006 -4.283 m 0.83 -4.283 1.139 -3.404 1.139 -2.359 c 1.139 -1.297 0.823 -0.348 -0.006 -0.348 c -0.999 -0.348 -1.151 -1.721 -1.151 -2.309 c -1.151 -3.239 -0.924 -4.283 -0.006 -4.283 c f Q Q q 1 0 0 1 319.1824 35.6344 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.119 l -0.387 -1.119 l -0.387 0 l -2.379 0 l -2.379 0.324 l -0.417 3.347 l 0 3.347 l 0 0.348 l 0.696 0.348 l 0.696 0 l h -0.387 2.72 m -1.941 0.348 l -0.387 0.348 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 333.459 34.5154 cm 0 0 m -0.31 0 l -1.057 2.485 l -1.796 0 l -2.113 0 l -3.132 3.017 l -2.771 3.017 l -1.962 0.581 l -1.22 3.017 l -0.904 3.017 l -0.159 0.581 l 0.594 3.017 l 0.955 3.017 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 338.1263 34.5154 cm 0 0 m -0.31 0 l -1.057 2.485 l -1.796 0 l -2.113 0 l -3.13 3.017 l -2.77 3.017 l -1.961 0.581 l -1.221 3.017 l -0.904 3.017 l -0.158 0.581 l 0.594 3.017 l 0.955 3.017 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 342.7948 34.5154 cm 0 0 m -0.31 0 l -1.057 2.485 l -1.796 0 l -2.113 0 l -3.133 3.017 l -2.772 3.017 l -1.962 0.581 l -1.221 3.017 l -0.904 3.017 l -0.158 0.581 l 0.594 3.017 l 0.955 3.017 l h f Q 344.217 35.249 0.499 -0.733 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 348.2588 37.5322 cm 0 0 m 0 -3.206 l 0 -3.838 -0.165 -4.56 -1.34 -4.56 c -2.316 -4.56 -2.625 -3.978 -2.644 -3.485 c -2.252 -3.415 l -2.202 -3.751 -2.106 -4.238 -1.29 -4.238 c -0.538 -4.238 -0.361 -3.833 -0.361 -3.042 c -0.361 -2.436 l -0.386 -2.58 -0.613 -3.08 -1.36 -3.08 c -2.151 -3.08 -2.669 -2.46 -2.669 -1.493 c -2.669 -0.379 -2.03 0.064 -1.354 0.064 c -0.892 0.064 -0.462 -0.183 -0.361 -0.556 c -0.361 0 l h -1.328 -2.745 m -0.6 -2.745 -0.373 -2.233 -0.373 -1.461 c -0.373 -0.929 -0.505 -0.258 -1.31 -0.258 c -1.878 -0.258 -2.29 -0.67 -2.29 -1.48 c -2.29 -2.201 -1.999 -2.745 -1.328 -2.745 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 352.0912 34.5154 cm 0 0 m -0.5 0 -0.733 0.127 -0.733 0.551 c -0.802 0.322 -1.144 -0.063 -1.802 -0.063 c -2.441 -0.063 -2.751 0.328 -2.751 0.76 c -2.751 1.36 -2.239 1.575 -1.24 1.802 c -0.733 1.917 l -0.733 2.151 l -0.733 2.442 -0.879 2.764 -1.435 2.764 c -2.055 2.764 -2.252 2.524 -2.252 2.037 c -2.663 2.106 l -2.587 2.72 -2.175 3.093 -1.48 3.093 c -0.955 3.093 -0.373 2.935 -0.373 2.183 c -0.373 0.861 l -0.373 0.456 -0.361 0.298 0.013 0.298 c 0.076 0.298 l 0.076 0 l h -0.733 1.593 m -0.923 1.544 l -1.947 1.271 -2.391 1.208 -2.391 0.766 c -2.391 0.557 -2.226 0.265 -1.783 0.265 c -1.416 0.265 -0.968 0.487 -0.816 0.835 c -0.76 0.961 -0.733 1.088 -0.733 1.366 c h f Q Q 353.002 38.981 0.379 -4.466 re f 354.634 38.981 0.379 -4.466 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 358.247 34.5154 cm 0 0 m 0 0.544 l -0.165 0.17 -0.45 -0.069 -0.963 -0.069 c -1.379 -0.069 -1.76 0.152 -1.891 0.57 c -1.955 0.778 -1.975 1.062 -1.975 1.536 c -1.975 3.017 l -1.595 3.017 l -1.595 1.455 l -1.595 1.088 -1.589 0.892 -1.545 0.721 c -1.495 0.537 -1.361 0.279 -0.918 0.279 c -0.766 0.279 -0.444 0.285 -0.203 0.614 c -0.02 0.867 0 1.183 0 1.493 c 0 3.017 l 0.373 3.017 l 0.373 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 360.2519 37.5322 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.493 l 0.095 -0.266 0.347 0.064 0.91 0.064 c 2.011 0.064 2.174 -1.081 2.174 -1.517 c 2.174 -1.973 1.954 -3.086 0.91 -3.086 c 0.386 -3.086 0.101 -2.77 0 -2.51 c 0 -4.617 l -0.367 -4.617 l -0.367 0 l h 0 -1.618 m 0 -2.03 0.075 -2.34 0.328 -2.549 c 0.53 -2.719 0.752 -2.726 0.853 -2.726 c 1.549 -2.726 1.789 -2.048 1.789 -1.467 c 1.789 -0.911 1.549 -0.278 0.847 -0.278 c 0.12 -0.278 0 -1.006 0 -1.467 c h f Q Q 363.3 35.249 0.499 -0.733 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 367.2663 35.1858 cm 0 0 m -0.185 -0.386 -0.526 -0.746 -1.209 -0.746 c -2.063 -0.746 -2.594 -0.113 -2.594 0.816 c -2.594 1.802 -1.993 2.423 -1.146 2.423 c -0.5 2.423 -0.159 2.081 0 1.664 c -0.349 1.582 l -0.48 1.916 -0.811 2.088 -1.164 2.088 c -1.861 2.088 -2.19 1.492 -2.19 0.835 c -2.19 0.159 -1.886 -0.417 -1.197 -0.417 c -0.817 -0.417 -0.557 -0.241 -0.38 0.089 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 369.3719 34.4395 cm 0 0 m -0.778 0 -1.354 0.576 -1.354 1.549 c -1.354 2.485 -0.841 3.169 0.025 3.169 c 0.967 3.169 1.373 2.366 1.385 1.6 c 1.385 0.475 0.658 0 0 0 c 0.019 2.853 m -0.525 2.853 -0.954 2.454 -0.954 1.549 c -0.954 0.62 -0.468 0.329 0.006 0.329 c 0.474 0.329 0.986 0.633 0.986 1.6 c 0.986 2.548 0.493 2.853 0.019 2.853 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 375.3806 34.5154 cm 0 0 m 0 1.891 l 0 2.252 -0.02 2.485 -0.208 2.631 c -0.348 2.738 -0.519 2.738 -0.581 2.738 c -0.918 2.738 -1.152 2.55 -1.291 2.252 c -1.404 2.011 -1.411 1.778 -1.411 1.259 c -1.411 0 l -1.778 0 l -1.778 1.676 l -1.778 2.075 -1.784 2.315 -1.872 2.479 c -1.974 2.664 -2.162 2.738 -2.359 2.738 c -2.524 2.738 -2.833 2.694 -3.03 2.335 c -3.176 2.062 -3.182 1.796 -3.182 1.214 c -3.182 0 l -3.555 0 l -3.555 3.017 l -3.182 3.017 l -3.182 2.392 l -3.105 2.858 -2.681 3.081 -2.284 3.081 c -1.804 3.081 -1.587 2.795 -1.518 2.625 c -1.493 2.562 -1.467 2.479 -1.455 2.327 c -1.411 2.493 -1.372 2.568 -1.335 2.631 c -1.24 2.809 -1.006 3.081 -0.512 3.081 c -0.309 3.081 -0.127 3.042 0.031 2.929 c 0.361 2.701 0.373 2.309 0.373 1.638 c 0.373 0 l h f Q Q /CS0 CS 0.5 SCN 0.483 w 4 M q 1 0 0 1 136.0187 60 cm 0 0 m 0 -14.064 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 231.8199 59.9861 cm 0 0 m 0 -14.061 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 150.1956 55.0924 cm 0 0 m -0.224 1.002 -0.896 2.082 -2.69 2.082 c -5.419 2.082 -5.763 -0.713 -5.763 -1.979 c -5.763 -3.549 -5.473 -6.134 -2.519 -6.134 c -1.187 -6.134 -0.316 -5.329 0 -4.156 c 0.831 -4.658 l 0.092 -6.187 -0.896 -6.923 -2.625 -6.923 c -5.908 -6.923 -6.687 -4.181 -6.687 -2.085 c -6.687 -0.16 -5.999 2.861 -2.717 2.861 c -0.473 2.861 0.37 1.698 0.897 0.447 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 156.7495 57.9538 cm 0 0 m 2.466 0 3.982 -1.783 3.982 -4.774 c 3.982 -7.165 2.915 -9.785 0 -9.785 c -3.178 -9.785 -4.036 -6.87 -4.036 -4.868 c -4.036 -3.14 -3.336 0 0 0 c -0.038 -8.995 m 2.36 -8.995 3.047 -6.569 3.047 -4.747 c 3.047 -3.324 2.44 -0.767 0 -0.767 c -2.307 -0.767 -3.098 -2.993 -3.098 -4.893 c -3.098 -6.093 -2.716 -8.995 -0.038 -8.995 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 169.1991 48.4028 cm 0 0 m -5.46 8.046 l -5.46 0 l -6.332 0 l -6.332 9.314 l -5.46 9.314 l 0.064 1.347 l 0 9.115 0 9.314 v 0.87 9.314 l 0.87 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 178.1262 55.4742 cm 0 0 m -0.092 0.291 -0.198 0.553 -0.383 0.804 c -0.646 1.187 -1.279 1.754 -2.414 1.754 c -4.023 1.754 -4.603 0.871 -4.603 0.09 c -4.603 -1.11 -3.522 -1.411 -2.625 -1.652 c -1.728 -1.884 l -0.053 -2.335 1.002 -3.061 1.002 -4.525 c 1.002 -5.012 0.858 -5.922 -0.145 -6.647 c -0.58 -6.951 -1.253 -7.305 -2.465 -7.305 c -4.246 -7.305 -5.552 -6.541 -5.934 -4.723 c -5.051 -4.26 l -5.025 -4.814 -4.958 -5.051 -4.839 -5.302 c -4.576 -5.883 -3.877 -6.531 -2.465 -6.531 c -0.752 -6.531 0.105 -5.607 0.105 -4.549 c 0.105 -3.523 -0.555 -3.035 -1.872 -2.692 c -2.94 -2.414 l -3.996 -2.138 -5.459 -1.652 -5.459 0.065 c -5.459 1.355 -4.51 2.48 -2.387 2.48 c -1.108 2.48 0.224 2.043 0.817 0.434 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 187.9377 51.8721 cm 0 0 m 0 -2.057 -0.765 -3.703 -3.481 -3.703 c -4.391 -3.703 -6.962 -3.494 -6.962 -0.181 c -6.962 5.845 l -6.093 5.845 l -6.093 -0.424 l -6.093 -2.503 -4.55 -2.888 -3.469 -2.888 c -1.807 -2.888 -0.883 -2.123 -0.883 -0.198 c -0.883 5.845 l 0 5.845 l h f Q Q q 1 0 0 1 190.7453 48.4028 cm 0 0 m 0 9.314 l 0.897 9.314 l 0.897 0.82 l 6.039 0.82 l 6.039 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 199.3175 56.9348 cm 0 0 m 0 -8.532 l -0.884 -8.532 l -0.884 0 l -3.811 0 l -3.811 0.782 l 2.941 0.782 l 2.941 0 l h f Q 203.657 57.717 0.881 -9.314 re f q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 213.6907 48.4028 cm 0 0 m -5.458 8.046 l -5.458 0 l -6.329 0 l -6.329 9.314 l -5.458 9.314 l 0.066 1.347 l 0 9.115 0 9.314 v 0.871 9.314 l 0.871 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 224.2405 53.2722 cm 0 0 m 0 -4.869 l -0.765 -4.869 l -0.765 -3.312 l -1.291 -4.655 -2.453 -5.103 -3.573 -5.103 c -6.435 -5.103 -7.543 -2.691 -7.543 -0.279 c -7.543 1.844 -6.605 4.682 -3.364 4.682 c -1.016 4.682 -0.291 3.139 0.067 2.32 c -0.765 1.87 l -1.042 2.928 -1.754 3.943 -3.284 3.943 c -5.049 3.943 -6.605 2.624 -6.605 -0.239 c -6.605 -2.929 -5.368 -4.314 -3.534 -4.314 c -2.979 -4.314 -0.765 -4.22 -0.765 -0.807 c -4.195 -0.807 l -4.195 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 99.8916 57.7205 cm 0 0 m 1.649 0 2.181 -0.161 2.698 -0.747 c 2.952 -1.037 3.311 -1.625 3.311 -2.568 c 3.311 -3.154 3.152 -3.778 2.779 -4.271 c 2.115 -5.12 1.143 -5.159 -0.426 -5.159 c -2.912 -5.159 l -2.912 -9.389 l -3.763 -9.389 l -3.763 0 l h -2.912 -4.376 m 0.373 -4.376 l 1.542 -4.376 2.446 -3.927 2.446 -2.554 c 2.446 -2.397 2.446 -1.929 2.181 -1.489 c 1.742 -0.773 0.997 -0.747 0.266 -0.747 c -2.912 -0.747 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 108.4279 57.9596 cm 0 0 m 2.488 0 4.015 -1.797 4.015 -4.815 c 4.015 -7.223 2.938 -9.867 0 -9.867 c -3.204 -9.867 -4.069 -6.927 -4.069 -4.908 c -4.069 -3.165 -3.364 0 0 0 c -0.039 -9.07 m 2.381 -9.07 3.072 -6.624 3.072 -4.789 c 3.072 -3.353 2.46 -0.772 0 -0.772 c -2.326 -0.772 -3.125 -3.02 -3.125 -4.935 c -3.125 -6.144 -2.74 -9.07 -0.039 -9.07 c f Q Q q 1 0 0 1 114.7979 48.3316 cm 0 0 m 0 9.389 l 0.904 9.389 l 0.904 0.824 l 6.089 0.824 l 6.089 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 122.336 48.3316 cm 0 0 m 0 9.389 l 0.905 9.389 l 0.905 0.824 l 6.09 0.824 l 6.09 0 l h f Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 246.2756 51.8631 cm 0 0 m 0 -2.06 -0.763 -3.709 -3.483 -3.709 c -4.393 -3.709 -6.965 -3.497 -6.965 -0.185 c -6.965 5.845 l -6.097 5.845 l -6.097 -0.424 l -6.097 -2.509 -4.55 -2.889 -3.471 -2.889 c -1.808 -2.889 -0.884 -2.124 -0.884 -0.199 c -0.884 5.845 l 0 5.845 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 255.9484 48.391 cm 0 0 m -5.463 8.049 l -5.463 0 l -6.334 0 l -6.334 9.317 l -5.463 9.317 l 0.068 1.348 l 0 9.119 0 9.317 v 0.873 9.317 l 0.873 0 l h f Q Q 260.171 57.708 0.883 -9.317 re f q 1 0 0 1 267.1253 48.391 cm 0 0 m -0.791 0 l -4.211 9.317 l -3.233 9.317 l -0.367 1.215 l 2.56 9.317 l 3.499 9.317 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 272.4857 48.391 cm 0 0 m 0 9.317 l 6.08 9.317 l 6.08 8.512 l 0.883 8.512 l 0.883 5.188 l 5.592 5.188 l 5.592 4.369 l 0.883 4.369 l 0.883 0.819 l 6.411 0.819 l 6.411 0 l h f Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 285.2847 57.7083 cm 0 0 m 1.001 0 2.029 -0.159 2.652 -0.911 c 2.969 -1.293 3.243 -1.914 3.243 -2.666 c 3.243 -4.316 1.978 -5.189 0.489 -5.189 c 3.508 -9.317 l 2.401 -9.317 l -0.544 -5.189 l -2.72 -5.189 l -2.72 -9.317 l -3.615 -9.317 l -3.615 0 l h -2.72 -4.419 m 0.063 -4.419 l 1.188 -4.419 2.373 -4.145 2.373 -2.628 c 2.373 -2.456 2.36 -2.008 2.096 -1.583 c 1.659 -0.856 0.908 -0.793 0.158 -0.793 c -2.72 -0.793 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 296.6428 55.4664 cm 0 0 m -0.089 0.29 -0.196 0.553 -0.382 0.805 c -0.644 1.186 -1.278 1.753 -2.412 1.753 c -4.022 1.753 -4.603 0.87 -4.603 0.089 c -4.603 -1.111 -3.519 -1.411 -2.624 -1.653 c -1.728 -1.887 l -0.05 -2.336 1.004 -3.065 1.004 -4.53 c 1.004 -5.016 0.861 -5.928 -0.143 -6.652 c -0.577 -6.958 -1.249 -7.312 -2.466 -7.312 c -4.249 -7.312 -5.553 -6.545 -5.935 -4.726 c -5.052 -4.263 l -5.025 -4.82 -4.96 -5.055 -4.843 -5.306 c -4.575 -5.887 -3.877 -6.534 -2.466 -6.534 c -0.75 -6.534 0.108 -5.612 0.108 -4.552 c 0.108 -3.525 -0.551 -3.039 -1.871 -2.692 c -2.941 -2.418 l -3.997 -2.139 -5.464 -1.653 -5.464 0.064 c -5.464 1.356 -4.511 2.48 -2.386 2.48 c -1.104 2.48 0.226 2.043 0.821 0.434 c h f Q Q 300.036 57.708 0.885 -9.317 re f q 1 0 0 1 306.6595 56.9308 cm 0 0 m 0 -8.54 l -0.883 -8.54 l -0.883 0 l -3.813 0 l -3.813 0.777 l 2.944 0.777 l 2.944 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 314.9342 52.2444 cm 0 0 m 0 -3.853 l -0.871 -3.853 l -0.871 0 l -4.343 5.464 l -3.3 5.464 l -0.423 0.832 l 2.573 5.464 l 3.64 5.464 l h f Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 337.4778 57.7126 cm 0 0 m 1.652 0 2.185 -0.161 2.706 -0.748 c 2.959 -1.039 3.319 -1.626 3.319 -2.572 c 3.319 -3.157 3.158 -3.782 2.785 -4.277 c 2.118 -5.127 1.147 -5.167 -0.422 -5.167 c -2.914 -5.167 l -2.914 -9.405 l -3.767 -9.405 l -3.767 0 l h -2.914 -4.38 m 0.372 -4.38 l 1.546 -4.38 2.452 -3.931 2.452 -2.559 c 2.452 -2.398 2.452 -1.931 2.185 -1.494 c 1.748 -0.772 1 -0.748 0.267 -0.748 c -2.914 -0.748 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 346.2926 57.7126 cm 0 0 m 1.013 0 2.054 -0.161 2.676 -0.921 c 3 -1.306 3.273 -1.931 3.273 -2.689 c 3.273 -4.356 1.999 -5.236 0.496 -5.236 c 3.541 -9.405 l 2.425 -9.405 l -0.545 -5.236 l -2.742 -5.236 l -2.742 -9.405 l -3.648 -9.405 l -3.648 0 l h -2.742 -4.464 m 0.068 -4.464 l 1.2 -4.464 2.399 -4.182 2.399 -2.648 c 2.399 -2.478 2.385 -2.024 2.117 -1.599 c 1.677 -0.865 0.922 -0.801 0.162 -0.801 c -2.742 -0.801 l h f Q Q q 1 0 0 1 352.1399 48.3079 cm 0 0 m 0 9.405 l 6.141 9.405 l 6.141 8.592 l 0.893 8.592 l 0.893 5.238 l 5.647 5.238 l 5.647 4.41 l 0.893 4.41 l 0.893 0.829 l 6.474 0.829 l 6.474 0 l h f Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 366.0835 55.4485 cm 0 0 m -0.095 0.293 -0.202 0.559 -0.386 0.813 c -0.653 1.198 -1.294 1.772 -2.437 1.772 c -4.06 1.772 -4.649 0.879 -4.649 0.092 c -4.649 -1.121 -3.555 -1.424 -2.65 -1.667 c -1.748 -1.903 l -0.057 -2.358 1.013 -3.092 1.013 -4.57 c 1.013 -5.063 0.869 -5.981 -0.148 -6.713 c -0.587 -7.021 -1.266 -7.379 -2.488 -7.379 c -4.289 -7.379 -5.605 -6.606 -5.992 -4.769 c -5.1 -4.301 l -5.076 -4.863 -5.008 -5.101 -4.887 -5.353 c -4.621 -5.939 -3.92 -6.594 -2.488 -6.594 c -0.759 -6.594 0.107 -5.662 0.107 -4.594 c 0.107 -3.556 -0.556 -3.063 -1.894 -2.716 c -2.971 -2.437 l -4.034 -2.158 -5.513 -1.667 -5.513 0.066 c -5.513 1.37 -4.555 2.504 -2.409 2.504 c -1.117 2.504 0.226 2.064 0.826 0.44 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 374.7402 55.4485 cm 0 0 m -0.091 0.293 -0.199 0.559 -0.386 0.813 c -0.652 1.198 -1.293 1.772 -2.436 1.772 c -4.062 1.772 -4.645 0.879 -4.645 0.092 c -4.645 -1.121 -3.559 -1.424 -2.653 -1.667 c -1.744 -1.903 l -0.052 -2.358 1.013 -3.092 1.013 -4.57 c 1.013 -5.063 0.863 -5.981 -0.145 -6.713 c -0.586 -7.021 -1.267 -7.379 -2.491 -7.379 c -4.288 -7.379 -5.61 -6.606 -5.993 -4.769 c -5.102 -4.301 l -5.074 -4.863 -5.005 -5.101 -4.889 -5.353 c -4.622 -5.939 -3.913 -6.594 -2.491 -6.594 c -0.76 -6.594 0.106 -5.662 0.106 -4.594 c 0.106 -3.556 -0.56 -3.063 -1.889 -2.716 c -2.967 -2.437 l -4.034 -2.158 -5.512 -1.667 -5.512 0.066 c -5.512 1.37 -4.555 2.504 -2.414 2.504 c -1.12 2.504 0.225 2.064 0.828 0.44 c h f Q Q q 1 0 0 1 326.221 59.9957 cm 0 0 m 0 -14.063 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 90.1676 56.8906 cm 0 0 m -0.098 -0.098 -0.215 -0.146 -0.353 -0.146 c -0.492 -0.146 -0.61 -0.098 -0.706 0 c -0.803 0.097 -0.851 0.215 -0.851 0.354 c -0.851 0.491 -0.803 0.608 -0.705 0.705 c -0.609 0.803 -0.491 0.85 -0.353 0.85 c -0.215 0.85 -0.098 0.803 0 0.705 c 0.098 0.608 0.146 0.491 0.146 0.354 c 0.146 0.216 0.098 0.098 0 0 c -0.658 0.657 m -0.741 0.573 -0.784 0.472 -0.784 0.353 c -0.784 0.233 -0.741 0.132 -0.659 0.048 c -0.575 -0.036 -0.474 -0.078 -0.355 -0.078 c -0.234 -0.078 -0.134 -0.036 -0.05 0.048 c 0.034 0.132 0.075 0.233 0.075 0.353 c 0.075 0.472 0.034 0.573 -0.05 0.657 c -0.134 0.741 -0.236 0.783 -0.355 0.783 c -0.473 0.783 -0.575 0.741 -0.658 0.657 c -0.362 0.63 m -0.295 0.63 -0.244 0.623 -0.212 0.61 c -0.157 0.586 -0.127 0.539 -0.127 0.472 c -0.127 0.422 -0.145 0.386 -0.181 0.364 c -0.199 0.351 -0.226 0.342 -0.26 0.336 c -0.217 0.33 -0.186 0.312 -0.166 0.283 c -0.147 0.254 -0.136 0.225 -0.136 0.198 c -0.136 0.157 l -0.136 0.145 -0.136 0.131 -0.136 0.117 c -0.134 0.102 -0.133 0.093 -0.131 0.088 c -0.127 0.081 l -0.217 0.081 l -0.218 0.083 -0.219 0.085 -0.219 0.087 c -0.22 0.088 -0.22 0.09 -0.22 0.093 c -0.222 0.11 l -0.222 0.154 l -0.222 0.217 -0.24 0.259 -0.274 0.28 c -0.295 0.291 -0.33 0.297 -0.382 0.297 c -0.459 0.297 l -0.459 0.081 l -0.556 0.081 l -0.556 0.63 l h -0.257 0.542 m -0.281 0.555 -0.321 0.562 -0.377 0.562 c -0.459 0.562 l -0.459 0.366 l -0.371 0.366 l -0.329 0.366 -0.298 0.37 -0.278 0.377 c -0.24 0.392 -0.22 0.421 -0.22 0.462 c -0.22 0.502 -0.232 0.528 -0.257 0.542 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 44.3633 57.7147 cm 0 0 m 0.213 -2.77 l -0.288 -2.77 l -0.505 -1.767 -0.705 -1.473 -1.094 -1.098 c -1.655 -0.557 -2.374 -0.286 -3.254 -0.286 c -4.453 -0.286 -5.365 -0.759 -5.989 -1.706 c -6.512 -2.505 -6.774 -3.456 -6.774 -4.56 c -6.774 -5.456 -6.6 -6.273 -6.251 -7.012 c -5.902 -7.75 -5.445 -8.292 -4.88 -8.636 c -4.315 -8.98 -3.735 -9.152 -3.14 -9.152 c -2.79 -9.152 -2.454 -9.109 -2.128 -9.023 c -1.803 -8.937 -1.489 -8.81 -1.186 -8.642 c -1.186 -6.576 l -1.186 -6.081 -1.222 -5.962 -1.294 -5.809 c -1.366 -5.656 -1.478 -5.54 -1.629 -5.46 c -1.78 -5.38 -2.047 -5.339 -2.428 -5.339 c -2.428 -4.812 l 1.248 -4.812 l 1.248 -5.339 l 1.068 -5.339 l 0.694 -5.339 0.438 -5.466 0.299 -5.718 c 0.203 -5.898 0.155 -6.048 0.155 -6.576 c 0.155 -8.825 l -0.378 -9.109 -0.903 -9.317 -1.422 -9.45 c -1.941 -9.582 -2.518 -9.649 -3.152 -9.649 c -4.973 -9.649 -6.356 -9.065 -7.3 -7.897 c -8.009 -7.021 -8.363 -6.01 -8.363 -4.865 c -8.363 -4.035 -8.164 -3.24 -7.764 -2.48 c -7.291 -1.576 -6.641 -0.881 -5.814 -0.394 c -5.122 0.008 -4.305 0.211 -3.362 0.211 c -3.018 0.211 -2.706 0.183 -2.425 0.127 c -2.144 0.072 -1.746 -0.051 -1.23 -0.24 c -0.97 -0.337 -0.931 -0.366 -0.844 -0.386 c -0.72 -0.412 -0.557 -0.372 -0.507 -0.285 c -0.443 -0.17 -0.443 -0.07 -0.438 0 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 50.0493 57.7173 cm 0 0 m -3.259 -7.548 l -3.547 -8.241 -3.774 -8.525 -4.013 -8.75 c -4.163 -8.892 -4.426 -9.016 -4.816 -9.061 c -4.816 -9.453 l -1.825 -9.453 l -1.825 -9.061 l -2.26 -9.045 -2.57 -8.969 -2.707 -8.859 c -2.845 -8.749 -2.921 -8.646 -2.921 -8.462 c -2.921 -8.28 -2.842 -8.148 -2.684 -7.777 c -2.046 -6.299 l 1.64 -6.299 l 2.201 -7.657 l 2.388 -8.099 2.489 -8.27 2.489 -8.474 c 2.489 -8.627 2.423 -8.757 2.29 -8.864 c 2.158 -8.971 1.894 -9.022 1.517 -9.04 c 1.517 -9.453 l 4.894 -9.453 l 5.685 -9.453 l 12.628 -9.453 l 13.448 -6.893 l 12.987 -6.814 l 12.744 -7.399 12.502 -7.827 12.26 -8.098 c 12.018 -8.37 11.749 -8.559 11.456 -8.665 c 11.162 -8.772 10.889 -8.857 10.162 -8.857 c 9.47 -8.857 l 8.859 -8.857 8.496 -8.834 8.379 -8.788 c 8.263 -8.741 8.177 -8.668 8.121 -8.57 c 8.047 -8.425 8.009 -8.159 8.009 -7.771 c 8.009 -1.804 l 8.009 -1.246 8.046 -1.151 8.12 -1.004 c 8.193 -0.856 8.329 -0.734 8.53 -0.636 c 8.729 -0.54 9.077 -0.484 9.574 -0.488 c 9.574 -0.001 l 5.302 -0.001 l 5.302 -0.488 l 5.66 -0.488 l 6.019 -0.488 6.29 -0.603 6.472 -0.811 c 6.603 -0.962 6.668 -1.079 6.668 -1.679 c 6.668 -7.765 l 6.668 -8.311 6.619 -8.532 6.521 -8.683 c 6.351 -8.942 5.749 -9 5.339 -9.011 c 4.958 -9 4.587 -8.947 4.372 -8.758 c 4.156 -8.569 3.914 -8.281 3.649 -7.644 c 0.49 -0.001 l h -1.782 -5.576 m -0.163 -1.925 l 1.442 -5.576 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 71.5601 50.946 cm 0 0 m 0.478 -0.122 l -0.341 -2.682 l -7.668 -2.682 l -7.668 -2.221 l -7.311 -2.221 l -6.91 -2.221 -6.622 -2.089 -6.449 -1.826 c -6.352 -1.675 -6.302 -1.539 -6.302 -0.993 c -6.302 5.092 l -6.302 5.692 -6.368 5.818 -6.498 5.969 c -6.68 6.177 -6.951 6.282 -7.311 6.282 c -7.668 6.282 l -7.668 6.77 l -3.396 6.77 l -3.396 6.282 l -3.893 6.286 -4.241 6.24 -4.44 6.143 c -4.64 6.046 -4.777 5.924 -4.851 5.776 c -4.924 5.628 -4.961 5.526 -4.961 4.967 c -4.961 -1 l -4.961 -1.388 -4.923 -1.654 -4.849 -1.799 c -4.794 -1.897 -4.707 -1.97 -4.591 -2.016 c -4.474 -2.063 -4.111 -2.086 -3.499 -2.086 c -2.808 -2.086 l -2.081 -2.086 -1.825 -1.959 -1.532 -1.852 c -1.239 -1.745 -0.97 -1.556 -0.728 -1.285 c -0.485 -1.013 -0.243 -0.585 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 81.2877 57.7159 cm 0 0 m -3.128 0.001 l -3.128 -0.49 l -2.771 -0.49 l -2.412 -0.49 -2.141 -0.595 -1.958 -0.804 c -1.828 -0.954 -1.762 -1.087 -1.762 -1.687 c -1.762 -5.5 l -1.762 -6.501 -1.851 -7.211 -2.031 -7.63 c -2.21 -8.048 -2.544 -8.392 -3.033 -8.661 c -3.521 -8.929 -4.075 -9.064 -4.694 -9.064 c -5.179 -9.064 -5.587 -8.978 -5.919 -8.807 c -6.252 -8.636 -6.507 -8.418 -6.683 -8.154 c -6.861 -7.89 -6.982 -7.522 -7.05 -7.05 c -7.117 -6.577 -7.151 -6.158 -7.151 -5.792 c -7.151 -1.687 l -7.151 -1.148 -7.094 -1.037 -6.978 -0.867 c -6.811 -0.615 -6.534 -0.491 -6.146 -0.491 c -5.786 -0.491 l -5.786 0.001 l -9.858 0.001 l -9.858 -0.491 l -9.505 -0.491 l -9.149 -0.491 -8.892 -0.583 -8.732 -0.767 c -8.573 -0.952 -8.493 -1.096 -8.493 -1.687 c -8.493 -5.368 l -8.493 -6.503 -8.419 -7.276 -8.269 -7.687 c -8.046 -8.289 -7.667 -8.769 -7.132 -9.125 c -6.598 -9.481 -5.814 -9.66 -4.783 -9.66 c -3.833 -9.66 -3.084 -9.473 -2.533 -9.101 c -1.982 -8.728 -1.613 -8.281 -1.424 -7.76 c -1.236 -7.238 -1.141 -6.505 -1.141 -5.56 c -1.141 -1.737 l -1.141 -1.206 -1.088 -1.018 -0.909 -0.808 c -0.711 -0.574 -0.408 -0.49 -0.132 -0.49 c 0 -0.49 l 0.442 -0.49 l 0.577 -0.49 l 0.938 -0.49 1.162 -0.589 1.348 -0.795 c 1.489 -0.952 1.584 -1.082 1.584 -1.687 c 1.584 -7.773 l 1.584 -8.322 1.537 -8.458 1.442 -8.604 c 1.269 -8.869 0.98 -9.002 0.577 -9.002 c 0.218 -9.002 l 0.217 -9.45 l 4.29 -9.45 l 4.29 -9.003 l 3.926 -9.003 l 3.566 -9.003 3.297 -8.907 3.121 -8.698 c 2.989 -8.552 2.924 -8.378 2.924 -7.773 c 2.924 -5.196 l 3.274 -5.236 3.554 -5.248 3.799 -5.256 c 4.066 -5.265 4.178 -5.272 4.438 -5.265 c 5.348 -5.243 6.162 -4.996 6.744 -4.574 c 7.302 -4.168 7.691 -3.491 7.691 -2.676 c 7.691 -1.785 7.331 -1.257 7.122 -1.007 c 6.795 -0.616 6.437 -0.362 5.933 -0.199 c 5.468 -0.049 4.67 0.003 3.66 0.003 c h 5.473 -4.394 m 5.059 -4.67 4.651 -4.754 4.259 -4.79 c 4.053 -4.81 3.754 -4.81 3.558 -4.801 c 3.312 -4.79 3.096 -4.761 2.924 -4.727 c 2.924 -0.636 l 3.134 -0.578 3.683 -0.552 3.834 -0.553 c 4.285 -0.557 4.625 -0.581 4.962 -0.68 c 5.277 -0.772 5.608 -0.927 5.922 -1.348 c 6.211 -1.736 6.329 -2.119 6.329 -2.696 c 6.329 -3.36 6.003 -4.041 5.473 -4.394 c f Q Q endstream endobj 10 0 obj <> endobj 15 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#20425#20M/DeviceCMYK<>] endobj 203 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 200 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 197 0 obj <>stream /CS0 CS 1 SCN 4 M /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 36 36.1429 cm 0 0 m 540 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 36 26.463 Tm [(C\037)15(\036)-30(\035)-10(\034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030 \251 \027\026\026\025 G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036)90(,)70( I\021)10(\020.)70( A\023)-5(\023 \034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030)-10(\017 \034)-10(\016)-15(\017\016\034)15(\r)-15(\016\f)25(.)]TJ /Span<>> BDC 23.34 0 Td ( )Tj EMC 43.385 0 Td (\013\013)Tj ET Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 54 747.9152 Tm [(co)5(mm)10(unit)-15(y)85(,)70( )-133(cr)10(eates )-133(an )-133(en)5(vir)10(o)5(nment )-133(that )-133(makes )-133(tal)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.727 TD [(ented people want to co)5(me and sta)5(y)85(.)]TJ ET Q 0 0 0 0 k 54 442.915 234.533 264.6 re f /PlacedGraphic /MC0 BDC 286.956 443.207 -232.664 264.016 re f q 54 442.915 233.248 264.6 re W n 0.4 SCN 0.584 w 286.956 443.207 -232.664 264.016 re S Q q 54 442.915 234.533 264.6 re W n /CS1 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 73.0642 489.7354 cm 0 0 m 0.233 0.249 1.894 4.219 2.027 4.436 c 2.143 4.667 3.954 8.571 4.004 8.903 c 4.037 9.086 4.219 9.103 4.385 9.103 c 6.595 9.103 7.16 9.153 7.342 9.153 c 7.426 9.153 7.442 9.103 7.442 9.037 c 7.442 8.655 l 7.442 8.556 7.426 8.505 7.309 8.505 c 6.578 8.505 l 6.08 8.505 6.03 8.206 6.03 7.824 c 6.03 7.343 5.98 4.966 5.98 3.854 c 5.98 2.691 l 5.98 1.86 6.03 -0.831 6.03 -1.163 c 6.03 -1.794 6.179 -2.06 6.595 -2.06 c 7.575 -2.06 l 7.675 -2.06 7.691 -2.11 7.691 -2.176 c 7.691 -2.559 l 7.691 -2.658 7.675 -2.708 7.542 -2.708 c 7.342 -2.708 7.043 -2.658 5.216 -2.658 c 3.688 -2.658 3.04 -2.708 2.824 -2.708 c 2.708 -2.708 2.691 -2.658 2.691 -2.559 c 2.691 -2.176 l 2.691 -2.093 2.708 -2.06 2.824 -2.06 c 3.954 -2.06 l 4.236 -2.06 4.385 -1.96 4.419 -1.462 c 4.435 -1.262 4.452 1.627 4.452 2.858 c 4.452 3.92 l 4.452 5.017 4.452 7.974 4.402 8.123 c 4.369 8.123 l 4.203 7.907 1.844 2.675 1.761 2.508 c 1.661 2.308 -0.183 -1.928 -0.249 -2.077 c -0.316 -2.226 -0.448 -2.475 -0.581 -2.475 c -0.681 -2.475 -0.764 -2.343 -0.831 -2.176 c -0.88 -2.06 -3.007 3.19 -3.09 3.388 c -3.405 4.153 -4.917 7.874 -5.15 8.074 c -5.216 7.841 -5.249 3.638 -5.249 3.438 c -5.249 3.239 -5.266 -0.266 -5.216 -0.848 c -5.133 -1.794 -4.983 -2.06 -4.452 -2.06 c -3.621 -2.06 l -3.522 -2.06 -3.505 -2.11 -3.505 -2.176 c -3.505 -2.591 l -3.505 -2.658 -3.522 -2.708 -3.655 -2.708 c -3.837 -2.708 -4.286 -2.658 -5.665 -2.658 c -7.077 -2.658 -7.658 -2.708 -7.808 -2.708 c -7.94 -2.708 -7.957 -2.691 -7.957 -2.559 c -7.957 -2.16 l -7.957 -2.11 -7.94 -2.06 -7.857 -2.06 c -6.977 -2.06 l -6.346 -2.06 -6.196 -1.628 -6.097 -1.063 c -5.897 0.116 -5.847 4.369 -5.847 4.667 c -5.847 4.9 -5.847 7.409 -5.864 7.89 c -5.881 8.272 -5.864 8.505 -6.545 8.505 c -7.558 8.505 l -7.658 8.505 -7.675 8.556 -7.675 8.622 c -7.675 9.053 l -7.675 9.103 -7.658 9.153 -7.558 9.153 c -7.392 9.153 -6.944 9.103 -5.532 9.103 c -4.751 9.103 -4.319 9.153 -4.12 9.153 c -3.87 9.153 -3.771 9.086 -3.688 8.87 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 85.639 490.7315 cm 0 0 m -0.598 -0.448 -2.226 -0.781 -2.226 -2.159 c -2.226 -2.774 -1.861 -3.073 -1.362 -3.073 c -0.88 -3.073 0 -2.491 0 -2.043 c h 1.212 -1.677 m 1.212 -2.625 1.412 -2.924 1.711 -2.924 c 1.977 -2.924 2.209 -2.79 2.292 -2.674 c 2.359 -2.591 2.392 -2.557 2.458 -2.608 c 2.625 -2.741 l 2.674 -2.79 2.708 -2.873 2.608 -3.04 c 2.475 -3.289 2.159 -3.853 1.312 -3.853 c 0.714 -3.853 0.282 -3.421 0.133 -2.741 c 0.1 -2.741 l -0.249 -3.156 -0.797 -3.504 -1.545 -3.755 c -1.861 -3.853 -2.16 -3.853 -2.525 -3.853 c -2.924 -3.853 -3.522 -3.521 -3.522 -2.475 c -3.522 -1.71 -3.173 -1.046 -1.861 -0.464 c -1.113 -0.132 -0.249 0.266 0.017 0.499 c 0.017 1.562 l -0.017 1.844 -0.033 2.277 -0.216 2.493 c -0.399 2.708 -0.731 2.858 -1.213 2.858 c -1.545 2.858 -2.06 2.725 -2.293 2.508 c -2.525 2.293 -2.376 2.044 -2.376 1.745 c -2.376 1.163 -2.575 0.798 -3.256 0.798 c -3.522 0.798 -3.655 0.947 -3.655 1.33 c -3.655 1.861 -3.19 2.493 -2.509 2.891 c -1.811 3.306 -1.229 3.473 -0.482 3.473 c 0.299 3.473 0.614 3.24 0.847 3.024 c 1.196 2.675 1.212 2.293 1.212 1.844 c 1.212 -0.697 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 90.1074 491.0979 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.898 0.399 -1.911 0.847 -2.525 c 1.395 -3.24 2.093 -3.373 2.658 -3.373 c 3.489 -3.373 3.92 -3.19 4.485 -2.659 c 4.518 -2.625 4.568 -2.609 4.618 -2.659 c 4.784 -2.824 l 4.851 -2.89 4.867 -2.941 4.784 -3.04 c 4.302 -3.589 3.239 -4.22 2.11 -4.22 c 1.229 -4.22 0.299 -4.02 -0.465 -3.057 c -1.08 -2.244 -1.213 -1.545 -1.213 -0.798 c -1.213 1.146 0.15 3.107 2.342 3.107 c 4.07 3.107 4.601 2.109 4.601 1.761 c 4.585 1.379 4.336 1.179 3.987 1.179 c 3.605 1.179 3.323 1.395 3.073 1.843 c 2.708 2.525 2.359 2.574 1.96 2.574 c 1.013 2.574 0 1.711 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 96.7188 491.4964 cm 0 0 m 0 0.847 -0.133 1.013 -0.598 1.262 c -0.914 1.429 l -1.013 1.462 -1.047 1.478 -1.047 1.545 c -1.047 1.644 l -1.047 1.711 -1.013 1.743 -0.914 1.794 c 0.731 2.64 l 0.83 2.691 0.897 2.708 0.963 2.708 c 1.063 2.708 1.08 2.608 1.08 2.508 c 1.163 1.363 l 1.229 1.363 l 1.728 2.126 2.508 2.807 3.223 2.807 c 3.787 2.807 4.07 2.458 4.07 2.076 c 4.07 1.594 3.671 1.262 3.372 1.262 c 3.189 1.262 3.023 1.328 2.891 1.396 c 2.758 1.478 2.558 1.528 2.342 1.528 c 2.076 1.528 1.645 1.363 1.362 0.831 c 1.262 0.648 1.196 0.349 1.196 0.299 c 1.196 -3.19 l 1.196 -3.704 1.312 -3.871 1.661 -3.871 c 2.442 -3.871 l 2.542 -3.871 2.558 -3.921 2.558 -4.02 c 2.558 -4.32 l 2.558 -4.419 2.542 -4.469 2.475 -4.469 c 2.376 -4.469 1.611 -4.419 0.714 -4.419 c -0.316 -4.419 -1.013 -4.469 -1.113 -4.469 c -1.179 -4.469 -1.213 -4.436 -1.213 -4.302 c -1.213 -4.02 l -1.213 -3.904 -1.179 -3.871 -1.03 -3.871 c -0.382 -3.871 l -0.133 -3.871 -0.017 -3.772 -0.017 -3.555 c 0 -3.007 0 -2.425 0 -1.561 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 106.9016 490.6988 cm 0 0 m 0 1.844 -1.345 3.007 -2.193 3.007 c -2.641 3.007 -3.073 2.907 -3.472 2.475 c -4.12 1.811 -4.352 1.129 -4.352 -0.133 c -4.352 -1.063 -4.253 -1.695 -3.721 -2.458 c -3.339 -3.007 -2.857 -3.322 -2.076 -3.322 c -0.814 -3.322 0 -1.777 0 0 c -4.801 -2.674 m -5.565 -1.761 -5.714 -1.146 -5.714 0.033 c -5.714 0.881 -5.266 1.943 -4.286 2.708 c -3.422 3.372 -2.608 3.506 -2.06 3.506 c -1.146 3.506 -0.233 3.04 0.266 2.541 c 1.013 1.778 1.395 0.914 1.395 -0.166 c 1.395 -1.977 -0.233 -3.821 -2.276 -3.821 c -3.073 -3.821 -4.103 -3.504 -4.801 -2.674 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 113.43 491.9948 cm 0 0 m 0.316 0 0.448 0.082 0.448 0.232 c 0.448 0.614 0.249 1.711 -0.831 1.711 c -1.561 1.711 -2.259 1.229 -2.575 0 c h -2.641 -0.498 m -2.674 -0.648 -2.691 -0.914 -2.691 -1.296 c -2.691 -2.924 -1.661 -4.154 -0.332 -4.154 c 0.681 -4.154 1.395 -3.572 1.677 -3.024 c 1.711 -2.958 1.777 -2.924 1.827 -2.941 c 2.043 -3.057 l 2.093 -3.073 2.126 -3.123 2.043 -3.306 c 1.744 -3.97 0.881 -5.117 -0.598 -5.117 c -1.545 -5.117 -2.591 -4.834 -3.206 -3.937 c -3.788 -3.09 -3.937 -2.475 -3.937 -1.312 c -3.937 -0.665 -3.771 0.449 -2.89 1.329 c -2.176 2.06 -1.346 2.21 -0.515 2.21 c 1.395 2.21 1.927 0.415 1.927 -0.233 c 1.927 -0.466 1.728 -0.498 1.462 -0.498 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 117.7823 491.0979 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.898 0.398 -1.911 0.847 -2.525 c 1.395 -3.24 2.093 -3.373 2.657 -3.373 c 3.488 -3.373 3.921 -3.19 4.485 -2.659 c 4.518 -2.625 4.568 -2.609 4.618 -2.659 c 4.784 -2.824 l 4.85 -2.89 4.867 -2.941 4.784 -3.04 c 4.302 -3.589 3.239 -4.22 2.109 -4.22 c 1.229 -4.22 0.299 -4.02 -0.465 -3.057 c -1.08 -2.244 -1.213 -1.545 -1.213 -0.798 c -1.213 1.146 0.149 3.107 2.342 3.107 c 4.069 3.107 4.601 2.109 4.601 1.761 c 4.585 1.379 4.335 1.179 3.987 1.179 c 3.604 1.179 3.322 1.395 3.073 1.843 c 2.708 2.525 2.359 2.574 1.96 2.574 c 1.013 2.574 0 1.711 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 129.078 490.6988 cm 0 0 m 0 1.844 -1.346 3.007 -2.193 3.007 c -2.641 3.007 -3.073 2.907 -3.472 2.475 c -4.12 1.811 -4.352 1.129 -4.352 -0.133 c -4.352 -1.063 -4.252 -1.695 -3.721 -2.458 c -3.339 -3.007 -2.857 -3.322 -2.077 -3.322 c -0.814 -3.322 0 -1.777 0 0 c -4.801 -2.674 m -5.565 -1.761 -5.714 -1.146 -5.714 0.033 c -5.714 0.881 -5.266 1.943 -4.286 2.708 c -3.422 3.372 -2.608 3.506 -2.06 3.506 c -1.146 3.506 -0.233 3.04 0.266 2.541 c 1.013 1.778 1.395 0.914 1.395 -0.166 c 1.395 -1.977 -0.233 -3.821 -2.276 -3.821 c -3.073 -3.821 -4.103 -3.504 -4.801 -2.674 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 138.4142 487.9743 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.266 0.149 -0.349 0.365 -0.349 c 0.897 -0.349 l 1.046 -0.349 1.08 -0.399 1.08 -0.498 c 1.08 -0.764 l 1.08 -0.88 1.046 -0.947 0.947 -0.947 c 0.83 -0.947 0.316 -0.897 -0.632 -0.897 c -1.479 -0.897 -2.01 -0.947 -2.127 -0.947 c -2.226 -0.947 -2.259 -0.897 -2.259 -0.764 c -2.259 -0.498 l -2.259 -0.382 -2.21 -0.349 -2.044 -0.349 c -1.562 -0.349 l -1.379 -0.349 -1.246 -0.266 -1.229 0.033 c -1.213 0.465 -1.196 0.997 -1.196 1.429 c -1.196 3.621 l -1.196 4.286 -1.196 4.768 -1.678 5.116 c -2.077 5.415 -2.476 5.415 -2.891 5.415 c -3.156 5.415 -3.738 5.299 -4.236 4.768 c -4.568 4.402 -4.618 3.953 -4.618 3.638 c -4.618 0.2 l -4.618 -0.249 -4.568 -0.349 -4.22 -0.349 c -3.804 -0.349 l -3.672 -0.349 -3.638 -0.399 -3.638 -0.514 c -3.638 -0.798 l -3.638 -0.897 -3.672 -0.947 -3.755 -0.947 c -3.871 -0.947 -4.32 -0.897 -5.199 -0.897 c -6.047 -0.897 -6.578 -0.947 -6.678 -0.947 c -6.761 -0.947 -6.795 -0.897 -6.795 -0.798 c -6.795 -0.498 l -6.795 -0.399 -6.761 -0.349 -6.629 -0.349 c -6.147 -0.349 l -5.93 -0.349 -5.815 -0.299 -5.815 -0.017 c -5.815 3.871 l -5.815 4.369 -6.08 4.651 -6.495 4.85 c -6.629 4.918 l -6.744 4.966 -6.761 5.017 -6.761 5.067 c -6.761 5.149 l -6.761 5.233 -6.695 5.283 -6.612 5.316 c -5.183 6.113 l -5.05 6.18 -4.951 6.23 -4.884 6.23 c -4.801 6.23 -4.768 6.162 -4.751 6.03 c -4.635 5.017 l -4.602 5.017 l -4.12 5.615 -3.156 6.23 -2.326 6.23 c -1.828 6.23 -1.313 6.13 -0.914 5.864 c -0.415 5.531 0 4.701 0 4.286 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 146.1049 490.6988 cm 0 0 m 0 1.844 -1.346 3.007 -2.193 3.007 c -2.641 3.007 -3.073 2.907 -3.472 2.475 c -4.12 1.811 -4.352 1.129 -4.352 -0.133 c -4.352 -1.063 -4.253 -1.695 -3.721 -2.458 c -3.339 -3.007 -2.857 -3.322 -2.077 -3.322 c -0.814 -3.322 0 -1.777 0 0 c -4.801 -2.674 m -5.565 -1.761 -5.715 -1.146 -5.715 0.033 c -5.715 0.881 -5.266 1.943 -4.286 2.708 c -3.422 3.372 -2.608 3.506 -2.06 3.506 c -1.146 3.506 -0.233 3.04 0.266 2.541 c 1.013 1.778 1.395 0.914 1.395 -0.166 c 1.395 -1.977 -0.233 -3.821 -2.276 -3.821 c -3.073 -3.821 -4.103 -3.504 -4.801 -2.674 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 154.2117 491.3299 cm 0 0 m 0 1.23 -0.233 1.545 -0.499 1.794 c -0.715 1.993 -1.197 2.093 -1.562 2.093 c -1.994 2.093 -2.692 1.877 -3.157 1.129 c -3.356 0.798 -3.389 0.481 -3.389 0.017 c -3.389 -3.272 l -3.389 -3.538 -3.289 -3.704 -3.057 -3.704 c -2.459 -3.704 l -2.309 -3.704 -2.293 -3.738 -2.293 -3.854 c -2.293 -4.12 l -2.293 -4.236 -2.309 -4.303 -2.426 -4.303 c -2.575 -4.303 -3.024 -4.252 -3.937 -4.252 c -4.817 -4.252 -5.35 -4.303 -5.482 -4.303 c -5.582 -4.303 -5.615 -4.269 -5.615 -4.153 c -5.615 -3.854 l -5.615 -3.721 -5.582 -3.704 -5.416 -3.704 c -4.851 -3.704 l -4.702 -3.704 -4.619 -3.605 -4.602 -3.289 c -4.585 -3.006 -4.585 -2.707 -4.585 -2.425 c -4.585 0.532 l -4.585 0.864 -4.651 1.163 -5.05 1.379 c -5.399 1.562 l -5.482 1.611 -5.516 1.644 -5.516 1.694 c -5.516 1.828 l -5.516 1.877 -5.45 1.943 -5.416 1.96 c -3.954 2.708 l -3.821 2.774 -3.705 2.807 -3.638 2.807 c -3.539 2.807 -3.489 2.692 -3.489 2.575 c -3.423 1.611 l -3.373 1.611 l -2.874 2.293 -1.894 2.875 -0.931 2.875 c -0.067 2.875 0.598 2.376 0.947 1.595 c 1.029 1.595 l 1.528 2.242 2.474 2.875 3.471 2.875 c 4.053 2.875 4.568 2.774 4.967 2.376 c 5.348 1.977 5.764 1.611 5.764 0.332 c 5.764 -3.372 l 5.764 -3.621 5.913 -3.704 6.113 -3.704 c 6.561 -3.704 l 6.71 -3.704 6.744 -3.738 6.744 -3.854 c 6.744 -4.135 l 6.744 -4.252 6.71 -4.303 6.627 -4.303 c 6.511 -4.303 6.046 -4.252 5.249 -4.252 c 4.418 -4.252 3.821 -4.303 3.704 -4.303 c 3.604 -4.303 3.571 -4.252 3.571 -4.135 c 3.571 -3.854 l 3.571 -3.738 3.604 -3.704 3.787 -3.704 c 4.202 -3.704 l 4.386 -3.704 4.518 -3.621 4.535 -3.388 c 4.568 -3.006 4.568 -2.408 4.568 -2.043 c 4.568 0.415 l 4.568 0.964 4.468 1.445 4.086 1.745 c 3.787 1.977 3.355 2.093 2.857 2.093 c 2.359 2.093 1.677 1.711 1.412 1.23 c 1.162 0.747 1.179 0.299 1.179 -0.449 c 1.179 -3.322 l 1.179 -3.538 1.262 -3.704 1.512 -3.704 c 2.076 -3.704 l 2.226 -3.704 2.259 -3.738 2.259 -3.854 c 2.259 -4.12 l 2.259 -4.252 2.226 -4.303 2.143 -4.303 c 2.026 -4.303 1.594 -4.252 0.664 -4.252 c -0.233 -4.252 -0.798 -4.303 -0.897 -4.303 c -0.98 -4.303 -1.014 -4.252 -1.014 -4.135 c -1.014 -3.87 l -1.014 -3.738 -0.997 -3.704 -0.848 -3.704 c -0.366 -3.704 l -0.1 -3.704 0 -3.638 0 -3.422 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 162.3343 496.9786 cm 0 0 m 0 0.415 0.349 0.864 1.013 0.864 c 1.594 0.864 1.877 0.415 1.877 0.049 c 1.877 -0.383 1.578 -0.864 0.914 -0.864 c 0.548 -0.864 0 -0.532 0 0 c 0.748 -5.067 m 0.748 -4.502 0.648 -4.203 -0.183 -4.071 c -0.299 -4.054 -0.332 -4.02 -0.332 -3.954 c -0.332 -3.805 l -0.332 -3.755 -0.299 -3.721 -0.216 -3.689 c 0.316 -3.489 0.947 -3.223 1.578 -2.875 c 1.711 -2.807 1.794 -2.774 1.894 -2.774 c 1.977 -2.774 1.994 -2.858 1.977 -2.974 c 1.944 -3.256 1.944 -4.304 1.944 -5.682 c 1.944 -7.492 l 1.944 -8.14 1.944 -8.738 1.96 -8.921 c 1.994 -9.237 2.043 -9.353 2.227 -9.353 c 2.99 -9.353 l 3.124 -9.353 3.156 -9.403 3.156 -9.503 c 3.156 -9.784 l 3.156 -9.901 3.124 -9.951 3.007 -9.951 c 2.874 -9.951 2.11 -9.901 1.412 -9.901 c 0.449 -9.901 -0.199 -9.951 -0.382 -9.951 c -0.465 -9.951 -0.515 -9.918 -0.515 -9.818 c -0.515 -9.486 l -0.515 -9.386 -0.465 -9.353 -0.349 -9.353 c 0.466 -9.353 l 0.648 -9.353 0.715 -9.287 0.731 -9.021 c 0.748 -8.522 0.748 -8.007 0.748 -7.509 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 167.6506 491.0979 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.898 0.398 -1.911 0.847 -2.525 c 1.395 -3.24 2.093 -3.373 2.658 -3.373 c 3.488 -3.373 3.919 -3.19 4.485 -2.659 c 4.518 -2.625 4.568 -2.609 4.618 -2.659 c 4.784 -2.824 l 4.85 -2.89 4.868 -2.941 4.784 -3.04 c 4.303 -3.589 3.239 -4.22 2.109 -4.22 c 1.229 -4.22 0.299 -4.02 -0.466 -3.057 c -1.08 -2.244 -1.214 -1.545 -1.214 -0.798 c -1.214 1.146 0.15 3.107 2.342 3.107 c 4.068 3.107 4.602 2.109 4.602 1.761 c 4.584 1.379 4.336 1.179 3.987 1.179 c 3.604 1.179 3.322 1.395 3.073 1.843 c 2.707 2.525 2.359 2.574 1.96 2.574 c 1.013 2.574 0 1.711 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 173.73 487.3597 cm 0 0 m -0.082 0.05 -0.082 0.15 -0.099 0.233 c -0.381 1.811 l -0.398 1.894 -0.348 1.928 -0.282 1.943 c -0.066 1.994 l 0 2.01 0.05 1.977 0.083 1.894 c 0.498 1.079 l 0.831 0.466 1.063 0.05 1.944 0.05 c 2.525 0.05 3.257 0.399 3.257 1.18 c 3.257 1.928 2.89 2.359 1.645 2.708 c 0.665 2.99 -0.315 3.506 -0.315 4.818 c -0.315 5.964 0.764 6.845 2.01 6.845 c 2.809 6.845 3.24 6.645 3.539 6.495 c 3.787 6.379 3.822 6.296 3.838 6.196 c 4.086 5.034 l 4.086 4.967 4.053 4.917 3.971 4.884 c 3.771 4.818 l 3.705 4.801 3.672 4.818 3.622 4.901 c 3.057 5.665 l 2.858 5.981 2.542 6.313 1.894 6.313 c 1.263 6.313 0.615 5.93 0.615 5.216 c 0.615 4.253 1.396 4.071 2.21 3.838 c 3.422 3.488 4.187 2.99 4.203 1.711 c 4.187 0.365 3.09 -0.481 1.679 -0.481 c 0.864 -0.481 0.2 -0.15 0 0 c f Q /CS0 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 98.6071 509.3985 cm 0 0 m -0.015 0.009 -0.039 0.013 -0.074 0.013 c -0.126 0.013 l -0.126 -0.108 l -0.07 -0.108 l -0.044 -0.108 -0.025 -0.106 -0.013 -0.101 c 0.011 -0.092 0.023 -0.075 0.023 -0.049 c 0.023 -0.024 0.016 -0.008 0 0 c -0.065 0.055 m -0.023 0.055 0.008 0.051 0.028 0.044 c 0.063 0.027 0.081 -0.001 0.081 -0.043 c 0.081 -0.074 0.07 -0.097 0.047 -0.11 c 0.036 -0.117 0.019 -0.123 -0.002 -0.126 c 0.025 -0.131 0.045 -0.143 0.056 -0.161 c 0.068 -0.178 0.075 -0.196 0.075 -0.213 c 0.075 -0.238 l 0.075 -0.245 0.075 -0.255 0.076 -0.263 c 0.076 -0.272 0.077 -0.278 0.079 -0.28 c 0.081 -0.285 l 0.025 -0.285 l 0.025 -0.284 0.024 -0.283 y 0.023 -0.28 0.023 -0.279 0.023 -0.278 c 0.022 -0.268 l 0.022 -0.241 l 0.022 -0.2 0.011 -0.174 -0.01 -0.162 c -0.023 -0.155 -0.045 -0.151 -0.078 -0.151 c -0.126 -0.151 l -0.126 -0.285 l -0.185 -0.285 l -0.185 0.055 l h -0.249 0.071 m -0.3 0.021 -0.327 -0.043 -0.327 -0.116 c -0.327 -0.192 -0.3 -0.254 -0.249 -0.306 c -0.197 -0.358 -0.134 -0.384 -0.061 -0.384 c 0.015 -0.384 0.076 -0.358 0.129 -0.306 c 0.181 -0.254 0.207 -0.192 0.207 -0.116 c 0.207 -0.043 0.181 0.021 0.129 0.071 c 0.076 0.124 0.014 0.151 -0.061 0.151 c -0.133 0.151 -0.197 0.124 -0.249 0.071 c 0.16 -0.335 m 0.099 -0.397 0.027 -0.427 -0.059 -0.427 c -0.145 -0.427 -0.219 -0.397 -0.278 -0.335 c -0.339 -0.276 -0.369 -0.202 -0.369 -0.116 c -0.369 -0.03 -0.338 0.043 -0.277 0.102 c -0.218 0.164 -0.145 0.192 -0.059 0.192 c 0.027 0.192 0.099 0.164 0.16 0.102 c 0.22 0.043 0.251 -0.03 0.251 -0.116 c 0.251 -0.2 0.22 -0.275 0.16 -0.335 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 70.3206 509.5732 cm 0 0 m 0.132 -1.718 l -0.179 -1.718 l -0.314 -1.097 -0.438 -0.914 -0.68 -0.681 c -1.028 -0.345 -1.475 -0.178 -2.021 -0.178 c -2.766 -0.178 -3.332 -0.47 -3.72 -1.059 c -4.045 -1.554 -4.207 -2.144 -4.207 -2.83 c -4.207 -3.387 -4.099 -3.895 -3.882 -4.353 c -3.665 -4.812 -3.382 -5.147 -3.031 -5.361 c -2.68 -5.576 -2.32 -5.683 -1.95 -5.683 c -1.733 -5.683 -1.523 -5.656 -1.322 -5.603 c -1.119 -5.549 -0.925 -5.469 -0.737 -5.365 c -0.737 -4.083 l -0.737 -3.775 -0.759 -3.701 -0.804 -3.606 c -0.849 -3.511 -0.918 -3.439 -1.012 -3.389 c -1.106 -3.34 -1.271 -3.315 -1.508 -3.315 c -1.508 -2.987 l 0.775 -2.987 l 0.775 -3.315 l 0.663 -3.315 l 0.431 -3.315 0.271 -3.393 0.185 -3.55 c 0.126 -3.662 0.096 -3.755 0.096 -4.083 c 0.096 -5.48 l -0.235 -5.656 -0.561 -5.786 -0.884 -5.868 c -1.206 -5.95 -1.564 -5.991 -1.958 -5.991 c -3.089 -5.991 -3.947 -5.629 -4.534 -4.903 c -4.974 -4.359 -5.194 -3.731 -5.194 -3.02 c -5.194 -2.505 -5.07 -2.012 -4.822 -1.539 c -4.528 -0.978 -4.124 -0.546 -3.611 -0.243 c -3.182 0.007 -2.673 0.133 -2.088 0.133 c -1.875 0.133 -1.681 0.116 -1.506 0.08 c -1.332 0.047 -1.084 -0.029 -0.765 -0.147 c -0.603 -0.207 -0.579 -0.226 -0.524 -0.238 c -0.447 -0.255 -0.346 -0.23 -0.315 -0.175 c -0.275 -0.105 -0.275 -0.042 -0.273 0 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 72.7453 506.1131 cm 0 0 m 1.005 2.268 l 2.002 0 l h 1.106 3.462 m -0.917 -1.225 l -1.097 -1.656 -1.237 -1.83 -1.386 -1.971 c -1.479 -2.06 -1.642 -2.136 -1.885 -2.165 c -1.885 -2.408 l -0.027 -2.408 l -0.027 -2.165 l -0.297 -2.153 -0.49 -2.107 -0.575 -2.039 c -0.66 -1.971 -0.708 -1.906 -0.708 -1.793 c -0.708 -1.68 -0.658 -1.597 -0.56 -1.365 c -0.164 -0.448 l 2.125 -0.448 l 2.473 -1.292 l 2.589 -1.566 2.652 -1.673 2.652 -1.8 c 2.652 -1.895 2.611 -1.975 2.529 -2.043 c 2.446 -2.107 2.282 -2.14 2.048 -2.151 c 2.048 -2.408 l 4.146 -2.408 l 4.637 -2.408 l 8.949 -2.408 l 9.458 -0.818 l 9.172 -0.768 l 9.021 -1.132 8.87 -1.398 8.72 -1.566 c 8.57 -1.735 8.403 -1.853 8.221 -1.918 c 8.039 -1.985 7.869 -2.038 7.418 -2.038 c 6.988 -2.038 l 6.608 -2.038 6.383 -2.024 6.31 -1.995 c 6.238 -1.966 6.185 -1.921 6.15 -1.86 c 6.103 -1.77 6.08 -1.604 6.08 -1.364 c 6.08 2.343 l 6.08 2.689 6.103 2.748 6.149 2.84 c 6.195 2.932 6.279 3.007 6.404 3.067 c 6.527 3.128 6.744 3.163 7.052 3.159 c 7.052 3.462 l 4.399 3.462 l 4.399 3.159 l 4.621 3.159 l 4.844 3.159 5.013 3.088 5.126 2.959 c 5.206 2.866 5.247 2.793 5.247 2.419 c 5.247 -1.359 l 5.247 -1.699 5.217 -1.836 5.156 -1.93 c 5.05 -2.091 4.676 -2.127 4.422 -2.133 c 4.185 -2.127 3.955 -2.094 3.821 -1.975 c 3.687 -1.857 3.538 -1.681 3.373 -1.285 c 1.411 3.462 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 87.2109 505.3705 cm 0 0 m 0.297 -0.075 l -0.212 -1.665 l -4.762 -1.665 l -4.762 -1.378 l -4.54 -1.378 l -4.291 -1.378 -4.113 -1.298 -4.006 -1.134 c -3.944 -1.039 -3.914 -0.956 -3.914 -0.616 c -3.914 3.162 l -3.914 3.535 -3.954 3.614 -4.036 3.708 c -4.149 3.836 -4.317 3.902 -4.54 3.902 c -4.762 3.902 l -4.762 4.205 l -2.11 4.205 l -2.11 3.902 l -2.418 3.905 -2.634 3.877 -2.758 3.815 c -2.882 3.755 -2.967 3.679 -3.012 3.588 c -3.058 3.496 -3.081 3.431 -3.081 3.086 c -3.081 -0.621 l -3.081 -0.862 -3.058 -1.027 -3.012 -1.117 c -2.977 -1.178 -2.923 -1.223 -2.851 -1.252 c -2.779 -1.281 -2.553 -1.295 -2.173 -1.295 c -1.744 -1.295 l -1.292 -1.295 -1.133 -1.216 -0.951 -1.149 c -0.769 -1.084 -0.602 -0.966 -0.452 -0.798 c -0.302 -0.629 -0.151 -0.363 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 96.6511 506.847 cm 0 0 m -0.257 -0.172 -0.511 -0.224 -0.754 -0.247 c -0.882 -0.259 -1.068 -0.259 -1.189 -0.253 c -1.342 -0.247 -1.476 -0.229 -1.583 -0.207 c -1.583 2.332 l -1.453 2.369 -1.112 2.385 -1.018 2.385 c -0.738 2.383 -0.527 2.367 -0.318 2.307 c -0.122 2.248 0.084 2.152 0.278 1.891 c 0.458 1.649 0.532 1.412 0.532 1.053 c 0.532 0.642 0.33 0.219 0 0 c -3.399 2.729 m -5.342 2.729 l -5.342 2.424 l -5.12 2.424 l -4.897 2.424 -4.729 2.359 -4.615 2.23 c -4.534 2.135 -4.493 2.054 -4.493 1.681 c -4.493 -0.688 l -4.493 -1.309 -4.549 -1.75 -4.66 -2.009 c -4.772 -2.269 -4.979 -2.484 -5.282 -2.651 c -5.586 -2.817 -5.93 -2.901 -6.314 -2.901 c -6.615 -2.901 -6.868 -2.847 -7.075 -2.741 c -7.282 -2.634 -7.44 -2.5 -7.55 -2.336 c -7.66 -2.172 -7.735 -1.943 -7.778 -1.65 c -7.819 -1.357 -7.84 -1.097 -7.84 -0.869 c -7.84 1.681 l -7.84 2.015 -7.805 2.085 -7.732 2.19 c -7.63 2.346 -7.457 2.424 -7.216 2.424 c -6.992 2.424 l -6.992 2.729 l -9.521 2.729 l -9.521 2.424 l -9.302 2.424 l -9.081 2.424 -8.921 2.366 -8.822 2.252 c -8.723 2.137 -8.674 2.047 -8.674 1.681 c -8.674 -0.606 l -8.674 -1.31 -8.628 -1.79 -8.534 -2.045 c -8.396 -2.419 -8.161 -2.718 -7.829 -2.938 c -7.497 -3.16 -7.01 -3.27 -6.369 -3.27 c -5.78 -3.27 -5.314 -3.155 -4.972 -2.924 c -4.63 -2.692 -4.4 -2.415 -4.283 -2.092 c -4.166 -1.767 -4.107 -1.312 -4.107 -0.724 c -4.107 1.648 l -4.107 1.98 -4.074 2.095 -3.964 2.227 c -3.84 2.37 -3.652 2.424 -3.481 2.424 c -3.399 2.424 l -3.124 2.424 l -3.041 2.424 l -2.817 2.424 -2.677 2.362 -2.562 2.234 c -2.474 2.137 -2.416 2.057 -2.416 1.681 c -2.416 -2.099 l -2.416 -2.439 -2.444 -2.525 -2.503 -2.615 c -2.611 -2.781 -2.79 -2.863 -3.041 -2.863 c -3.264 -2.863 l -3.264 -3.14 l -0.735 -3.14 l -0.734 -2.863 l -0.961 -2.863 l -1.184 -2.863 -1.351 -2.803 -1.461 -2.674 c -1.543 -2.584 -1.583 -2.475 -1.583 -2.099 c -1.583 -0.498 l -1.366 -0.523 -1.192 -0.531 -1.039 -0.536 c -0.874 -0.542 -0.804 -0.545 -0.643 -0.542 c -0.078 -0.528 0.428 -0.375 0.789 -0.112 c 1.136 0.14 1.377 0.56 1.377 1.067 c 1.377 1.621 1.155 1.948 1.024 2.103 c 0.821 2.346 0.599 2.504 0.286 2.605 c -0.003 2.698 -0.499 2.73 -1.126 2.73 c h f Q 0.6 scn q 1 0 0 1 101.5079 506.847 cm 0 0 m 2.053 0 l 2.784 0 3.349 0.283 3.349 1.139 c 3.349 1.238 3.349 1.529 3.183 1.804 c 2.909 2.253 2.443 2.269 1.986 2.269 c 0 2.269 l h 1.82 2.734 m 2.85 2.734 3.183 2.635 3.507 2.269 c 3.665 2.086 3.889 1.721 3.889 1.131 c 3.889 0.765 3.789 0.375 3.556 0.068 c 3.141 -0.464 2.535 -0.49 1.554 -0.49 c 0 -0.49 l 0 -3.132 l -0.532 -3.132 l -0.532 2.734 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 108.3552 505.8087 cm 0 0 m -0.249 -0.066 l -1.595 -0.424 -2.177 -0.507 -2.177 -1.089 c -2.177 -1.363 -1.961 -1.745 -1.379 -1.745 c -0.898 -1.745 -0.308 -1.454 -0.108 -0.997 c -0.033 -0.831 0 -0.664 0 -0.299 c h 0.964 -2.094 m 0.308 -2.094 0 -1.928 0 -1.371 c -0.091 -1.669 -0.54 -2.178 -1.404 -2.178 c -2.244 -2.178 -2.651 -1.662 -2.651 -1.097 c -2.651 -0.307 -1.978 -0.025 -0.665 0.275 c 0 0.424 l 0 0.731 l 0 1.114 -0.191 1.537 -0.922 1.537 c -1.737 1.537 -1.994 1.222 -1.994 0.582 c -2.535 0.673 l -2.435 1.479 -1.895 1.97 -0.981 1.97 c -0.291 1.97 0.474 1.762 0.474 0.772 c 0.474 -0.964 l 0.474 -1.495 0.49 -1.704 0.981 -1.704 c 1.064 -1.704 l 1.064 -2.094 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 110.862 504.5543 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.224 0.033 -0.483 0.324 -0.483 c 0.524 -0.483 0.723 -0.341 0.872 -0.233 c 0.872 -0.732 l 0.764 -0.815 0.557 -0.914 0.216 -0.914 c 0.075 -0.914 -0.291 -0.906 -0.416 -0.557 c -0.465 -0.415 -0.474 -0.125 -0.474 0.092 c -0.474 2.709 l -1.305 2.709 l -1.305 3.125 l -0.474 3.125 l -0.474 4.811 l 0 4.811 l 0 3.125 l 0.872 3.125 l 0.872 2.709 l 0 2.709 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 115.1273 503.7147 cm 0 0 m 0 2.509 l 0 3.008 -0.124 3.598 -0.931 3.598 c -1.529 3.598 -1.811 3.258 -1.928 3.041 c -2.086 2.734 -2.094 2.402 -2.094 1.712 c -2.094 0 l -2.592 0 l -2.592 5.867 l -2.094 5.867 l -2.094 3.332 l -1.97 3.59 -1.637 4.047 -0.864 4.047 c -0.69 4.047 -0.116 4.013 0.224 3.557 c 0.449 3.258 0.482 2.934 0.482 2.235 c 0.482 0 l h f Q 0.4 SCN 0.584 w q 1 0 0 1 65.0883 480.6224 cm 0 0 m 208.725 0 l S Q 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 66.9622 473.8151 cm 0 0 m -0.631 -1.723 l 0.602 -1.723 l h 1.215 -3.446 m 0.765 -2.184 l -0.806 -2.184 l -1.268 -3.446 l -1.852 -3.446 l -0.28 0.678 l 0.292 0.678 l 1.794 -3.446 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 72.2383 470.6781 cm 0 0 m 0.362 0 0.853 0.228 0.853 1.11 c 0.853 1.764 0.456 2.103 0 2.103 c -0.374 2.103 -0.876 1.869 -0.876 1.058 c -0.876 0.584 -0.666 0 0 0 c -0.865 3.815 m -0.865 2.062 l -0.649 2.384 -0.286 2.53 0.082 2.53 c 0.795 2.53 1.35 1.992 1.35 1.069 c 1.35 0.257 0.929 -0.397 0.076 -0.397 c -0.456 -0.397 -0.736 -0.122 -0.865 0.047 c -0.865 -0.309 l -1.332 -0.309 l -1.332 3.815 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 76.1818 471.9985 cm 0 0 m 0 0.455 -0.321 0.848 -0.789 0.848 c -1.286 0.848 -1.531 0.438 -1.572 0 c h -1.583 -0.375 m -1.583 -0.8 -1.35 -1.367 -0.69 -1.367 c -0.205 -1.367 -0.023 -0.976 0.035 -0.724 c 0.508 -0.789 l 0.444 -0.982 0.187 -1.718 -0.736 -1.718 c -1.414 -1.718 -2.086 -1.315 -2.086 -0.228 c -2.086 0.818 -1.326 1.209 -0.754 1.209 c -0.152 1.209 0.508 0.807 0.508 -0.262 c 0.508 -0.339 l -1.583 -0.339 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 79.1734 470.369 cm 0 0 m 0 1.612 l 0 1.764 -0.006 1.933 -0.053 2.068 c -0.14 2.313 -0.356 2.431 -0.608 2.431 c -0.725 2.431 -1.04 2.395 -1.221 2.085 c -1.35 1.863 -1.35 1.607 -1.35 1.367 c -1.35 0 l -1.817 0 l -1.817 4.124 l -1.35 4.124 l -1.35 2.47 l -1.034 2.815 -0.707 2.839 -0.514 2.839 c 0.321 2.839 0.473 2.244 0.473 1.781 c 0.473 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 81.1131 471.5136 cm 0 0 m -0.088 -0.034 -0.339 -0.152 -0.339 -0.42 c -0.339 -0.626 -0.187 -0.83 0.181 -0.83 c 0.432 -0.83 0.988 -0.725 0.988 -0.018 c 0.988 0.199 l 0.771 0.164 0.216 0.093 0 0 c 0.982 0.595 m 0.982 0.854 0.976 1.339 0.368 1.339 c -0.017 1.339 -0.228 1.146 -0.228 0.801 c -0.228 0.76 l -0.713 0.788 l -0.713 0.923 -0.631 1.694 0.345 1.694 c 0.514 1.694 0.807 1.665 1.034 1.531 c 1.426 1.309 1.449 1.022 1.449 0.532 c 1.449 -0.438 l 1.449 -0.602 1.455 -0.759 1.66 -0.759 c 1.718 -0.759 1.747 -0.748 1.8 -0.736 c 1.8 -1.128 l 1.66 -1.174 1.578 -1.18 1.502 -1.18 c 1.478 -1.18 1.309 -1.18 1.21 -1.111 c 1.099 -1.028 1.028 -0.852 1.022 -0.772 c 0.894 -0.911 0.614 -1.221 0.082 -1.221 c -0.467 -1.221 -0.853 -0.905 -0.853 -0.433 c -0.853 -0.304 -0.818 -0.034 -0.555 0.164 c -0.274 0.374 0.211 0.449 0.561 0.473 c 0.982 0.502 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 84.5489 470.369 cm 0 0 m -0.421 0 l -1.426 2.751 l -0.941 2.751 l -0.21 0.642 l 0.514 2.751 l 0.993 2.751 l h f Q 86.068 473.12 0.45 -2.751 re 86.068 470.369 m 86.068 474.493 0.45 -0.538 re f q 1 0 0 1 88.5161 470.6553 cm 0 0 m 0.561 0 0.853 0.438 0.853 1.15 c 0.853 1.624 0.666 2.178 0.041 2.178 c -0.83 2.178 -0.836 1.238 -0.836 1.062 c -0.836 0.736 -0.736 0 0 0 c 0.047 2.553 m 0.689 2.553 1.355 2.103 1.355 1.115 c 1.355 0.128 0.742 -0.375 0.006 -0.375 c -0.765 -0.375 -1.344 0.14 -1.344 1.086 c -1.344 1.53 -1.145 2.553 0.047 2.553 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 91.011 473.1204 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.503 l 0.064 -0.38 0.146 -0.274 0.257 -0.188 c 0.368 -0.099 0.584 0.035 0.941 0.035 c 0.941 -0.467 l 0.882 -0.456 0.818 -0.45 0.759 -0.45 c 0.426 -0.45 0.134 -0.631 0.041 -0.97 c 0.006 -1.111 0 -1.21 0 -1.478 c 0 -2.751 l -0.468 -2.751 l -0.468 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 93.0907 471.5136 cm 0 0 m -0.088 -0.034 -0.339 -0.152 -0.339 -0.42 c -0.339 -0.626 -0.187 -0.83 0.181 -0.83 c 0.432 -0.83 0.988 -0.725 0.988 -0.018 c 0.988 0.199 l 0.771 0.164 0.216 0.093 0 0 c 0.982 0.595 m 0.982 0.854 0.976 1.339 0.368 1.339 c -0.017 1.339 -0.228 1.146 -0.228 0.801 c -0.228 0.76 l -0.713 0.788 l -0.713 0.923 -0.631 1.694 0.345 1.694 c 0.514 1.694 0.807 1.665 1.034 1.531 c 1.426 1.309 1.449 1.022 1.449 0.532 c 1.449 -0.438 l 1.449 -0.602 1.455 -0.759 1.66 -0.759 c 1.718 -0.759 1.747 -0.748 1.8 -0.736 c 1.8 -1.128 l 1.66 -1.174 1.578 -1.18 1.502 -1.18 c 1.478 -1.18 1.309 -1.18 1.21 -1.111 c 1.099 -1.028 1.028 -0.852 1.022 -0.772 c 0.894 -0.911 0.614 -1.221 0.082 -1.221 c -0.467 -1.221 -0.853 -0.905 -0.853 -0.433 c -0.853 -0.304 -0.818 -0.034 -0.555 0.164 c -0.274 0.374 0.211 0.449 0.561 0.473 c 0.982 0.502 l h f Q 95.422 474.493 0.444 -4.124 re f q 1 0 0 1 100.2598 471.9985 cm 0 0 m 0 0.455 -0.321 0.848 -0.789 0.848 c -1.286 0.848 -1.531 0.438 -1.572 0 c h -1.583 -0.375 m -1.583 -0.8 -1.35 -1.367 -0.69 -1.367 c -0.205 -1.367 -0.023 -0.976 0.035 -0.724 c 0.508 -0.789 l 0.444 -0.982 0.187 -1.718 -0.736 -1.718 c -1.414 -1.718 -2.086 -1.315 -2.086 -0.228 c -2.086 0.818 -1.326 1.209 -0.754 1.209 c -0.152 1.209 0.508 0.807 0.508 -0.262 c 0.508 -0.339 l -1.583 -0.339 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 103.9348 471.3617 cm 0 0 m -0.152 -0.8 -0.666 -1.081 -1.297 -1.081 c -2.162 -1.081 -2.658 -0.479 -2.658 0.362 c -2.658 1.185 -2.208 1.846 -1.32 1.846 c -0.491 1.846 -0.123 1.32 -0.052 0.923 c -0.567 0.876 l -0.637 1.279 -0.906 1.507 -1.315 1.507 c -1.735 1.507 -2.144 1.227 -2.144 0.391 c -2.144 -0.262 -1.852 -0.719 -1.286 -0.719 c -0.759 -0.719 -0.555 -0.386 -0.502 0.047 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 105.7288 470.6553 cm 0 0 m 0.561 0 0.853 0.438 0.853 1.15 c 0.853 1.624 0.666 2.178 0.041 2.178 c -0.83 2.178 -0.836 1.238 -0.836 1.062 c -0.836 0.736 -0.736 0 0 0 c 0.046 2.553 m 0.689 2.553 1.355 2.103 1.355 1.115 c 1.355 0.128 0.742 -0.375 0.006 -0.375 c -0.765 -0.375 -1.344 0.14 -1.344 1.086 c -1.344 1.53 -1.145 2.553 0.046 2.553 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 109.573 470.369 cm 0 0 m 0 1.805 l 0 2.231 -0.304 2.401 -0.625 2.401 c -1.011 2.401 -1.355 2.12 -1.355 1.63 c -1.355 0 l -1.823 0 l -1.823 2.751 l -1.355 2.751 l -1.355 2.348 l -1.238 2.553 -0.964 2.839 -0.491 2.839 c -0.368 2.839 0.047 2.804 0.292 2.459 c 0.45 2.238 0.462 1.998 0.462 1.74 c 0.462 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 112.0565 470.6553 cm 0 0 m 0.561 0 0.853 0.438 0.853 1.15 c 0.853 1.624 0.666 2.178 0.041 2.178 c -0.83 2.178 -0.836 1.238 -0.836 1.062 c -0.836 0.736 -0.736 0 0 0 c 0.047 2.553 m 0.689 2.553 1.355 2.103 1.355 1.115 c 1.355 0.128 0.742 -0.375 0.006 -0.375 c -0.765 -0.375 -1.344 0.14 -1.344 1.086 c -1.344 1.53 -1.145 2.553 0.047 2.553 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 117.3727 470.369 cm 0 0 m 0 1.833 l 0 2.318 -0.321 2.401 -0.502 2.401 c -0.765 2.401 -1.08 2.208 -1.162 1.946 c -1.191 1.857 -1.197 1.747 -1.197 1.547 c -1.197 0 l -1.653 0 l -1.653 1.793 l -1.653 2.337 -2.003 2.395 -2.161 2.395 c -2.401 2.395 -2.722 2.231 -2.816 1.985 c -2.851 1.899 -2.857 1.816 -2.857 1.635 c -2.857 0 l -3.295 0 l -3.295 2.751 l -2.857 2.751 l -2.857 2.377 l -2.629 2.646 -2.372 2.839 -2.027 2.839 c -1.933 2.839 -1.659 2.815 -1.454 2.582 c -1.384 2.506 -1.337 2.418 -1.285 2.331 c -1.122 2.483 -0.835 2.839 -0.362 2.839 c -0.017 2.839 0.205 2.623 0.275 2.536 c 0.45 2.324 0.462 2.074 0.462 1.816 c 0.462 0 l h f Q 118.67 473.12 0.45 -2.751 re 118.67 470.369 m 118.67 474.493 0.45 -0.538 re f q 1 0 0 1 122.4272 471.3617 cm 0 0 m -0.152 -0.8 -0.666 -1.081 -1.297 -1.081 c -2.162 -1.081 -2.658 -0.479 -2.658 0.362 c -2.658 1.185 -2.209 1.846 -1.32 1.846 c -0.491 1.846 -0.123 1.32 -0.053 0.923 c -0.567 0.876 l -0.637 1.279 -0.906 1.507 -1.315 1.507 c -1.735 1.507 -2.144 1.227 -2.144 0.391 c -2.144 -0.262 -1.852 -0.719 -1.285 -0.719 c -0.76 -0.719 -0.555 -0.386 -0.502 0.047 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 127.9545 470.369 cm 0 0 m 0 1.833 l 0 2.318 -0.321 2.401 -0.502 2.401 c -0.765 2.401 -1.081 2.208 -1.163 1.946 c -1.192 1.857 -1.198 1.747 -1.198 1.547 c -1.198 0 l -1.653 0 l -1.653 1.793 l -1.653 2.337 -2.004 2.395 -2.162 2.395 c -2.401 2.395 -2.723 2.231 -2.816 1.985 c -2.851 1.899 -2.857 1.816 -2.857 1.635 c -2.857 0 l -3.295 0 l -3.295 2.751 l -2.857 2.751 l -2.857 2.377 l -2.629 2.646 -2.372 2.839 -2.027 2.839 c -1.934 2.839 -1.659 2.815 -1.455 2.582 c -1.385 2.506 -1.338 2.418 -1.285 2.331 c -1.122 2.483 -0.836 2.839 -0.362 2.839 c -0.018 2.839 0.205 2.623 0.275 2.536 c 0.45 2.324 0.462 2.074 0.462 1.816 c 0.462 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 130.4259 470.6553 cm 0 0 m 0.561 0 0.853 0.438 0.853 1.15 c 0.853 1.624 0.665 2.178 0.041 2.178 c -0.83 2.178 -0.835 1.238 -0.835 1.062 c -0.835 0.736 -0.737 0 0 0 c 0.046 2.553 m 0.689 2.553 1.356 2.103 1.356 1.115 c 1.356 0.128 0.742 -0.375 0.005 -0.375 c -0.765 -0.375 -1.344 0.14 -1.344 1.086 c -1.344 1.53 -1.145 2.553 0.046 2.553 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 133.6628 470.695 cm 0 0 m 0.408 0 0.858 0.247 0.858 1.088 c 0.858 1.654 0.531 2.086 0.011 2.086 c -0.619 2.086 -0.859 1.56 -0.859 1.041 c -0.859 0.556 -0.666 0 0 0 c 0.847 -0.326 m 0.847 0.024 l 0.707 -0.139 0.449 -0.414 -0.093 -0.414 c -0.9 -0.414 -1.361 0.206 -1.361 1.058 c -1.361 2.127 -0.661 2.513 -0.1 2.513 c 0.403 2.513 0.748 2.221 0.847 2.064 c 0.847 3.798 l 1.315 3.798 l 1.315 -0.326 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 137.7294 471.9985 cm 0 0 m 0 0.455 -0.321 0.848 -0.789 0.848 c -1.286 0.848 -1.531 0.438 -1.572 0 c h -1.583 -0.375 m -1.583 -0.8 -1.35 -1.367 -0.689 -1.367 c -0.204 -1.367 -0.023 -0.976 0.035 -0.724 c 0.508 -0.789 l 0.444 -0.982 0.187 -1.718 -0.736 -1.718 c -1.414 -1.718 -2.086 -1.315 -2.086 -0.228 c -2.086 0.818 -1.326 1.209 -0.754 1.209 c -0.152 1.209 0.508 0.807 0.508 -0.262 c 0.508 -0.339 l -1.583 -0.339 l h f Q 138.91 474.493 0.444 -4.124 re f q 1 0 0 1 142.9294 473.1204 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.386 l -0.521 -0.386 l -0.521 -2.751 l -0.976 -2.751 l -0.976 -0.386 l -1.432 -0.386 l -1.432 0 l -0.976 0 l -0.976 0.24 l -0.976 0.613 -0.976 0.788 -0.906 0.964 c -0.76 1.339 -0.356 1.344 -0.252 1.344 c -0.193 1.344 -0.071 1.339 0.087 1.309 c 0.087 0.94 l 0.07 0.947 -0.071 0.97 -0.169 0.97 c -0.41 0.97 -0.521 0.835 -0.521 0.526 c -0.521 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 144.653 470.6553 cm 0 0 m 0.561 0 0.853 0.438 0.853 1.15 c 0.853 1.624 0.665 2.178 0.041 2.178 c -0.83 2.178 -0.836 1.238 -0.836 1.062 c -0.836 0.736 -0.736 0 0 0 c 0.046 2.553 m 0.689 2.553 1.356 2.103 1.356 1.115 c 1.356 0.128 0.742 -0.375 0.006 -0.375 c -0.765 -0.375 -1.344 0.14 -1.344 1.086 c -1.344 1.53 -1.146 2.553 0.046 2.553 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 147.1479 473.1204 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.503 l 0.064 -0.38 0.146 -0.274 0.257 -0.188 c 0.368 -0.099 0.584 0.035 0.941 0.035 c 0.941 -0.467 l 0.882 -0.456 0.818 -0.45 0.76 -0.45 c 0.427 -0.45 0.134 -0.631 0.041 -0.97 c 0.006 -1.111 0 -1.21 0 -1.478 c 0 -2.751 l -0.467 -2.751 l -0.467 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 150.5425 471.333 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.181 0.018 -0.339 0.152 -0.485 c 0.315 -0.667 0.543 -0.696 0.771 -0.696 c 0.999 -0.696 1.408 -0.625 1.408 -0.234 c 1.408 0.099 1.087 0.158 0.836 0.205 c 0.567 0.257 l -0.187 0.403 -0.415 0.671 -0.415 1.057 c -0.415 1.659 0.158 1.875 0.654 1.875 c 1.233 1.875 1.548 1.589 1.683 1.39 c 1.794 1.221 1.817 1.051 1.829 0.969 c 1.326 0.911 l 1.32 1.045 1.315 1.104 1.285 1.167 c 1.215 1.32 0.987 1.519 0.59 1.519 c 0.21 1.519 0.046 1.291 0.046 1.115 c 0.046 0.875 0.292 0.783 0.713 0.682 c 0.982 0.619 l 1.495 0.497 1.899 0.321 1.899 -0.181 c 1.899 -0.708 1.402 -1.052 0.748 -1.052 c -0.14 -1.052 -0.45 -0.614 -0.532 -0.077 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 154.2637 470.6553 cm 0 0 m 0.561 0 0.853 0.438 0.853 1.15 c 0.853 1.624 0.666 2.178 0.041 2.178 c -0.83 2.178 -0.836 1.238 -0.836 1.062 c -0.836 0.736 -0.736 0 0 0 c 0.047 2.553 m 0.689 2.553 1.356 2.103 1.356 1.115 c 1.356 0.128 0.743 -0.375 0.006 -0.375 c -0.765 -0.375 -1.344 0.14 -1.344 1.086 c -1.344 1.53 -1.145 2.553 0.047 2.553 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 158.7977 471.3617 cm 0 0 m -0.152 -0.8 -0.666 -1.081 -1.296 -1.081 c -2.162 -1.081 -2.658 -0.479 -2.658 0.362 c -2.658 1.185 -2.209 1.846 -1.32 1.846 c -0.491 1.846 -0.123 1.32 -0.053 0.923 c -0.566 0.876 l -0.637 1.279 -0.906 1.507 -1.315 1.507 c -1.735 1.507 -2.144 1.227 -2.144 0.391 c -2.144 -0.262 -1.852 -0.719 -1.285 -0.719 c -0.76 -0.719 -0.555 -0.386 -0.502 0.047 c h f Q 159.417 473.12 0.45 -2.751 re 159.417 470.369 m 159.417 474.493 0.45 -0.538 re f q 1 0 0 1 162.6019 471.9985 cm 0 0 m 0 0.455 -0.321 0.848 -0.789 0.848 c -1.286 0.848 -1.531 0.438 -1.572 0 c h -1.583 -0.375 m -1.583 -0.8 -1.35 -1.367 -0.69 -1.367 c -0.205 -1.367 -0.024 -0.976 0.035 -0.724 c 0.508 -0.789 l 0.444 -0.982 0.186 -1.718 -0.736 -1.718 c -1.414 -1.718 -2.086 -1.315 -2.086 -0.228 c -2.086 0.818 -1.327 1.209 -0.754 1.209 c -0.152 1.209 0.508 0.807 0.508 -0.262 c 0.508 -0.339 l -1.583 -0.339 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 164.4073 470.9644 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.199 0.058 -0.275 0.204 -0.275 c 0.257 -0.275 0.368 -0.257 0.496 -0.21 c 0.496 -0.595 l 0.456 -0.601 0.234 -0.642 0.053 -0.642 c -0.404 -0.642 -0.479 -0.461 -0.479 -0.146 c -0.479 1.77 l -0.923 1.77 l -0.923 2.156 l -0.479 2.156 l -0.479 3.027 l 0 3.027 l 0 2.156 l 0.496 2.156 l 0.496 1.77 l 0 1.77 l h f Q 165.558 473.12 0.45 -2.751 re 165.558 470.369 m 165.558 474.493 0.45 -0.538 re f q 1 0 0 1 168.7421 471.9985 cm 0 0 m 0 0.455 -0.321 0.848 -0.789 0.848 c -1.285 0.848 -1.531 0.438 -1.572 0 c h -1.583 -0.375 m -1.583 -0.8 -1.349 -1.367 -0.689 -1.367 c -0.204 -1.367 -0.023 -0.976 0.035 -0.724 c 0.508 -0.789 l 0.445 -0.982 0.187 -1.718 -0.736 -1.718 c -1.414 -1.718 -2.086 -1.315 -2.086 -0.228 c -2.086 0.818 -1.326 1.209 -0.754 1.209 c -0.151 1.209 0.508 0.807 0.508 -0.262 c 0.508 -0.339 l -1.583 -0.339 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 170.2436 471.333 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.181 0.018 -0.339 0.152 -0.485 c 0.316 -0.667 0.543 -0.696 0.771 -0.696 c 1 -0.696 1.408 -0.625 1.408 -0.234 c 1.408 0.099 1.086 0.158 0.836 0.205 c 0.567 0.257 l -0.187 0.403 -0.414 0.671 -0.414 1.057 c -0.414 1.659 0.159 1.875 0.655 1.875 c 1.232 1.875 1.548 1.589 1.682 1.39 c 1.794 1.221 1.817 1.051 1.828 0.969 c 1.326 0.911 l 1.32 1.045 1.315 1.104 1.285 1.167 c 1.215 1.32 0.989 1.519 0.59 1.519 c 0.211 1.519 0.047 1.291 0.047 1.115 c 0.047 0.875 0.292 0.783 0.713 0.682 c 0.982 0.619 l 1.495 0.497 1.899 0.321 1.899 -0.181 c 1.899 -0.708 1.402 -1.052 0.748 -1.052 c -0.14 -1.052 -0.449 -0.614 -0.532 -0.077 c h f Q /CS1 CS 1 SCN 1.169 w q 1 0 0 1 215.4998 683.1036 cm 0 0 m -7.31 0.098 l -58.108 0.601 -120.225 3.988 -123.163 -35.802 c -124.997 -60.659 -102.721 -70.195 -45.176 -73.954 c 11.951 -77.686 35.577 -84.817 34.677 -116.02 c 33.649 -151.622 -26.224 -148.938 -42.307 -149.518 c -99.262 -151.571 -132.391 -129.486 y S Q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 122.519 546.6202 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.169 -11.305 -11.171 -25.254 -11.171 c -39.203 -11.171 -50.51 -6.169 -50.51 0 c -50.51 6.167 -39.203 11.167 -25.254 11.167 c -11.305 11.167 0 6.167 0 0 c f Q /CS0 CS 0.4 SCN 0.584 w q 1 0 0 1 122.519 546.6202 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.169 -11.305 -11.171 -25.254 -11.171 c -39.203 -11.171 -50.51 -6.169 -50.51 0 c -50.51 6.167 -39.203 11.167 -25.254 11.167 c -11.305 11.167 0 6.167 0 0 c h S Q /CS0 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 80.7146 544.6104 cm 0 0 m 0 4.284 l 0.57 4.284 l 0.57 0.511 l 2.646 0.511 l 2.646 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 84.6039 545.7994 cm 0 0 m -0.092 -0.036 -0.351 -0.156 -0.351 -0.436 c -0.351 -0.649 -0.194 -0.861 0.187 -0.861 c 0.449 -0.861 1.025 -0.752 1.025 -0.016 c 1.025 0.207 l 0.801 0.171 0.226 0.099 0 0 c 1.019 0.618 m 1.019 0.888 1.014 1.389 0.382 1.389 c -0.018 1.389 -0.236 1.189 -0.236 0.833 c -0.236 0.791 l -0.741 0.819 l -0.741 0.961 -0.655 1.759 0.359 1.759 c 0.534 1.759 0.838 1.728 1.074 1.589 c 1.481 1.36 1.505 1.06 1.505 0.553 c 1.505 -0.453 l 1.505 -0.623 1.512 -0.789 1.724 -0.789 c 1.784 -0.789 1.814 -0.778 1.868 -0.764 c 1.868 -1.171 l 1.724 -1.218 1.638 -1.226 1.559 -1.226 c 1.535 -1.226 1.359 -1.226 1.257 -1.152 c 1.141 -1.066 1.068 -0.885 1.061 -0.801 c 0.93 -0.944 0.638 -1.27 0.084 -1.27 c -0.485 -1.27 -0.886 -0.94 -0.886 -0.446 c -0.886 -0.314 -0.848 -0.036 -0.576 0.171 c -0.285 0.389 0.219 0.467 0.582 0.492 c 1.019 0.523 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 89.9314 544.6104 cm 0 0 m -0.425 0 l -1.11 2.128 l -1.808 0 l -2.251 0 l -3.246 2.857 l -2.725 2.857 l -2.009 0.736 l -1.306 2.857 l -0.879 2.857 l -0.206 0.736 l 0.541 2.857 l 1.051 2.857 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 95.1998 548.0687 cm 0 0 m 0 0.224 -0.159 0.426 -0.407 0.426 c -0.565 0.426 -0.874 0.297 -0.874 -0.103 c -0.874 -0.235 -0.821 -0.473 -0.674 -0.769 c -0.183 -0.559 0 -0.247 0 0 c -0.619 -2.028 m -0.821 -1.686 -0.867 -1.614 -0.96 -1.413 c -1.523 -1.663 -1.645 -2.062 -1.645 -2.275 c -1.645 -2.639 -1.372 -3.039 -0.893 -3.039 c -0.536 -3.039 -0.267 -2.789 -0.195 -2.723 c -0.353 -2.499 -0.479 -2.255 -0.619 -2.028 c 0.91 -1.488 m 0.825 -2.074 0.564 -2.494 0.448 -2.682 c 0.509 -2.766 0.698 -2.998 1.036 -2.998 c 1.079 -2.998 1.126 -2.992 1.207 -2.979 c 1.207 -3.483 l 1.111 -3.5 1.02 -3.506 0.977 -3.506 c 0.474 -3.506 0.212 -3.209 0.089 -3.07 c -0.336 -3.45 -0.795 -3.513 -0.991 -3.513 c -1.427 -3.513 -2.16 -3.209 -2.16 -2.334 c -2.16 -1.576 -1.596 -1.229 -1.16 -0.994 c -1.264 -0.719 -1.36 -0.511 -1.36 -0.206 c -1.36 0.353 -0.971 0.795 -0.402 0.795 c 0.084 0.795 0.479 0.443 0.479 -0.059 c 0.479 -0.574 0.011 -0.91 -0.105 -0.989 c -0.213 -1.062 -0.336 -1.128 -0.45 -1.195 c -0.286 -1.558 -0.062 -1.927 0.156 -2.275 c 0.248 -2.098 0.345 -1.894 0.443 -1.488 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 100.7211 544.9504 cm 0 0 m 0.85 0 1.523 0.572 1.523 1.839 c 1.523 2.689 1.141 3.592 -0.013 3.592 c -1.147 3.592 -1.552 2.695 -1.552 1.804 c -1.552 0.698 -0.964 0 0 0 c -0.032 -0.451 m -1.14 -0.451 -2.173 0.273 -2.173 1.81 c -2.173 3.375 -1.111 4.054 -0.013 4.054 c 1.293 4.054 2.142 3.138 2.142 1.839 c 2.142 0.794 1.571 -0.451 -0.032 -0.451 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 104.1072 547.4669 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.52 l 0.068 -0.392 0.152 -0.285 0.267 -0.192 c 0.381 -0.101 0.607 0.039 0.977 0.039 c 0.977 -0.484 l 0.916 -0.47 0.851 -0.466 0.788 -0.466 c 0.443 -0.466 0.139 -0.653 0.042 -1.005 c 0.006 -1.15 0 -1.254 0 -1.533 c 0 -2.857 l -0.486 -2.857 l -0.486 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 106.8374 544.9504 cm 0 0 m 0.423 0 0.892 0.254 0.892 1.127 c 0.892 1.717 0.552 2.166 0.012 2.166 c -0.644 2.166 -0.892 1.62 -0.892 1.08 c -0.892 0.577 -0.691 0 0 0 c 0.881 -0.34 m 0.881 0.025 l 0.734 -0.146 0.467 -0.43 -0.098 -0.43 c -0.935 -0.43 -1.414 0.212 -1.414 1.1 c -1.414 2.209 -0.686 2.608 -0.105 2.608 c 0.419 2.608 0.778 2.303 0.881 2.141 c 0.881 3.944 l 1.367 3.944 l 1.367 -0.34 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 111.0617 546.3042 cm 0 0 m 0 0.474 -0.335 0.878 -0.82 0.878 c -1.334 0.878 -1.591 0.456 -1.632 0 c h -1.643 -0.389 m -1.643 -0.831 -1.402 -1.42 -0.717 -1.42 c -0.213 -1.42 -0.026 -1.014 0.037 -0.753 c 0.528 -0.819 l 0.46 -1.02 0.193 -1.784 -0.766 -1.784 c -1.468 -1.784 -2.166 -1.366 -2.166 -0.24 c -2.166 0.85 -1.378 1.254 -0.783 1.254 c -0.159 1.254 0.528 0.837 0.528 -0.273 c 0.528 -0.352 l -1.643 -0.352 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 112.761 547.4669 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.52 l 0.066 -0.392 0.15 -0.285 0.265 -0.192 c 0.382 -0.101 0.604 0.039 0.976 0.039 c 0.976 -0.484 l 0.914 -0.47 0.848 -0.466 0.786 -0.466 c 0.442 -0.466 0.138 -0.653 0.04 -1.005 c 0.005 -1.15 0 -1.254 0 -1.533 c 0 -2.857 l -0.485 -2.857 l -0.485 0 l h f Q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 273.4878 582.1716 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.167 -11.306 -11.171 -25.256 -11.171 c -39.203 -11.171 -50.512 -6.167 -50.512 0 c -50.512 6.168 -39.203 11.169 -25.256 11.169 c -11.306 11.169 0 6.168 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 273.4878 582.1716 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.167 -11.306 -11.171 -25.256 -11.171 c -39.203 -11.171 -50.512 -6.167 -50.512 0 c -50.512 6.168 -39.203 11.169 -25.256 11.169 c -11.306 11.169 0 6.168 0 0 c h S Q /CS0 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 233.9581 580.2855 cm 0 0 m 0 4.284 l 2.951 4.284 l 2.951 3.779 l 0.547 3.779 l 0.547 2.457 l 2.636 2.457 l 2.636 1.96 l 0.547 1.96 l 0.547 0.497 l 3.023 0.497 l 3.023 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 240.2034 581.3168 cm 0 0 m -0.157 -0.831 -0.69 -1.123 -1.346 -1.123 c -2.247 -1.123 -2.762 -0.498 -2.762 0.375 c -2.762 1.23 -2.294 1.916 -1.369 1.916 c -0.508 1.916 -0.128 1.37 -0.055 0.958 c -0.59 0.908 l -0.66 1.329 -0.941 1.565 -1.364 1.565 c -1.802 1.565 -2.227 1.273 -2.227 0.404 c -2.227 -0.275 -1.924 -0.746 -1.336 -0.746 c -0.79 -0.746 -0.575 -0.401 -0.521 0.048 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 242.0673 580.5824 cm 0 0 m 0.583 0 0.883 0.455 0.883 1.194 c 0.883 1.686 0.691 2.265 0.044 2.265 c -0.864 2.265 -0.869 1.285 -0.869 1.104 c -0.869 0.765 -0.767 0 0 0 c 0.048 2.65 m 0.715 2.65 1.405 2.185 1.405 1.16 c 1.405 0.134 0.77 -0.389 0.005 -0.389 c -0.795 -0.389 -1.397 0.145 -1.397 1.128 c -1.397 1.59 -1.191 2.65 0.048 2.65 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 246.0596 580.2855 cm 0 0 m 0 1.875 l 0 2.317 -0.316 2.493 -0.649 2.493 c -1.049 2.493 -1.408 2.202 -1.408 1.691 c -1.408 0 l -1.895 0 l -1.895 2.858 l -1.408 2.858 l -1.408 2.439 l -1.287 2.651 -1.003 2.947 -0.511 2.947 c -0.38 2.947 0.047 2.911 0.304 2.555 c 0.467 2.323 0.48 2.075 0.48 1.806 c 0.48 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 248.6375 580.5824 cm 0 0 m 0.584 0 0.887 0.455 0.887 1.194 c 0.887 1.686 0.692 2.265 0.042 2.265 c -0.859 2.265 -0.867 1.285 -0.867 1.104 c -0.867 0.765 -0.762 0 0 0 c 0.049 2.65 m 0.717 2.65 1.408 2.185 1.408 1.16 c 1.408 0.134 0.772 -0.389 0.006 -0.389 c -0.795 -0.389 -1.398 0.145 -1.398 1.128 c -1.398 1.59 -1.19 2.65 0.049 2.65 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 254.16 580.2855 cm 0 0 m 0 1.904 l 0 2.409 -0.334 2.493 -0.521 2.493 c -0.795 2.493 -1.122 2.293 -1.207 2.018 c -1.24 1.928 -1.245 1.814 -1.245 1.607 c -1.245 0 l -1.716 0 l -1.716 1.863 l -1.716 2.427 -2.079 2.487 -2.247 2.487 c -2.494 2.487 -2.828 2.317 -2.925 2.062 c -2.962 1.971 -2.968 1.887 -2.968 1.697 c -2.968 0 l -3.422 0 l -3.422 2.858 l -2.968 2.858 l -2.968 2.469 l -2.73 2.747 -2.464 2.947 -2.107 2.947 c -2.01 2.947 -1.724 2.924 -1.513 2.683 c -1.437 2.602 -1.389 2.51 -1.334 2.42 c -1.166 2.578 -0.867 2.947 -0.376 2.947 c -0.018 2.947 0.213 2.724 0.285 2.633 c 0.467 2.415 0.48 2.154 0.48 1.887 c 0.48 0 l h f Q 255.508 583.143 0.467 -2.858 re 255.508 580.286 m 255.508 584.569 0.467 -0.559 re f q 1 0 0 1 259.4091 581.3168 cm 0 0 m -0.158 -0.831 -0.691 -1.123 -1.346 -1.123 c -2.245 -1.123 -2.761 -0.498 -2.761 0.375 c -2.761 1.23 -2.292 1.916 -1.371 1.916 c -0.509 1.916 -0.127 1.37 -0.053 0.958 c -0.59 0.908 l -0.661 1.329 -0.941 1.565 -1.366 1.565 c -1.802 1.565 -2.227 1.273 -2.227 0.404 c -2.227 -0.275 -1.923 -0.746 -1.334 -0.746 c -0.789 -0.746 -0.576 -0.401 -0.521 0.048 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 260.3726 581.2853 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.188 0.02 -0.354 0.158 -0.503 c 0.327 -0.692 0.564 -0.722 0.801 -0.722 c 1.039 -0.722 1.464 -0.65 1.464 -0.243 c 1.464 0.102 1.132 0.164 0.869 0.212 c 0.591 0.268 l -0.192 0.418 -0.429 0.698 -0.429 1.098 c -0.429 1.724 0.164 1.947 0.682 1.947 c 1.281 1.947 1.608 1.651 1.75 1.445 c 1.864 1.268 1.888 1.093 1.901 1.008 c 1.379 0.948 l 1.374 1.086 1.368 1.147 1.336 1.214 c 1.261 1.372 1.027 1.579 0.613 1.579 c 0.22 1.579 0.049 1.34 0.049 1.16 c 0.049 0.911 0.303 0.814 0.74 0.71 c 1.022 0.644 l 1.556 0.516 1.974 0.335 1.974 -0.188 c 1.974 -0.734 1.46 -1.091 0.779 -1.091 c -0.144 -1.091 -0.466 -0.637 -0.551 -0.079 c h f Q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 260.1067 543.5002 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.168 -11.307 -11.169 -25.255 -11.169 c -39.204 -11.169 -50.511 -6.168 -50.511 0 c -50.511 6.168 -39.204 11.167 -25.255 11.167 c -11.307 11.167 0 6.168 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 260.1067 543.5002 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.168 -11.307 -11.169 -25.255 -11.169 c -39.204 -11.169 -50.511 -6.168 -50.511 0 c -50.511 6.168 -39.204 11.167 -25.255 11.167 c -11.307 11.167 0 6.168 0 0 c h S Q /CS0 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 232.5916 541.5826 cm 0 0 m -0.559 0 l -1.688 3.551 l -2.781 0 l -3.349 0 l -4.666 4.283 l -4.068 4.283 l -3.053 0.734 l -1.967 4.283 l -1.409 4.283 l -0.28 0.734 l 0.722 4.283 l 1.309 4.283 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 235.3341 541.8824 cm 0 0 m 0.582 0 0.885 0.453 0.885 1.194 c 0.885 1.684 0.692 2.26 0.043 2.26 c -0.861 2.26 -0.868 1.285 -0.868 1.103 c -0.868 0.762 -0.767 0 0 0 c 0.047 2.65 m 0.715 2.65 1.407 2.183 1.407 1.158 c 1.407 0.13 0.769 -0.391 0.005 -0.391 c -0.795 -0.391 -1.396 0.142 -1.396 1.126 c -1.396 1.586 -1.19 2.65 0.047 2.65 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 237.9254 544.4398 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.521 l 0.065 -0.394 0.151 -0.283 0.268 -0.193 c 0.382 -0.103 0.605 0.036 0.976 0.036 c 0.976 -0.486 l 0.915 -0.473 0.849 -0.465 0.789 -0.465 c 0.443 -0.465 0.137 -0.654 0.041 -1.006 c 0.005 -1.153 0 -1.256 0 -1.534 c 0 -2.857 l -0.486 -2.857 l -0.486 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 241.2616 541.5826 cm 0 0 m -1.026 1.371 l -1.372 1.007 l -1.372 0 l -1.864 0 l -1.864 4.283 l -1.372 4.283 l -1.372 1.644 l -0.231 2.857 l 0.365 2.857 l -0.697 1.731 l 0.606 0 l h f Q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 190.5244 533.5904 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.166 -11.307 -11.168 -25.255 -11.168 c -39.202 -11.168 -50.512 -6.166 -50.512 0 c -50.512 6.168 -39.202 11.17 -25.255 11.17 c -11.307 11.17 0 6.168 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 190.5244 533.5904 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.166 -11.307 -11.168 -25.255 -11.168 c -39.202 -11.168 -50.512 -6.166 -50.512 0 c -50.512 6.168 -39.202 11.17 -25.255 11.17 c -11.307 11.17 0 6.168 0 0 c h S Q q 1 0 0 1 219.7486 607.0991 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.169 -11.303 -11.169 -25.254 -11.169 c -39.204 -11.169 -50.511 -6.169 -50.511 0 c -50.511 6.167 -39.204 11.166 -25.254 11.166 c -11.303 11.166 0 6.167 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 219.7486 607.0991 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.169 -11.303 -11.169 -25.254 -11.169 c -39.204 -11.169 -50.511 -6.169 -50.511 0 c -50.511 6.167 -39.204 11.166 -25.254 11.166 c -11.303 11.166 0 6.167 0 0 c h S Q /CS0 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 189.3576 605.14 cm 0 0 m 0 1.96 l -2.331 1.96 l -2.331 0 l -2.895 0 l -2.895 4.284 l -2.331 4.284 l -2.331 2.463 l 0 2.463 l 0 4.284 l 0.576 4.284 l 0.576 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 192.872 606.8332 cm 0 0 m 0 0.474 -0.334 0.879 -0.821 0.879 c -1.336 0.879 -1.593 0.455 -1.635 0 c h -1.646 -0.389 m -1.646 -0.832 -1.404 -1.42 -0.719 -1.42 c -0.216 -1.42 -0.027 -1.014 0.035 -0.751 c 0.527 -0.82 l 0.459 -1.02 0.19 -1.783 -0.767 -1.783 c -1.471 -1.783 -2.168 -1.365 -2.168 -0.237 c -2.168 0.85 -1.379 1.256 -0.785 1.256 c -0.16 1.256 0.527 0.837 0.527 -0.274 c 0.527 -0.352 l -1.646 -0.352 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 194.7697 606.329 cm 0 0 m -0.092 -0.037 -0.353 -0.158 -0.353 -0.437 c -0.353 -0.648 -0.194 -0.861 0.188 -0.861 c 0.447 -0.861 1.025 -0.753 1.025 -0.018 c 1.025 0.207 l 0.801 0.17 0.225 0.097 0 0 c 1.019 0.618 m 1.019 0.886 1.013 1.391 0.382 1.391 c -0.019 1.391 -0.237 1.19 -0.237 0.831 c -0.237 0.789 l -0.741 0.819 l -0.741 0.959 -0.656 1.76 0.358 1.76 c 0.533 1.76 0.836 1.729 1.073 1.59 c 1.48 1.36 1.505 1.062 1.505 0.552 c 1.505 -0.455 l 1.505 -0.625 1.51 -0.789 1.721 -0.789 c 1.784 -0.789 1.815 -0.776 1.868 -0.765 c 1.868 -1.171 l 1.721 -1.22 1.638 -1.225 1.558 -1.225 c 1.535 -1.225 1.358 -1.225 1.256 -1.154 c 1.14 -1.067 1.066 -0.885 1.062 -0.8 c 0.928 -0.946 0.637 -1.268 0.084 -1.268 c -0.484 -1.268 -0.886 -0.94 -0.886 -0.448 c -0.886 -0.315 -0.848 -0.037 -0.578 0.17 c -0.285 0.389 0.219 0.467 0.583 0.492 c 1.019 0.522 l h f Q 197.19 609.424 0.462 -4.284 re f q 1 0 0 1 199.1617 605.7593 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.207 0.061 -0.286 0.215 -0.286 c 0.268 -0.286 0.383 -0.268 0.519 -0.219 c 0.519 -0.619 l 0.475 -0.625 0.242 -0.667 0.057 -0.667 c -0.419 -0.667 -0.494 -0.479 -0.494 -0.152 c -0.494 1.838 l -0.958 1.838 l -0.958 2.239 l -0.494 2.239 l -0.494 3.143 l 0 3.143 l 0 2.239 l 0.519 2.239 l 0.519 1.838 l 0 1.838 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 202.2262 605.14 cm 0 0 m 0 1.674 l 0 1.833 -0.007 2.008 -0.053 2.148 c -0.145 2.403 -0.37 2.525 -0.631 2.525 c -0.753 2.525 -1.08 2.488 -1.267 2.167 c -1.401 1.936 -1.401 1.668 -1.401 1.419 c -1.401 0 l -1.885 0 l -1.885 4.284 l -1.401 4.284 l -1.401 2.567 l -1.072 2.925 -0.732 2.949 -0.533 2.949 c 0.335 2.949 0.493 2.33 0.493 1.852 c 0.493 0 l h f Q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 147.5703 615.6008 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.166 -11.306 -11.167 -25.255 -11.167 c -39.204 -11.167 -50.512 -6.166 -50.512 0 c -50.512 6.169 -39.204 11.168 -25.255 11.168 c -11.306 11.168 0 6.169 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 147.5703 615.6008 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.166 -11.306 -11.167 -25.255 -11.167 c -39.204 -11.167 -50.512 -6.166 -50.512 0 c -50.512 6.169 -39.204 11.168 -25.255 11.168 c -11.306 11.168 0 6.169 0 0 c h S Q /CS0 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 111.9028 614.1367 cm 0 0 m -0.558 0 l -1.686 3.551 l -2.779 0 l -3.349 0 l -4.665 4.286 l -4.064 4.286 l -3.05 0.735 l -1.965 4.286 l -1.407 4.286 l -0.277 0.735 l 0.724 4.286 l 1.312 4.286 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 115.4113 615.8299 cm 0 0 m 0 0.473 -0.333 0.879 -0.819 0.879 c -1.335 0.879 -1.59 0.455 -1.631 0 c h -1.645 -0.387 m -1.645 -0.831 -1.402 -1.42 -0.716 -1.42 c -0.213 -1.42 -0.025 -1.014 0.037 -0.753 c 0.528 -0.819 l 0.462 -1.019 0.195 -1.784 -0.765 -1.784 c -1.467 -1.784 -2.166 -1.365 -2.166 -0.236 c -2.166 0.85 -1.377 1.257 -0.784 1.257 c -0.158 1.257 0.528 0.838 0.528 -0.273 c 0.528 -0.351 l -1.645 -0.351 l h f Q 116.637 618.422 0.46 -4.286 re f 117.96 618.422 0.461 -4.286 re f q 1 0 0 1 124.6901 614.6403 cm 0 0 m 0.419 0 0.9 0.068 0.9 0.723 c 0.9 1.238 0.535 1.493 0.019 1.493 c -1.391 1.493 l -1.391 0 l h -0.122 1.979 m 0.262 1.979 0.759 2.052 0.759 2.653 c 0.759 3.005 0.558 3.277 0.025 3.277 c -1.391 3.277 l -1.391 1.979 l h -1.929 3.782 m 0.129 3.782 l 0.741 3.782 1.36 3.398 1.36 2.684 c 1.36 2.245 1.105 1.869 0.704 1.754 c 1.044 1.652 1.487 1.396 1.487 0.681 c 1.487 -0.272 0.681 -0.504 0.145 -0.504 c -1.929 -0.504 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 128.9331 615.8299 cm 0 0 m 0 0.473 -0.336 0.879 -0.821 0.879 c -1.337 0.879 -1.591 0.455 -1.633 0 c h -1.645 -0.387 m -1.645 -0.831 -1.403 -1.42 -0.716 -1.42 c -0.213 -1.42 -0.025 -1.014 0.035 -0.753 c 0.525 -0.819 l 0.46 -1.019 0.193 -1.784 -0.765 -1.784 c -1.469 -1.784 -2.166 -1.365 -2.166 -0.236 c -2.166 0.85 -1.379 1.257 -0.784 1.257 c -0.158 1.257 0.525 0.838 0.525 -0.273 c 0.525 -0.351 l -1.645 -0.351 l h f Q 130.171 616.995 0.464 -2.858 re 130.171 614.137 m 130.171 618.422 0.464 -0.56 re f q 1 0 0 1 133.3549 614.1367 cm 0 0 m 0 1.875 l 0 2.318 -0.315 2.495 -0.649 2.495 c -1.05 2.495 -1.406 2.203 -1.406 1.693 c -1.406 0 l -1.894 0 l -1.894 2.858 l -1.406 2.858 l -1.406 2.44 l -1.285 2.651 -1.001 2.95 -0.51 2.95 c -0.38 2.95 0.049 2.913 0.302 2.556 c 0.468 2.325 0.48 2.076 0.48 1.808 c 0.48 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 135.9275 616.649 cm 0 0 m -0.493 0 -0.884 -0.369 -0.884 -1.086 c -0.884 -1.693 -0.605 -2.166 0.019 -2.166 c 0.644 -2.166 0.9 -1.662 0.9 -1.044 c 0.9 -0.387 0.523 0 0 0 c 1.385 -2.566 m 1.385 -3.622 0.723 -3.902 0.049 -3.902 c -0.612 -3.902 -1.181 -3.574 -1.249 -2.839 c -0.703 -2.839 l -0.703 -3.287 -0.375 -3.507 0.085 -3.507 c 0.692 -3.507 0.881 -3.186 0.881 -2.645 c 0.881 -2.093 l 0.552 -2.542 0.172 -2.603 -0.06 -2.603 c -0.789 -2.603 -1.382 -2.057 -1.382 -1.098 c -1.382 -0.431 -1.079 0.438 -0.053 0.438 c 0.304 0.438 0.607 0.273 0.881 -0.042 c 0.881 0.346 l 1.385 0.346 l h f Q 119.715 616.557 1.695 -0.46 re f 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 118.2287 651.9152 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.169 -11.308 -11.17 -25.255 -11.17 c -39.206 -11.17 -50.513 -6.169 -50.513 0 c -50.513 6.166 -39.206 11.166 -25.255 11.166 c -11.308 11.166 0 6.166 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 118.2287 651.9152 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.169 -11.308 -11.17 -25.255 -11.17 c -39.206 -11.17 -50.513 -6.169 -50.513 0 c -50.513 6.166 -39.206 11.166 -25.255 11.166 c -11.308 11.166 0 6.166 0 0 c h S Q /CS0 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 81.5727 653.472 cm 0 0 m 0 4.284 l 2.949 4.284 l 2.949 3.781 l 0.546 3.781 l 0.546 2.458 l 2.634 2.458 l 2.634 1.959 l 0.546 1.959 l 0.546 0.497 l 3.021 0.497 l 3.021 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 87.1019 653.472 cm 0 0 m 0 1.874 l 0 2.318 -0.315 2.494 -0.649 2.494 c -1.051 2.494 -1.407 2.202 -1.407 1.693 c -1.407 0 l -1.894 0 l -1.894 2.858 l -1.407 2.858 l -1.407 2.44 l -1.288 2.652 -1 2.948 -0.511 2.948 c -0.383 2.948 0.048 2.913 0.302 2.554 c 0.467 2.324 0.479 2.076 0.479 1.808 c 0.479 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 89.6747 655.9839 cm 0 0 m -0.492 0 -0.887 -0.371 -0.887 -1.086 c -0.887 -1.692 -0.608 -2.167 0.018 -2.167 c 0.642 -2.167 0.898 -1.662 0.898 -1.043 c 0.898 -0.389 0.521 0 0 0 c 1.382 -2.567 m 1.382 -3.622 0.722 -3.902 0.048 -3.902 c -0.613 -3.902 -1.184 -3.574 -1.251 -2.84 c -0.705 -2.84 l -0.705 -3.288 -0.377 -3.508 0.085 -3.508 c 0.691 -3.508 0.879 -3.186 0.879 -2.645 c 0.879 -2.093 l 0.551 -2.543 0.169 -2.604 -0.062 -2.604 c -0.79 -2.604 -1.384 -2.057 -1.384 -1.098 c -1.384 -0.431 -1.08 0.436 -0.055 0.436 c 0.302 0.436 0.606 0.273 0.879 -0.042 c 0.879 0.346 l 1.382 0.346 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 92.5923 654.6611 cm 0 0 m -0.091 -0.036 -0.351 -0.158 -0.351 -0.438 c -0.351 -0.649 -0.194 -0.862 0.188 -0.862 c 0.45 -0.862 1.026 -0.753 1.026 -0.019 c 1.026 0.206 l 0.801 0.169 0.225 0.098 0 0 c 1.02 0.619 m 1.02 0.886 1.013 1.389 0.383 1.389 c -0.018 1.389 -0.236 1.19 -0.236 0.831 c -0.236 0.789 l -0.739 0.819 l -0.739 0.958 -0.654 1.759 0.358 1.759 c 0.534 1.759 0.838 1.729 1.075 1.59 c 1.481 1.359 1.506 1.062 1.506 0.552 c 1.506 -0.455 l 1.506 -0.624 1.511 -0.789 1.724 -0.789 c 1.785 -0.789 1.816 -0.776 1.871 -0.765 c 1.871 -1.171 l 1.724 -1.22 1.639 -1.225 1.559 -1.225 c 1.536 -1.225 1.359 -1.225 1.257 -1.153 c 1.141 -1.068 1.069 -0.886 1.063 -0.801 c 0.93 -0.946 0.638 -1.268 0.086 -1.268 c -0.485 -1.268 -0.886 -0.941 -0.886 -0.449 c -0.886 -0.315 -0.849 -0.036 -0.576 0.169 c -0.285 0.389 0.22 0.467 0.583 0.492 c 1.02 0.522 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 96.2397 655.9839 cm 0 0 m -0.492 0 -0.887 -0.371 -0.887 -1.086 c -0.887 -1.692 -0.607 -2.167 0.019 -2.167 c 0.644 -2.167 0.898 -1.662 0.898 -1.043 c 0.898 -0.389 0.523 0 0 0 c 1.384 -2.567 m 1.384 -3.622 0.722 -3.902 0.048 -3.902 c -0.613 -3.902 -1.184 -3.574 -1.251 -2.84 c -0.704 -2.84 l -0.704 -3.288 -0.377 -3.508 0.085 -3.508 c 0.693 -3.508 0.88 -3.186 0.88 -2.645 c 0.88 -2.093 l 0.553 -2.543 0.17 -2.604 -0.06 -2.604 c -0.789 -2.604 -1.383 -2.057 -1.383 -1.098 c -1.383 -0.431 -1.081 0.436 -0.054 0.436 c 0.304 0.436 0.607 0.273 0.88 -0.042 c 0.88 0.346 l 1.384 0.346 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 100.482 655.1655 cm 0 0 m 0 0.473 -0.335 0.879 -0.82 0.879 c -1.336 0.879 -1.592 0.453 -1.634 0 c h -1.645 -0.388 m -1.645 -0.832 -1.402 -1.421 -0.718 -1.421 c -0.213 -1.421 -0.027 -1.013 0.035 -0.753 c 0.527 -0.82 l 0.461 -1.02 0.192 -1.785 -0.766 -1.785 c -1.469 -1.785 -2.168 -1.367 -2.168 -0.237 c -2.168 0.85 -1.38 1.255 -0.783 1.255 c -0.159 1.255 0.527 0.837 0.527 -0.274 c 0.527 -0.353 l -1.645 -0.353 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 102.9504 653.8118 cm 0 0 m 0.425 0 0.892 0.255 0.892 1.129 c 0.892 1.717 0.553 2.166 0.013 2.166 c -0.642 2.166 -0.892 1.62 -0.892 1.079 c -0.892 0.577 -0.692 0 0 0 c 0.88 -0.34 m 0.88 0.024 l 0.735 -0.146 0.467 -0.431 -0.097 -0.431 c -0.935 -0.431 -1.414 0.213 -1.414 1.098 c -1.414 2.208 -0.685 2.608 -0.102 2.608 c 0.418 2.608 0.777 2.306 0.88 2.142 c 0.88 3.944 l 1.366 3.944 l 1.366 -0.34 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 87.066 648.0234 cm 0 0 m -0.147 -0.692 -0.759 -1.663 -2.112 -1.663 c -3.399 -1.663 -4.207 -0.752 -4.207 0.588 c -4.207 1.924 -3.399 2.84 -2.04 2.84 c -1.019 2.84 -0.371 2.348 -0.086 1.529 c -0.662 1.414 l -0.814 1.894 -1.245 2.384 -2.047 2.384 c -3.023 2.384 -3.574 1.663 -3.574 0.618 c -3.574 -0.607 -2.902 -1.183 -2.04 -1.183 c -1.371 -1.183 -0.759 -0.795 -0.619 0.072 c h f Q 87.68 649.329 0.468 -2.858 re 87.68 646.47 m 87.68 650.755 0.468 -0.56 re f q 1 0 0 1 89.6378 647.0897 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.207 0.062 -0.286 0.213 -0.286 c 0.27 -0.286 0.383 -0.268 0.517 -0.219 c 0.517 -0.619 l 0.474 -0.625 0.242 -0.668 0.055 -0.668 c -0.417 -0.668 -0.497 -0.48 -0.497 -0.153 c -0.497 1.838 l -0.958 1.838 l -0.958 2.239 l -0.497 2.239 l -0.497 3.142 l 0 3.142 l 0 2.239 l 0.517 2.239 l 0.517 1.838 l 0 1.838 l h f Q 90.835 649.329 0.467 -2.858 re 90.835 646.47 m 90.835 650.755 0.467 -0.56 re f q 1 0 0 1 91.8163 646.4704 cm 0 0 m 0 0.401 l 1.644 2.439 l 0.158 2.439 l 0.158 2.858 l 2.246 2.858 l 2.246 2.469 l 0.584 0.401 l 2.283 0.401 l 2.283 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 96.7313 648.1636 cm 0 0 m 0 0.473 -0.333 0.879 -0.819 0.879 c -1.334 0.879 -1.59 0.455 -1.631 0 c h -1.644 -0.389 m -1.644 -0.833 -1.401 -1.42 -0.715 -1.42 c -0.211 -1.42 -0.023 -1.014 0.038 -0.753 c 0.529 -0.82 l 0.464 -1.02 0.195 -1.785 -0.764 -1.785 c -1.467 -1.785 -2.164 -1.366 -2.164 -0.237 c -2.164 0.849 -1.376 1.256 -0.781 1.256 c -0.156 1.256 0.529 0.838 0.529 -0.273 c 0.529 -0.353 l -1.644 -0.353 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 99.8338 646.4704 cm 0 0 m 0 1.874 l 0 2.317 -0.317 2.494 -0.651 2.494 c -1.051 2.494 -1.409 2.203 -1.409 1.693 c -1.409 0 l -1.895 0 l -1.895 2.858 l -1.409 2.858 l -1.409 2.439 l -1.288 2.652 -1.002 2.949 -0.509 2.949 c -0.383 2.949 0.048 2.912 0.302 2.556 c 0.467 2.324 0.478 2.075 0.478 1.807 c 0.478 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 101.5133 647.4713 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.188 0.018 -0.352 0.157 -0.504 c 0.327 -0.692 0.565 -0.722 0.8 -0.722 c 1.038 -0.722 1.464 -0.65 1.464 -0.242 c 1.464 0.102 1.129 0.165 0.867 0.213 c 0.59 0.267 l -0.193 0.419 -0.431 0.698 -0.431 1.098 c -0.431 1.723 0.164 1.948 0.68 1.948 c 1.281 1.948 1.608 1.651 1.748 1.443 c 1.863 1.268 1.887 1.092 1.899 1.007 c 1.378 0.947 l 1.371 1.086 1.366 1.147 1.336 1.214 c 1.264 1.371 1.026 1.578 0.613 1.578 c 0.218 1.578 0.05 1.34 0.05 1.159 c 0.05 0.911 0.304 0.813 0.741 0.709 c 1.02 0.643 l 1.554 0.516 1.973 0.334 1.973 -0.188 c 1.973 -0.734 1.457 -1.093 0.777 -1.093 c -0.145 -1.093 -0.468 -0.637 -0.552 -0.079 c h f Q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 162.4383 681.2016 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.166 -11.304 -11.168 -25.255 -11.168 c -39.204 -11.168 -50.51 -6.166 -50.51 0 c -50.51 6.169 -39.204 11.169 -25.255 11.169 c -11.304 11.169 0 6.169 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 162.4383 681.2016 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.166 -11.304 -11.168 -25.255 -11.168 c -39.204 -11.168 -50.51 -6.166 -50.51 0 c -50.51 6.169 -39.204 11.169 -25.255 11.169 c -11.304 11.169 0 6.169 0 0 c h S Q /CS0 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 125.4252 679.7474 cm 0 0 m 0.418 0 0.897 0.068 0.897 0.722 c 0.897 1.238 0.533 1.493 0.018 1.493 c -1.391 1.493 l -1.391 0 l h -0.121 1.978 m 0.261 1.978 0.758 2.051 0.758 2.652 c 0.758 3.004 0.557 3.277 0.024 3.277 c -1.391 3.277 l -1.391 1.978 l h -1.931 3.78 m 0.126 3.78 l 0.74 3.78 1.359 3.398 1.359 2.682 c 1.359 2.245 1.104 1.869 0.704 1.754 c 1.043 1.651 1.486 1.396 1.486 0.68 c 1.486 -0.273 0.68 -0.503 0.144 -0.503 c -1.931 -0.503 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 128.1438 682.1023 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.522 l 0.066 -0.395 0.151 -0.285 0.265 -0.194 c 0.382 -0.103 0.606 0.036 0.976 0.036 c 0.976 -0.486 l 0.916 -0.473 0.849 -0.467 0.788 -0.467 c 0.443 -0.467 0.139 -0.656 0.043 -1.007 c 0.005 -1.153 0 -1.257 0 -1.535 c 0 -2.858 l -0.486 -2.858 l -0.486 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 130.3038 680.433 cm 0 0 m -0.092 -0.036 -0.353 -0.157 -0.353 -0.436 c -0.353 -0.648 -0.195 -0.861 0.188 -0.861 c 0.448 -0.861 1.025 -0.752 1.025 -0.018 c 1.025 0.206 l 0.8 0.171 0.223 0.098 0 0 c 1.018 0.619 m 1.018 0.886 1.013 1.391 0.382 1.391 c -0.02 1.391 -0.238 1.189 -0.238 0.832 c -0.238 0.789 l -0.74 0.82 l -0.74 0.959 -0.657 1.761 0.358 1.761 c 0.532 1.761 0.836 1.73 1.074 1.591 c 1.478 1.36 1.504 1.062 1.504 0.553 c 1.504 -0.455 l 1.504 -0.624 1.511 -0.789 1.722 -0.789 c 1.784 -0.789 1.814 -0.776 1.869 -0.763 c 1.869 -1.171 l 1.722 -1.219 1.638 -1.225 1.558 -1.225 c 1.535 -1.225 1.358 -1.225 1.256 -1.153 c 1.139 -1.068 1.067 -0.885 1.062 -0.801 c 0.928 -0.945 0.637 -1.268 0.084 -1.268 c -0.486 -1.268 -0.888 -0.94 -0.888 -0.449 c -0.888 -0.315 -0.851 -0.036 -0.577 0.171 c -0.286 0.39 0.217 0.468 0.581 0.492 c 1.018 0.522 l h f Q 132.735 682.102 0.469 -2.858 re 132.735 679.245 m 132.735 683.528 0.469 -0.558 re f q 1 0 0 1 135.9228 679.2445 cm 0 0 m 0 1.875 l 0 2.317 -0.316 2.493 -0.65 2.493 c -1.051 2.493 -1.408 2.202 -1.408 1.692 c -1.408 0 l -1.893 0 l -1.893 2.858 l -1.408 2.858 l -1.408 2.439 l -1.288 2.652 -1.001 2.949 -0.511 2.949 c -0.383 2.949 0.048 2.912 0.303 2.554 c 0.466 2.324 0.48 2.074 0.48 1.808 c 0.48 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 142.5666 679.2445 cm 0 0 m 0 0.6 l -0.163 0.322 -0.667 -0.11 -1.565 -0.11 c -2.84 -0.11 -3.696 0.795 -3.696 2.086 c -3.696 3.538 -2.731 4.393 -1.487 4.393 c -0.801 4.393 0.06 4.126 0.497 3.149 c -0.097 2.997 l -0.28 3.579 -0.795 3.92 -1.469 3.92 c -2.571 3.92 -3.065 3.033 -3.065 2.154 c -3.065 0.928 -2.3 0.388 -1.481 0.388 c -0.692 0.388 0 0.873 0 1.723 c 0 1.783 l -1.493 1.783 l -1.493 2.263 l 0.497 2.263 l 0.497 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 144.6361 680.433 cm 0 0 m -0.092 -0.036 -0.353 -0.157 -0.353 -0.436 c -0.353 -0.648 -0.194 -0.861 0.188 -0.861 c 0.448 -0.861 1.025 -0.752 1.025 -0.018 c 1.025 0.206 l 0.8 0.171 0.223 0.098 0 0 c 1.018 0.619 m 1.018 0.886 1.013 1.391 0.382 1.391 c -0.019 1.391 -0.238 1.189 -0.238 0.832 c -0.238 0.789 l -0.74 0.82 l -0.74 0.959 -0.656 1.761 0.358 1.761 c 0.535 1.761 0.838 1.73 1.073 1.591 c 1.481 1.36 1.504 1.062 1.504 0.553 c 1.504 -0.455 l 1.504 -0.624 1.51 -0.789 1.723 -0.789 c 1.784 -0.789 1.812 -0.776 1.869 -0.763 c 1.869 -1.171 l 1.723 -1.219 1.638 -1.225 1.558 -1.225 c 1.535 -1.225 1.359 -1.225 1.256 -1.153 c 1.141 -1.068 1.067 -0.885 1.062 -0.801 c 0.93 -0.945 0.636 -1.268 0.085 -1.268 c -0.486 -1.268 -0.887 -0.94 -0.887 -0.449 c -0.887 -0.315 -0.85 -0.036 -0.577 0.171 c -0.286 0.39 0.218 0.468 0.583 0.492 c 1.018 0.522 l h f Q 147.07 682.102 0.466 -2.858 re 147.07 679.245 m 147.07 683.528 0.466 -0.558 re f q 1 0 0 1 150.2545 679.2445 cm 0 0 m 0 1.875 l 0 2.317 -0.315 2.493 -0.65 2.493 c -1.05 2.493 -1.408 2.202 -1.408 1.692 c -1.408 0 l -1.894 0 l -1.894 2.858 l -1.408 2.858 l -1.408 2.439 l -1.287 2.652 -1.002 2.949 -0.51 2.949 c -0.382 2.949 0.049 2.912 0.303 2.554 c 0.468 2.324 0.48 2.074 0.48 1.808 c 0.48 0 l h f Q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 234.6908 683.1655 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.167 -11.306 -11.167 -25.253 -11.167 c -39.202 -11.167 -50.51 -6.167 -50.51 0 c -50.51 6.167 -39.202 11.168 -25.253 11.168 c -11.306 11.168 0 6.167 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 234.6908 683.1655 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.167 -11.306 -11.167 -25.253 -11.167 c -39.202 -11.167 -50.51 -6.167 -50.51 0 c -50.51 6.167 -39.202 11.168 -25.253 11.168 c -11.306 11.168 0 6.167 0 0 c h S Q /CS0 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 206.5469 681.0912 cm 0 0 m 0 0.602 l -0.163 0.323 -0.668 -0.108 -1.566 -0.108 c -2.84 -0.108 -3.695 0.796 -3.695 2.089 c -3.695 3.539 -2.732 4.394 -1.487 4.394 c -0.802 4.394 0.06 4.128 0.497 3.151 c -0.098 3 l -0.28 3.582 -0.795 3.922 -1.469 3.922 c -2.573 3.922 -3.066 3.035 -3.066 2.155 c -3.066 0.93 -2.301 0.39 -1.481 0.39 c -0.692 0.39 0 0.875 0 1.725 c 0 1.785 l -1.493 1.785 l -1.493 2.265 l 0.497 2.265 l 0.497 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 208.8531 681.5898 cm 0 0 m 1.011 0 l 1.898 0 2.348 0.632 2.348 1.645 c 2.348 2.573 1.953 3.283 0.982 3.283 c 0 3.283 l h 1.11 3.787 m 2.141 3.787 2.931 3.064 2.931 1.639 c 2.931 0.571 2.495 -0.499 0.946 -0.499 c -0.589 -0.499 l -0.589 3.787 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 214.6671 683.4163 cm 0 0 m 0.455 0 0.767 0.243 0.767 0.765 c 0.767 1.268 0.442 1.468 0.005 1.468 c -1.381 1.468 l -1.381 0 l h 0.101 1.96 m 0.934 1.96 1.333 1.426 1.333 0.753 c 1.333 0.157 1.012 -0.51 0.082 -0.51 c -1.381 -0.51 l -1.381 -2.325 l -1.93 -2.325 l -1.93 1.96 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 146.7173 535.3748 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.262 l 2.027 -1.262 l 2.027 -1.76 l 0 -1.76 l 0 -3.774 l -0.571 -3.774 l -0.571 0.509 l 2.179 0.509 l 2.179 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 150.4794 531.8972 cm 0 0 m 0.583 0 0.887 0.456 0.887 1.195 c 0.887 1.687 0.692 2.264 0.043 2.264 c -0.862 2.264 -0.868 1.287 -0.868 1.105 c -0.868 0.765 -0.765 0 0 0 c 0.048 2.651 m 0.717 2.651 1.408 2.185 1.408 1.159 c 1.408 0.134 0.771 -0.389 0.006 -0.389 c -0.795 -0.389 -1.396 0.146 -1.396 1.129 c -1.396 1.59 -1.189 2.651 0.048 2.651 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 153.7689 531.8972 cm 0 0 m 0.583 0 0.886 0.456 0.886 1.195 c 0.886 1.687 0.692 2.264 0.043 2.264 c -0.861 2.264 -0.868 1.287 -0.868 1.105 c -0.868 0.765 -0.765 0 0 0 c 0.049 2.651 m 0.716 2.651 1.408 2.185 1.408 1.159 c 1.408 0.134 0.771 -0.389 0.006 -0.389 c -0.795 -0.389 -1.395 0.146 -1.395 1.129 c -1.395 1.59 -1.189 2.651 0.049 2.651 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 157.0712 531.941 cm 0 0 m 0.424 0 0.892 0.254 0.892 1.128 c 0.892 1.717 0.552 2.166 0.012 2.166 c -0.643 2.166 -0.893 1.62 -0.893 1.08 c -0.893 0.576 -0.692 0 0 0 c 0.879 -0.341 m 0.879 0.023 l 0.734 -0.146 0.467 -0.433 -0.098 -0.433 c -0.935 -0.433 -1.415 0.211 -1.415 1.097 c -1.415 2.208 -0.687 2.607 -0.104 2.607 c 0.418 2.607 0.776 2.306 0.879 2.141 c 0.879 3.943 l 1.365 3.943 l 1.365 -0.341 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 162.8666 535.0593 cm 0 0 m 0 0.225 -0.158 0.425 -0.407 0.425 c -0.565 0.425 -0.874 0.297 -0.874 -0.103 c -0.874 -0.237 -0.82 -0.474 -0.674 -0.771 c -0.182 -0.559 0 -0.249 0 0 c -0.619 -2.026 m -0.82 -1.687 -0.868 -1.614 -0.959 -1.414 c -1.523 -1.663 -1.645 -2.064 -1.645 -2.276 c -1.645 -2.64 -1.372 -3.04 -0.892 -3.04 c -0.534 -3.04 -0.267 -2.791 -0.194 -2.725 c -0.352 -2.5 -0.48 -2.258 -0.619 -2.026 c 0.91 -1.487 m 0.826 -2.075 0.564 -2.494 0.449 -2.682 c 0.51 -2.767 0.698 -2.997 1.038 -2.997 c 1.08 -2.997 1.129 -2.992 1.208 -2.98 c 1.208 -3.483 l 1.111 -3.503 1.02 -3.508 0.977 -3.508 c 0.473 -3.508 0.212 -3.211 0.091 -3.07 c -0.334 -3.454 -0.795 -3.514 -0.99 -3.514 c -1.427 -3.514 -2.161 -3.211 -2.161 -2.336 c -2.161 -1.578 -1.596 -1.232 -1.159 -0.995 c -1.263 -0.722 -1.36 -0.511 -1.36 -0.206 c -1.36 0.352 -0.97 0.795 -0.401 0.795 c 0.085 0.795 0.479 0.442 0.479 -0.061 c 0.479 -0.577 0.013 -0.91 -0.103 -0.989 c -0.213 -1.062 -0.334 -1.128 -0.449 -1.196 c -0.285 -1.56 -0.061 -1.93 0.158 -2.276 c 0.248 -2.099 0.346 -1.894 0.443 -1.487 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 166.6229 533.0505 cm 0 0 m 0.006 -0.169 0.043 -1.109 1.232 -1.109 c 1.59 -1.109 2.3 -0.971 2.3 -0.254 c 2.3 0.225 1.949 0.364 1.487 0.455 c 1.098 0.534 l 0.134 0.727 -0.407 1.038 -0.407 1.754 c -0.407 2.094 -0.255 2.379 0 2.591 c 0.413 2.932 0.904 2.944 1.111 2.944 c 1.536 2.944 1.949 2.889 2.294 2.622 c 2.671 2.337 2.768 2.027 2.841 1.626 c 2.264 1.59 l 2.264 1.833 2.13 2.501 1.159 2.501 c 0.753 2.501 0.182 2.355 0.182 1.826 c 0.182 1.414 0.553 1.268 1.038 1.154 c 1.821 0.965 l 2.022 0.917 2.914 0.722 2.914 -0.218 c 2.914 -0.388 2.889 -0.771 2.555 -1.098 c 2.319 -1.33 1.93 -1.56 1.202 -1.56 c 1.062 -1.56 0.48 -1.554 0.03 -1.262 c -0.54 -0.892 -0.594 -0.261 -0.612 -0.079 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 172.1221 531.6003 cm 0 0 m 0 1.675 l 0 1.833 -0.007 2.009 -0.057 2.148 c -0.146 2.403 -0.372 2.524 -0.631 2.524 c -0.753 2.524 -1.081 2.488 -1.27 2.166 c -1.402 1.935 -1.402 1.669 -1.402 1.42 c -1.402 0 l -1.888 0 l -1.888 4.284 l -1.402 4.284 l -1.402 2.567 l -1.075 2.925 -0.735 2.948 -0.535 2.948 c 0.333 2.948 0.492 2.331 0.492 1.85 c 0.492 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 175.3981 533.293 cm 0 0 m 0 0.473 -0.333 0.88 -0.818 0.88 c -1.334 0.88 -1.589 0.456 -1.631 0 c h -1.643 -0.389 m -1.643 -0.831 -1.401 -1.42 -0.716 -1.42 c -0.213 -1.42 -0.024 -1.013 0.037 -0.753 c 0.529 -0.819 l 0.462 -1.02 0.195 -1.785 -0.764 -1.785 c -1.467 -1.785 -2.166 -1.364 -2.166 -0.237 c -2.166 0.85 -1.377 1.255 -0.782 1.255 c -0.157 1.255 0.529 0.838 0.529 -0.272 c 0.529 -0.352 l -1.643 -0.352 l h f Q 176.564 535.884 0.462 -4.284 re f q 1 0 0 1 178.4772 532.2191 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.206 0.059 -0.285 0.211 -0.285 c 0.266 -0.285 0.381 -0.266 0.514 -0.219 c 0.514 -0.619 l 0.472 -0.625 0.242 -0.668 0.053 -0.668 c -0.42 -0.668 -0.499 -0.479 -0.499 -0.152 c -0.499 1.84 l -0.961 1.84 l -0.961 2.24 l -0.499 2.24 l -0.499 3.143 l 0 3.143 l 0 2.24 l 0.514 2.24 l 0.514 1.84 l 0 1.84 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 181.5949 533.293 cm 0 0 m 0 0.473 -0.334 0.88 -0.82 0.88 c -1.335 0.88 -1.589 0.456 -1.633 0 c h -1.646 -0.389 m -1.646 -0.831 -1.402 -1.42 -0.717 -1.42 c -0.212 -1.42 -0.024 -1.013 0.036 -0.753 c 0.528 -0.819 l 0.461 -1.02 0.194 -1.785 -0.764 -1.785 c -1.469 -1.785 -2.167 -1.364 -2.167 -0.237 c -2.167 0.85 -1.379 1.255 -0.782 1.255 c -0.158 1.255 0.528 0.838 0.528 -0.272 c 0.528 -0.352 l -1.646 -0.352 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 183.2338 534.4586 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.522 l 0.067 -0.394 0.151 -0.286 0.268 -0.195 c 0.382 -0.104 0.606 0.036 0.976 0.036 c 0.976 -0.485 l 0.916 -0.473 0.85 -0.467 0.788 -0.467 c 0.441 -0.467 0.138 -0.655 0.042 -1.008 c 0.005 -1.154 0 -1.255 0 -1.536 c 0 -2.858 l -0.486 -2.858 l -0.486 0 l h f Q 0.4 scn q 1 0 0 1 67.4357 456.4469 cm 0 0 m -0.078 0.351 -0.314 0.728 -0.94 0.728 c -1.893 0.728 -2.013 -0.248 -2.013 -0.691 c -2.013 -1.239 -1.911 -2.141 -0.88 -2.141 c -0.415 -2.141 -0.111 -1.861 0 -1.451 c 0.29 -1.626 l 0.032 -2.159 -0.314 -2.418 -0.916 -2.418 c -2.063 -2.418 -2.335 -1.461 -2.335 -0.729 c -2.335 -0.054 -2.096 0.999 -0.949 0.999 c -0.166 0.999 0.129 0.594 0.313 0.157 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 69.1446 456.1343 cm 0 0 m -0.396 0 -0.709 -0.29 -0.709 -0.95 c -0.709 -1.627 -0.355 -1.838 -0.01 -1.838 c 0.331 -1.838 0.704 -1.617 0.704 -0.913 c 0.704 -0.222 0.345 0 0 0 c -0.014 -2.078 m -0.581 -2.078 -1 -1.659 -1 -0.95 c -1 -0.268 -0.627 0.229 0.004 0.229 c 0.69 0.229 0.985 -0.356 0.995 -0.913 c 0.995 -1.732 0.465 -2.078 -0.014 -2.078 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 70.9545 455.13 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.299 0.055 -0.526 0.24 -0.677 c 0.387 -0.801 0.548 -0.806 0.622 -0.806 c 1.129 -0.806 1.303 -0.313 1.303 0.11 c 1.303 0.515 1.129 0.977 0.617 0.977 c 0.087 0.977 0 0.446 0 0.11 c h 0 1.18 m 0 0.819 l 0.069 0.985 0.253 1.225 0.663 1.225 c 1.465 1.225 1.585 0.391 1.585 0.074 c 1.585 -0.258 1.423 -1.069 0.663 -1.069 c 0.281 -1.069 0.073 -0.838 0 -0.65 c 0 -2.184 l -0.267 -2.184 l -0.267 1.18 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 74.7086 456.3096 cm 0 0 m -1.037 -2.626 l -1.212 -3.077 -1.299 -3.313 -1.626 -3.313 c -1.779 -3.313 -1.87 -3.257 -1.916 -3.225 c -1.916 -2.948 l -1.792 -3.035 -1.705 -3.055 -1.631 -3.055 c -1.474 -3.055 -1.428 -2.958 -1.336 -2.723 c -1.133 -2.197 l -1.894 0 l -1.631 0 l -0.991 -1.871 l -0.277 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 75.3713 456.3096 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.35 l 0.116 -0.093 0.332 0.032 0.604 0.032 c 0.64 0.032 0.714 0.032 0.793 0.022 c 0.793 -0.222 l 0.737 -0.213 0.682 -0.208 0.617 -0.208 c 0.148 -0.208 0 -0.553 0 -0.996 c 0 -2.197 l -0.271 -2.197 l -0.271 0 l h f Q 76.542 456.31 0.267 -2.197 re 76.542 454.112 m 76.542 457.244 0.267 -0.421 re f q 1 0 0 1 78.333 454.3097 cm 0 0 m 0.53 0 0.696 0.373 0.696 0.935 c 0.696 1.322 0.599 1.81 0.014 1.81 c -0.401 1.81 -0.7 1.51 -0.7 0.921 c -0.7 0.396 -0.488 0 0 0 c 0.967 2 m 0.967 -0.337 l 0.967 -0.796 0.848 -1.321 -0.009 -1.321 c -0.718 -1.321 -0.944 -0.898 -0.958 -0.54 c -0.672 -0.488 l -0.635 -0.733 -0.567 -1.087 0.028 -1.087 c 0.576 -1.087 0.705 -0.792 0.705 -0.216 c 0.705 0.226 l 0.686 0.119 0.521 -0.244 -0.023 -0.244 c -0.599 -0.244 -0.976 0.207 -0.976 0.912 c -0.976 1.724 -0.511 2.045 -0.019 2.045 c 0.318 2.045 0.631 1.866 0.705 1.593 c 0.705 2 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 81.4335 454.1122 cm 0 0 m 0 1.391 l 0 1.666 -0.07 1.995 -0.516 1.995 c -0.848 1.995 -1.004 1.805 -1.069 1.686 c -1.157 1.514 -1.161 1.33 -1.161 0.948 c -1.161 0 l -1.438 0 l -1.438 3.252 l -1.161 3.252 l -1.161 1.847 l -1.092 1.989 -0.907 2.242 -0.48 2.242 c -0.383 2.242 -0.065 2.225 0.124 1.971 c 0.248 1.805 0.267 1.625 0.267 1.239 c 0.267 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 82.8423 454.5767 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.124 0.019 -0.267 0.18 -0.267 c 0.29 -0.267 0.401 -0.188 0.483 -0.128 c 0.483 -0.405 l 0.424 -0.451 0.309 -0.506 0.12 -0.506 c 0.042 -0.506 -0.161 -0.501 -0.23 -0.308 c -0.258 -0.23 -0.263 -0.069 -0.263 0.051 c -0.263 1.502 l -0.723 1.502 l -0.723 1.733 l -0.263 1.733 l -0.263 2.668 l 0 2.668 l 0 1.733 l 0.483 1.733 l 0.483 1.502 l 0 1.502 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 87.3747 455.3835 cm 0 0 m -0.106 -0.466 -0.41 -0.724 -0.857 -0.724 c -1.41 -0.724 -1.769 -0.309 -1.769 0.317 c -1.769 0.976 -1.382 1.427 -0.816 1.427 c -0.401 1.427 -0.129 1.211 -0.019 0.792 c -0.268 0.736 l -0.364 1.063 -0.535 1.197 -0.839 1.197 c -1.253 1.197 -1.502 0.879 -1.502 0.339 c -1.502 -0.185 -1.258 -0.49 -0.839 -0.49 c -0.53 -0.49 -0.318 -0.309 -0.244 0.027 c h -0.866 1.847 m -1.7 1.847 -2.363 1.187 -2.363 0.349 c -2.363 -0.474 -1.7 -1.139 -0.871 -1.139 c -0.046 -1.139 0.617 -0.474 0.617 0.349 c 0.617 1.192 -0.028 1.847 -0.866 1.847 c -0.871 -1.285 m -1.792 -1.285 -2.51 -0.567 -2.51 0.354 c -2.51 1.28 -1.792 1.994 -0.866 1.994 c 0.037 1.994 0.769 1.27 0.769 0.377 c 0.769 -0.558 0.051 -1.285 -0.871 -1.285 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 89.8849 454.3651 cm 0 0 m 0.502 0.304 1.109 0.765 1.442 1.11 c 1.543 1.216 1.861 1.552 1.861 2.045 c 1.861 2.497 1.557 2.818 1.055 2.818 c 0.64 2.818 0.262 2.546 0.262 2.086 c 0.262 1.801 0.429 1.603 0.488 1.533 c 0.11 1.579 l 0.009 1.833 -0.005 1.994 -0.005 2.114 c -0.005 2.616 0.336 3.063 1.059 3.063 c 1.561 3.063 2.164 2.796 2.164 2.027 c 2.164 1.87 2.142 1.625 1.944 1.312 c 1.538 0.668 0.543 0.064 0.424 0 c 2.054 0 l 2.054 -0.253 l 0 -0.253 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 93.6388 454.3097 cm 0 0 m 0.608 0 0.834 0.64 0.834 1.4 c 0.834 2.175 0.604 2.865 0 2.865 c -0.724 2.865 -0.834 1.866 -0.834 1.438 c -0.834 0.76 -0.668 0 0 0 c 0.004 3.119 m 1.11 3.119 1.143 1.719 1.143 1.391 c 1.143 1.041 1.036 -0.258 -0.009 -0.258 c -0.765 -0.258 -1.142 0.464 -1.142 1.456 c -1.142 2.013 -0.958 3.119 0.004 3.119 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 96.3239 454.3097 cm 0 0 m 0.608 0 0.834 0.64 0.834 1.4 c 0.834 2.175 0.604 2.865 0 2.865 c -0.723 2.865 -0.834 1.866 -0.834 1.438 c -0.834 0.76 -0.668 0 0 0 c 0.004 3.119 m 1.11 3.119 1.143 1.719 1.143 1.391 c 1.143 1.041 1.036 -0.258 -0.009 -0.258 c -0.765 -0.258 -1.142 0.464 -1.142 1.456 c -1.142 2.013 -0.959 3.119 0.004 3.119 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 100.0181 457.092 cm 0 0 m -0.254 -0.346 -0.396 -0.585 -0.488 -0.75 c -1.013 -1.708 -1.096 -2.567 -1.138 -2.98 c -1.446 -2.98 l -1.395 -2.178 -1.138 -1.41 -0.737 -0.723 c -0.594 -0.474 -0.429 -0.235 -0.263 0 c -1.801 0 l -1.801 -0.729 l -2.063 -0.729 l -2.063 0.272 l 0 0.272 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 104.403 455.8112 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.699 l -0.268 -1.699 l -0.268 -1.156 l -0.452 -1.626 -0.857 -1.783 -1.249 -1.783 c -2.248 -1.783 -2.635 -0.94 -2.635 -0.097 c -2.635 0.644 -2.308 1.635 -1.175 1.635 c -0.355 1.635 -0.102 1.096 0.023 0.81 c -0.268 0.654 l -0.364 1.022 -0.613 1.377 -1.147 1.377 c -1.765 1.377 -2.308 0.917 -2.308 -0.084 c -2.308 -1.022 -1.875 -1.506 -1.235 -1.506 c -1.041 -1.506 -0.268 -1.474 -0.268 -0.282 c -1.465 -0.282 l -1.465 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 106.4757 455.2731 cm 0 0 m -0.138 -0.039 l -0.885 -0.235 -1.207 -0.282 -1.207 -0.604 c -1.207 -0.756 -1.087 -0.968 -0.765 -0.968 c -0.498 -0.968 -0.171 -0.806 -0.06 -0.554 c -0.019 -0.461 0 -0.369 0 -0.166 c h 0.534 -1.161 m 0.17 -1.161 0 -1.069 0 -0.761 c -0.051 -0.926 -0.3 -1.208 -0.779 -1.208 c -1.244 -1.208 -1.47 -0.921 -1.47 -0.609 c -1.47 -0.171 -1.096 -0.014 -0.369 0.151 c 0 0.234 l 0 0.404 l 0 0.616 -0.106 0.852 -0.512 0.852 c -0.963 0.852 -1.106 0.676 -1.106 0.321 c -1.405 0.372 l -1.35 0.819 -1.05 1.09 -0.544 1.09 c -0.161 1.09 0.262 0.976 0.262 0.427 c 0.262 -0.535 l 0.262 -0.829 0.272 -0.944 0.543 -0.944 c 0.59 -0.944 l 0.59 -1.161 l h f Q 107.443 457.364 0.276 -3.252 re f 108.401 457.364 0.276 -3.252 re f q 1 0 0 1 110.8007 454.1122 cm 0 0 m 0 0.396 l -0.12 0.124 -0.327 -0.051 -0.701 -0.051 c -1.004 -0.051 -1.28 0.11 -1.377 0.413 c -1.423 0.566 -1.437 0.773 -1.437 1.118 c -1.437 2.197 l -1.161 2.197 l -1.161 1.059 l -1.161 0.792 -1.156 0.649 -1.124 0.525 c -1.087 0.391 -0.991 0.202 -0.668 0.202 c -0.557 0.202 -0.322 0.207 -0.147 0.446 c -0.014 0.631 0 0.861 0 1.086 c 0 2.197 l 0.271 2.197 l 0.271 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 112.0303 455.13 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.299 0.055 -0.526 0.239 -0.677 c 0.387 -0.801 0.548 -0.806 0.622 -0.806 c 1.129 -0.806 1.303 -0.313 1.303 0.11 c 1.303 0.515 1.129 0.977 0.617 0.977 c 0.087 0.977 0 0.446 0 0.11 c h 0 1.18 m 0 0.819 l 0.069 0.985 0.253 1.225 0.664 1.225 c 1.465 1.225 1.584 0.391 1.584 0.074 c 1.584 -0.258 1.423 -1.069 0.664 -1.069 c 0.281 -1.069 0.074 -0.838 0 -0.65 c 0 -2.184 l -0.267 -2.184 l -0.267 1.18 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 114.3841 454.6462 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.451 l 0 -0.787 -0.019 -0.977 -0.213 -1.263 c -0.364 -1.156 l -0.221 -0.926 -0.189 -0.802 -0.189 -0.534 c -0.364 -0.534 l -0.364 0 l h f Q 116.148 457.364 0.309 -3.252 re f q 1 0 0 1 118.6119 454.1122 cm 0 0 m 0 1.142 l 0 1.437 0 1.611 -0.05 1.741 c -0.134 1.952 -0.359 1.998 -0.507 1.998 c -0.962 1.998 -1.165 1.658 -1.165 1.257 c -1.165 0 l -1.437 0 l -1.437 2.197 l -1.165 2.197 l -1.165 1.805 l -1.147 1.865 -1.008 2.242 -0.474 2.242 c -0.064 2.242 0.124 2.018 0.193 1.865 c 0.267 1.708 0.272 1.552 0.272 1.247 c 0.272 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 121.3206 454.5989 cm 0 0 m -0.134 -0.279 -0.383 -0.542 -0.88 -0.542 c -1.502 -0.542 -1.888 -0.082 -1.888 0.595 c -1.888 1.313 -1.451 1.764 -0.834 1.764 c -0.364 1.764 -0.116 1.516 0 1.212 c -0.254 1.153 l -0.351 1.396 -0.59 1.521 -0.848 1.521 c -1.354 1.521 -1.594 1.088 -1.594 0.609 c -1.594 0.116 -1.372 -0.303 -0.871 -0.303 c -0.595 -0.303 -0.406 -0.174 -0.276 0.065 c h f Q 121.638 454.646 0.364 -0.534 re f q 1 0 0 1 124.8905 457.0043 cm 0 0 m -0.636 -1.662 l 0.625 -1.662 l h 1.091 -2.892 m 0.717 -1.911 l -0.738 -1.911 l -1.111 -2.892 l -1.451 -2.892 l -0.125 0.36 l 0.133 0.36 l 1.427 -2.892 l h f Q 126.709 457.364 0.277 -3.252 re f 127.667 457.364 0.276 -3.252 re f q 1 0 0 1 130.09 456.3096 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.35 l 0.115 -0.093 0.331 0.032 0.603 0.032 c 0.64 0.032 0.713 0.032 0.792 0.022 c 0.792 -0.222 l 0.737 -0.213 0.682 -0.208 0.617 -0.208 c 0.147 -0.208 0 -0.553 0 -0.996 c 0 -2.197 l -0.272 -2.197 l -0.272 0 l h f Q 131.26 456.31 0.267 -2.197 re 131.26 454.112 m 131.26 457.244 0.267 -0.421 re f q 1 0 0 1 133.0511 454.3097 cm 0 0 m 0.531 0 0.696 0.373 0.696 0.935 c 0.696 1.322 0.599 1.81 0.014 1.81 c -0.4 1.81 -0.699 1.51 -0.699 0.921 c -0.699 0.396 -0.488 0 0 0 c 0.968 2 m 0.968 -0.337 l 0.968 -0.796 0.848 -1.321 -0.009 -1.321 c -0.719 -1.321 -0.944 -0.898 -0.958 -0.54 c -0.672 -0.488 l -0.635 -0.733 -0.566 -1.087 0.028 -1.087 c 0.576 -1.087 0.705 -0.792 0.705 -0.216 c 0.705 0.226 l 0.687 0.119 0.521 -0.244 -0.023 -0.244 c -0.598 -0.244 -0.976 0.207 -0.976 0.912 c -0.976 1.724 -0.511 2.045 -0.018 2.045 c 0.318 2.045 0.631 1.866 0.705 1.593 c 0.705 2 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 136.1518 454.1122 cm 0 0 m 0 1.391 l 0 1.666 -0.07 1.995 -0.516 1.995 c -0.848 1.995 -1.004 1.805 -1.069 1.686 c -1.157 1.514 -1.161 1.33 -1.161 0.948 c -1.161 0 l -1.437 0 l -1.437 3.252 l -1.161 3.252 l -1.161 1.847 l -1.092 1.989 -0.909 2.242 -0.48 2.242 c -0.383 2.242 -0.065 2.225 0.124 1.971 c 0.248 1.805 0.267 1.625 0.267 1.239 c 0.267 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 137.5611 454.5767 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.124 0.018 -0.267 0.179 -0.267 c 0.29 -0.267 0.401 -0.188 0.483 -0.128 c 0.483 -0.405 l 0.424 -0.451 0.309 -0.506 0.119 -0.506 c 0.041 -0.506 -0.162 -0.501 -0.231 -0.308 c -0.258 -0.23 -0.262 -0.069 -0.262 0.051 c -0.262 1.502 l -0.723 1.502 l -0.723 1.733 l -0.262 1.733 l -0.262 2.668 l 0 2.668 l 0 1.733 l 0.483 1.733 l 0.483 1.502 l 0 1.502 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 138.5374 454.7385 cm 0 0 m 0.036 -0.152 0.202 -0.433 0.612 -0.433 c 1.037 -0.433 1.175 -0.198 1.175 -0.005 c 1.175 0.184 1.063 0.313 0.699 0.391 c 0.442 0.446 l 0.1 0.521 -0.129 0.672 -0.129 0.994 c -0.129 1.073 -0.115 1.285 0.06 1.441 c 0.212 1.58 0.465 1.625 0.658 1.625 c 0.723 1.625 0.994 1.625 1.197 1.483 c 1.368 1.363 1.419 1.201 1.437 1.128 c 1.179 1.059 l 1.128 1.313 0.866 1.386 0.644 1.386 c 0.198 1.386 0.137 1.15 0.137 1.018 c 0.137 0.76 0.41 0.7 0.598 0.663 c 0.829 0.616 l 1.216 0.539 1.437 0.318 1.437 -0.023 c 1.437 -0.276 1.235 -0.682 0.617 -0.682 c 0.433 -0.682 -0.032 -0.654 -0.268 -0.092 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 142.0291 456.3096 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.35 l 0.115 -0.093 0.331 0.032 0.603 0.032 c 0.64 0.032 0.713 0.032 0.792 0.022 c 0.792 -0.222 l 0.737 -0.213 0.681 -0.208 0.616 -0.208 c 0.147 -0.208 0 -0.553 0 -0.996 c 0 -2.197 l -0.272 -2.197 l -0.272 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 144.7459 455.4338 cm 0 0 m -0.064 0.567 -0.442 0.686 -0.681 0.686 c -1.146 0.686 -1.354 0.309 -1.386 0 c h -1.391 -0.29 m -1.391 -0.617 -1.253 -1.128 -0.654 -1.128 c -0.456 -1.128 -0.152 -1.087 0.06 -0.668 c 0.314 -0.742 l 0.212 -0.967 -0.018 -1.377 -0.64 -1.377 c -1.534 -1.377 -1.69 -0.585 -1.69 -0.203 c -1.69 0.548 -1.188 0.93 -0.677 0.93 c -0.055 0.93 0.314 0.386 0.314 -0.185 c 0.314 -0.226 l -1.391 -0.226 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 145.6767 454.7385 cm 0 0 m 0.036 -0.152 0.202 -0.433 0.613 -0.433 c 1.037 -0.433 1.174 -0.198 1.174 -0.005 c 1.174 0.184 1.064 0.313 0.699 0.391 c 0.442 0.446 l 0.101 0.521 -0.129 0.672 -0.129 0.994 c -0.129 1.073 -0.116 1.285 0.06 1.441 c 0.212 1.58 0.466 1.625 0.659 1.625 c 0.723 1.625 0.994 1.625 1.198 1.483 c 1.368 1.363 1.419 1.201 1.437 1.128 c 1.179 1.059 l 1.128 1.313 0.866 1.386 0.644 1.386 c 0.198 1.386 0.138 1.15 0.138 1.018 c 0.138 0.76 0.41 0.7 0.598 0.663 c 0.829 0.616 l 1.216 0.539 1.437 0.318 1.437 -0.023 c 1.437 -0.276 1.234 -0.682 0.617 -0.682 c 0.433 -0.682 -0.032 -0.654 -0.267 -0.092 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 149.2554 455.4338 cm 0 0 m -0.064 0.567 -0.442 0.686 -0.681 0.686 c -1.147 0.686 -1.354 0.309 -1.386 0 c h -1.391 -0.29 m -1.391 -0.617 -1.253 -1.128 -0.654 -1.128 c -0.456 -1.128 -0.152 -1.087 0.06 -0.668 c 0.313 -0.742 l 0.212 -0.967 -0.019 -1.377 -0.64 -1.377 c -1.533 -1.377 -1.69 -0.585 -1.69 -0.203 c -1.69 0.548 -1.188 0.93 -0.677 0.93 c -0.055 0.93 0.313 0.386 0.313 -0.185 c 0.313 -0.226 l -1.391 -0.226 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 150.3795 456.3096 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.35 l 0.115 -0.093 0.331 0.032 0.603 0.032 c 0.64 0.032 0.714 0.032 0.792 0.022 c 0.792 -0.222 l 0.737 -0.213 0.682 -0.208 0.617 -0.208 c 0.147 -0.208 0 -0.553 0 -0.996 c 0 -2.197 l -0.272 -2.197 l -0.272 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 153.0742 456.3096 cm 0 0 m -0.843 -2.197 l -1.065 -2.197 l -1.824 0 l -1.552 0 l -0.944 -1.788 l -0.268 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 155.0181 455.4338 cm 0 0 m -0.065 0.567 -0.442 0.686 -0.682 0.686 c -1.147 0.686 -1.354 0.309 -1.387 0 c h -1.392 -0.29 m -1.392 -0.617 -1.253 -1.128 -0.654 -1.128 c -0.456 -1.128 -0.152 -1.087 0.06 -0.668 c 0.313 -0.742 l 0.212 -0.967 -0.019 -1.377 -0.64 -1.377 c -1.534 -1.377 -1.691 -0.585 -1.691 -0.203 c -1.691 0.548 -1.189 0.93 -0.678 0.93 c -0.056 0.93 0.313 0.386 0.313 -0.185 c 0.313 -0.226 l -1.392 -0.226 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 156.6762 454.3196 cm 0 0 m 0.354 0 0.64 0.248 0.64 0.851 c 0.64 0.972 l 0.64 1.7 0.23 1.787 0.013 1.787 c -0.401 1.787 -0.654 1.437 -0.654 0.893 c -0.654 0.244 -0.341 0 0 0 c 0.636 -0.207 m 0.636 0.188 l 0.533 -0.102 0.254 -0.258 -0.042 -0.258 c -0.59 -0.258 -0.949 0.239 -0.949 0.893 c -0.949 1.547 -0.581 2.035 0 2.035 c 0.286 2.035 0.552 1.888 0.636 1.64 c 0.636 3.045 l 0.902 3.045 l 0.902 -0.207 l h f Q 158.126 454.646 0.364 -0.534 re f EMC Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_1 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 54 423.9152 Tm (Leadership)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.727 TD [(F)36(r)10(o)5(m the v)6(er)-35(y beginning of our 70 y)12(ears of obser)-38(ving )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(and )-38(study)-10(ing )-38(the )-38(pr)-5(a)5(ctice )-38(of )-38(lea)5(dership)30(,)70( )-38(w)6(e)-10(\222)10(v)6(e )-38(kno)5(wn )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(that )-108(unless )-108(a )-108(cit)-15(y )-108(or )-108(countr)-35(y )-108(has )-108(se)-10(v)6(er)-5(al )-108(co)5(mmitted,)70( )]TJ T* [(a)5(dmir)10(ed,)70( )-84(and )-84(talented )-84(lea)5(ders )-84(in )-84(pla)5(ce)8(,)70( )-84(gr)10(o)5(w)-10(th )-84(w)6(o)5(n)60(\222)45(t )]TJ T* [(occur)60(.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.545 TD [(\ne )-329(Gal)-5(lup )-329(P)32(ath )-329(behavior)-5(al )-329(eco)5(no)5(mic )-329(model )-329(f)-5(or )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(societies )-230(assumes )-230(the )-230(pr)-10(imar)-35(y )-230(pur)-15(pose )-230(of )-230(al)-5(l )-200(\223)40(ne)-10(w )]TJ T* [(w)6(or)-20(ld)-28(\224)100( )-313(lea)5(dership )-313(is )-313(to )-313(cr)10(eate )-313(an )-313(en)5(vir)10(o)5(nment )-313(in )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(whic)-5(h )-180(talented )-180(people )-180(want )-180(to )-180(liv)6(e )-180(and )-180(w)6(or)6(k.)70( )-135(\nis )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(ne)-10(w )-20(global )-20(lea)5(dership )-20(r)10(espo)5(nsibilit)-15(y )-20(r)-10(ises )-20(abo)-5(v)6(e )-20(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )]TJ T* [(other )-65(dut)-15(y)85(.)70( )-65(A)5(ttr)-5(a)5(cting)10(,)70( )-65(r)10(etaining)10(,)70( )-65(and )-65(de)-10(v)6(eloping )-65(tal)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(ent )-218(in )-218(y)12(our )-218(organiz)-10(atio)5(n,)70( )-218(cit)-15(y)85(,)70( )-218(and )-218(countr)-35(y )-218(is )-218(no)5(w )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(a )-280(mor)10(e )-280(impor)-13(tant )-280(var)-10(iable )-280(than )-280(natur)-5(al )-280(r)10(esour)10(ces,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(por)-13(ts,)70( and e)-10(v)6(en dir)10(ect in)5(v)6(estment.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.545 TD [(A)5(n )-156(e\007)-5(ectiv)6(e )-156(global )-156(lea)5(der )-156(m)10(ust )-156(see )-156(the )-156(task )-156(not )-156(as )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(\223\txing )-245(the )-245(pr)10(oblem)60(\224)100( )-245(bec)-10(ause )-245(br)-5(ain-dr)-5(ain )-245(pr)10(oblems )]TJ 24.545 58.727 Td [(ar)10(e )-45(almost )-45(al)-12(wa)5(y)-10(s )-45(too )-45(co)5(mplex )-45(to )-45(quic)-10(kl)-12(y )-45(\tx.)70( )-45(R)-10(ather)60(,)70( )]TJ T* [(lea)5(ders )-235(m)10(ust )-235(g)5(et )-235(the )-235(solutio)5(n )-235(hea)5(ded )-235(in )-235(the )-235(r)-10(ight )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(dir)10(ectio)5(n.)70( )17(\ne )-28(job )-28(of )-28(lea)5(ders )-28(is )-28(to )-28(use )-28(str)10(o)5(ng )-28(hands )-28(to )]TJ T* [(yank )-42(their )-42(organiz)-10(atio)5(ns,)70( )-42(their )-42(cities,)70( )-42(and )-42(their )-42(coun)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.727 TD [(tr)-10(ies o)5(nto the r)-10(ight path.)70( )]TJ ET Q /CS1 CS 1 SCN 10 M /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 342 649.4152 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 342 561.6652 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs /T1_2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 355.5 632.1652 Tm [(T)20(he job of leaders is to use str)20(ong )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(hands to yank their or)20(ganizations, )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD (their cities, and their countries )Tj 0 -1.727 TD (onto the right path.)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -2.864 -3.864 Td [(A )-176(successful )-176(team )-176(of )-176(global )-176(lea)5(ders )-176(wil)-5(l )-176(need )-176(both )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(state-of-the-ar)-13(t )-395(c)-20(lassic )-395(eco)5(no)5(mics,)70( )-395(suc)-5(h )-395(as )-395(GDP)130(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(in\001atio)5(n,)70( )-201(populatio)5(n,)70( )-201(and )-201(bir)-13(th )-201(r)-5(ates,)70( )-201(and )-201(state-of-)]TJ T* [(the-ar)-13(t )-74(behavior)-5(al )-74(eco)5(no)5(mics,)70( )-73(suc)-5(h )-74(as )-73(law )-74(and )-74(or)10(der)60(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(citiz)-15(en )-310(engag)5(ement,)70( )-310(and )-310(w)6(el)-5(l-being)10(,)70( )-310(to )-310(a\007)-5(ect )-310(the )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(migr)-5(atio)5(n )-129(patter)-5(ns )-129(of )-129(the )-129(most )-129(talented )-129(people )-129(and )]TJ T* [(cr)10(eate the next global eco)5(no)5(mic empir)10(e)8(.)]TJ ET Q /CS0 CS 1 SCN q 1 0 0 1 324 396.1652 cm 0 0 m 234 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs /T1_2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 324 378.9152 Tm [(F)20(or mor)20(e information on the W)41(orld P)20(oll )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(and consulting services, please cont)-21(act my )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(assist)-21(ant, Sarah V)41(an Allen at 202-715-3152 )]TJ ( )Tj 0 -1.727 TD (or at sarah_van_allen@gallup.com.)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 36 43.274 Tm [(G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036)]TJ 4.664 0 0 4.664 62.4635 45.938 Tm (\256)Tj 8 0 0 8 65.1033 43.274 Tm [(,)70( )45(T)100(\031\016 G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036 P)25(\037)15(\023)-5(\023)]TJ 4.664 0 0 4.664 129.1265 45.938 Tm (\256)Tj 8 0 0 8 131.7663 43.274 Tm [(,)70( \024)5(\021\f G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036 P\034)-10(\016)-15(\017\017)]TJ 4.664 0 0 4.664 199.2294 45.938 Tm (\256)Tj 8 0 0 8 201.8692 43.274 Tm [( \024)5(\034)-10(\016 \030)-8(\034)10(\024)5(\f)15(\016\201\024)5(\034)-10(\215\017 \037)15(\217 G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036)90(,)70( I\021)10(\020.)70( A\023)-5(\023 \037\030)-8(\031\016\034 \030)-8(\034)10(\024)5(\f)15(\016\201\024)5(\034)-10(\215\017 \024)5(\034)-10(\016 \030)-8(\031\016 \036)5(\034)-5(\037)15(\036)5(\016\034)10(\030)-20(\035 \037)15(\217 \030)-8(\031\016\033\034 \034)-10(\016)-15(\017\036)5(\016\020\030)-8(\033)5(\r)-15(\016 \037)10(\220)-15(\021\016\034\017)20(.)]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 22 0 obj <> endobj 183 0 obj <>stream application/postscript PathsMacro&Micro Adobe Illustrator CS2 2007-08-29T12:54:16-05:00 2007-10-02T10:10:37-05:00 2007-10-02T10:10:37-05:00 228 256 JPEG /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f Hx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8f/8AAEQgBAADkAwER AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA 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/Span<>> BDC ( )Tj EMC 44.385 0 Td [(C\037)15(\036)-30(\035)-10(\034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030 \251 \027\026\026\025 G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036)90(,)70( I\021)10(\020.)70( A\023)-5(\023 \034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030)-10(\017 \034)-10(\016)-15(\017\016\034)15(\r)-15(\016\f)25(.)]TJ ET Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 54 747.9152 Tm [(W)-35(hile )-94(f)-5(ood )-94(and )-94(shelter )-94(and )-94(law )-94(and )-94(or)10(der )-94(ar)10(e )-94(basic )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(needs )-26(and )-26(ar)10(e )-26(associated )-26(with )-26(self-pr)10(eser)-38(vatio)5(n,)70( )-26(w)6(or)6(k )]TJ T* [(is )-157(wher)10(e )-157(w)6(el)-5(l-being )-157(tur)-5(ns )-157(the )-157(cor)-5(ner)60(.)70( )-112(\nis )-157(is )-157(wher)10(e )]TJ T* [(positiv)6(e )13(emotio)5(ns )13(that )13(lea)5(d )13(to )13(cr)10(eativit)-15(y )13(and )13(openness )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(ar)10(e )-79(built.)70( )-79(Good )-79(w)6(or)6(k )-79(fa)5(cilitates )-79(a )-79(higher )-79(standar)10(d )-79(of )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(living)10(,)70( )-140(higher )-140(potential )-140(f)-5(or )-140(health,)70( )-140(and )-140(higher )-140(w)6(el)-5(l-)]TJ T* [(being)10(.)70( )]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf 0 -2.553 TD [(EC)20(ONOMICS)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.735 TD [(W)-35(hen )-414(per)10(ceptio)5(ns )-414(of )-414(eco)5(no)5(mic )-414(co)5(n\tdence )-414(hav)6(e )]TJ T* [(positiv)6(e )-189(or )-189(negativ)6(e )-189(mo)5(mentum,)70( )-189(it )-189(ma)5(y )-189(potential)-5(l)-12(y )]TJ T* [(a\007)-5(ect )-271(loc)-10(al )-271(eco)5(no)5(mics )-271(and )-271(GDP)130(.)70( )-271(If )-271(an )-271(Inno)-5(vator )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(doubts )-110(the )-110(vitalit)-15(y )-110(of )-110(his )-110(perso)5(nal,)70( )-110(loc)-10(al,)70( )-110(or )-110(natio)5(nal )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(eco)5(no)5(mic )-61(situatio)5(n,)70( )-61(he)-10(\222)-40(l)-5(l )-61(belie)-10(v)6(e )-61(that )-61(S)-15(uper )-61(Mentors )]TJ T* [(w)6(o)5(n)60(\222)45(t )3(co)5(me )3(to )3(his )3(aid,)70( )3(or )3(that )3(the )3(g)5(o)-5(v)6(er)-5(nment )3(r)10(estr)-10(ic)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.735 TD [(tio)5(ns )-3(ar)10(e )-3(too )-3(o)5(ner)10(ous,)70( )-3(or )-3(that )-3(his )-3(custo)5(mer )-3(base )-3(is )-3(too )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(narr)10(o)5(w )-7(and )-7(al)-12(wa)5(y)-10(s )-7(wil)-5(l )-7(be)8(,)70( )-7(and )-7(he)-10(\222)-40(l)-5(l )-7(ne)-10(v)6(er )-7(implement )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(the )-48(idea.)70( )-48(A)5(nd )-48(a )-48(potential )-48(star )-48(fa)5(des,)70( )-48(as )-48(does )-48(a )-48(poten)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.735 TD [(tial spike in the GDP)130(.)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf 0 -2.553 TD [(H)-10(EAL)125(T)-10(H)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.735 TD [(\nis )-193(co)5(nditio)5(n )-193(tr)-5(a)5(c)-10(ks )-193(speci\tc )-193(health )-193(pr)10(oblems.)70( )-178(W)80(e )]TJ T* [(ask )-85(the )-85(whole )-85(w)6(or)-20(ld,)70( )-55(\223)-10(Do )-85(y)12(ou )-85(hav)6(e )-85(health )-85(pr)10(oblems )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(that )-6(pr)10(e)-10(v)6(ent )-6(y)12(ou )-6(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-6(doing )-6(an)5(y )-6(of )-6(the )-6(things )-6(people )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(y)12(our )-56(ag)5(e )-56(nor)-5(mal)-5(l)-12(y )-56(c)-10(an )-56(do?\224)100( )-56(Co)5(nditio)5(n-speci\tc )-56(ques)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(tio)5(ns )-140(r)-5(ang)5(e )-140(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-140(the )-140(pr)10(esence )-140(of )-140(p)5(h)10(y)-10(sic)-10(al )-140(pain )-140(and )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(sleeplessness )-220(to )-220(whether )-220(o)5(ne )-220(smo)5(kes )-220(and )-220(ex)5(er)10(cises )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(and satisfa)5(ctio)5(n with perso)5(nal health.)]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(Health )5(highl)-12(y )5(corr)10(elates )5(to )5(w)6(el)-5(l-being )5(in )5(lo)5(w-inco)5(me )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(and )-213(midd)-20(le-inco)5(me )-213(countr)-10(ies.)70( )-213(Health)10(y )-213(people )-213(cr)10(e)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(ate )-125(mor)10(e )-125(vibr)-5(ant )-125(co)5(mm)10(unities )-125(and )-125(mor)10(e )-125(pr)10(oductiv)6(e )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(w)6(or)6(kpla)5(ces,)70( )-204(whic)-5(h )-204(co)5(ntr)-10(ibute )-204(to )-204(pr)10(oductivit)-15(y)85(,)70( )-204(br)-5(ain )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(gain,)70( and qualit)-15(y GDP gr)10(o)5(w)-10(th.)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf 0 -2.553 TD [(WE)15(L)30(L-BE)15(I)-10(NG)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.735 TD [(W)-35(hile )-45(the )-45(Health )-45(do)5(main )-45(r)10(epor)-13(ts )-45(per)10(ceiv)6(ed )-45(p)5(h)10(y)-10(sic)-10(al )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(and )-178(mental )-178(health,)70( )-178(w)6(el)-5(l-being )-178(r)10(epor)-13(ts )-178(the )-178(pr)10(esence )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(of )-35(su\007)-5(er)-10(ing )-35(or )-35(thr)-10(iving)10(,)70( )-35(miser)-35(y )-35(or )-35(inspir)-5(atio)5(n,)70( )-35(f)-5(eeling )]TJ 24.545 62.265 Td [(co)5(ntr)10(ol)-5(led )-194(or )-194(f)-5(eeling )-194(independent.)70( )-149(\nis )-194(is )-194(a )-194(cr)-13(ucial )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(metr)-10(ic )-136(bec)-10(ause )-136(al)-5(l )-136(g)5(ood )-136(things )-136(happen )-136(in )-136(the )-136(pr)10(es)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.775 TD [(ence )-147(of )-147(high )-147(w)6(el)-5(l-being)10(.)70( )-147(Man)5(y )-147(w)6(or)-20(ld )-147(lea)5(ders )-147(argue )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(that the )-1(ultimate a)5(ct of )-1(lea)5(dership is to )-1(impr)10(o)-5(v)6(e )-1(gr)10(oss )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(w)6(el)-5(l-being )-101(\(GWB\) )-102(v)6(ersus )-102(incr)10(easing )-101(gr)10(oss )-102(do)5(mestic )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(pr)10(oduct )-62(\(GDP\).)70( )-62(Ma)5(y)-10(be)8(.)70( )-62(In )-62(an)5(y )-62(c)-10(ase)8(,)70( )-62(this )-32(\223)30(sof)-20(t)-50(\224)100( )-62(issue )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(a\007)-5(ects )10(a )10(populatio)5(n)60(\222)60(s )10(abilit)-15(y )10(to )10(inno)-5(vate)8(,)70( )10(impr)10(o)-5(v)6(e)8(,)70( )10(and )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(in)5(v)6(ent,)70( )-88(bec)-10(ause )-88(it )-88(r)10(epor)-13(ts )-88(the )-88(al)-5(l-impor)-13(tant )-88(pr)10(esence )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(of hope)8(.)]TJ ET Q /CS1 CS 1 SCN 10 M /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 342 568.7014 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 342 461.9514 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs /T1_2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 355.5 551.4514 Tm [(P)20(ositivity ab)-21(out one\222)78(s country)41(, and )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(mor)20(e particularly one\222)78(s community)41(, )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(cr)20(eates an envir)20(onment that )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(makes t)-21(alented people want to )]TJ T* [(come and st)-21(ay)41(.)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -2.864 -3.911 Td [(E)15(NGA)42(GE)15(D CI)-10(T)-10(IZE)15(NS)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.775 TD [(Citiz)-15(en )6(engag)5(ement )6(is )6(the )6(a)5(ctualiz)-10(atio)5(n )6(of )6(r)10(eal )6(global )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(altr)-13(uism.)70( )-217(\nis )-262(is )-262(the )-262(do)5(main )-262(of )-262(w)6(or)-20(ld-c)-20(lass )-262(social )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(entr)10(epr)10(eneurs.)70( )-106(It )-106(is )-106(the )-106(ultimate )-106(a)5(ct )-106(of )-106(al)-5(l )-106(lea)5(ders )-106(of )]TJ T* [(al)-5(l )8(r)-5(anks )8(bec)-10(ause )8(this )8(is )8(ho)5(w )8(lea)5(dership )8(touc)-5(hes )8(abso)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.775 TD [(lutel)-12(y e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y co)5(nstituenc)-15(y in the co)5(mm)10(unit)-15(y)85(.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.593 TD [(Citiz)-15(en )-34(engag)5(ement )-34(is )-34(the )-34(Mother )11(T)95(er)10(esa )-34(do)5(main )-34(of )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(the )-56(W)80(or)-20(ld )-71(P)32(ath )-71(bec)-10(ause )-71(it )-71(explains )-71(c)-5(har)-10(itable )-71(giving )]TJ T* [(not )-222(o)5(nl)-12(y )-222(of )-222(mo)5(ne)-5(y)85(,)70( )-222(but )-222(also )-222(of )-222(time)8(,)70( )-222(and )-222(wil)-5(ling)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.775 TD [(ness )-55(to )-55(help )-55(str)-5(ang)5(ers )-55(in )-55(need.)70( )-55(It)-50(\222)60(s )-55(the )-55(most )-55(pr)10(ecious )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(and )-147(sop)5(histic)-10(ated )-147(value )-147(and )-147(it )-147(speaks )-147(to )-147(the )-147(g)5(enius )]TJ T* [(of )-133(S)-15(uper )-133(Mentors.)70( )-133(A)5(nd )-133(it )-133(has )-133(the )-133(bigg)5(est )-133(potential )]TJ T* [(r)10(etur)-5(ns )-190(of )-190(al)-5(l )-190(f)-5(or )-190(br)-5(ain )-190(gain )-190(and )-190(subsequent )-190(GDP)130(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(especial)-5(l)-12(y in higher-inco)5(me countr)-10(ies.)]TJ 0 -2.593 TD [(Citiz)-15(en )-169(engag)5(ement )-169(cr)10(eates )-169(t)-5(w)6(o )-169(kinds )-169(of )-169(magic.)70( )-169(It )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(g)5(ener)-5(ates )-341(ne)-10(w )-341(m)10(ultiples )-341(of )-341(r)10(elatio)5(nships )-341(bet)-5(w)6(een )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(wide )-282(r)-5(ang)5(es )-282(of )-282(citiz)-15(ens,)70( )-282(whic)-5(h )-282(br)10(eed )-282(cooper)-5(atio)5(n,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.775 TD [(pr)10(oductivit)-15(y)85(,)70( )-324(citiz)-15(enship)30(,)70( )-323(and )-323(patr)-10(iotism.)70( )-323(P)46(ositivit)-15(y )]TJ T* [(about )-389(o)5(ne)-10(\222)60(s )-389(countr)-35(y)85(,)70( )-389(and )-389(mor)10(e )-389(par)-13(ticular)-20(l)-12(y )-390(o)5(ne)-10(\222)60(s )]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 138 0 obj <> endobj 139 0 obj <> endobj 225 0 obj <>stream H\j0E -Epт B}дؓFq--T`ݙ&_o7&M]$9wT˱٬0M[?_>5=ư䗕ɳXdRVO:)ߓFy>Y'\9ؒBo[-z;ف=ك9w`iWxM^¿} ?z97o9zs[ʞg8CyxYףny< 3 gyE>stream H|TiTWfn4J UZCF1FIDQbw0:.heڨAYLDT@L0JP3QGD'gbΌ3'g59_s9{{߻*($RT3SӶ2Vd.h5v(gb)&!az93C= A'z GӾ9 T߮4E .\0a I9=6fH)6[K,1'֐TTdH`3mFk5B &h,՘gRHݚc,β+sO>Ġp+1MtJr^WX/dJV{JEc.M ECsЂ h1A+ !JbBMvճ "q7!7B+4{Ĥ]Sfmn^x\xԃ,kIg ^G0x,,7˭j zް9>:԰)(7`(!>&&0봷׹>/52k溨3/rĆU58HpG I>C/dHܶ{i5^CTlxSrgJΚ7ۛJ1nᘮxWy!^ M8xE=W lmu7uԹ\.7&?{r8jfC`pZA<onlAdF-=+" YNo ,漓r?Ok8YMWj݈u Adg"5+1ܻNT^Y 앗M4q$M$^7RHh] C%yZ,M ]o$+jʵO"K7KMu _j*.Ȋ,_]Y0׉ }K-ZEKxZĽ֋rXW4d<n!S_ b@*/Op+z8ZQ+Ⱥb4_d7o4.n6q\'Dur#hQz!Ə7:3yy<H z?x*rtQ#w%pڰ9WŎ{ۘMU.1z=;6D:K{sU+q/jM!J+G32mu~rFɿaT <8"S(8HT=wE+(R$)ҥݜEV4ߵT<~a/h>W~jwwfS)DI'^-ydHlG1|u5f0!H /?.4s7e,<@Ҥ”:07a DQr]U1Jt h}ƒ `r[؜`կzo ;\.fy&jKmf)Sq P6y-zxNa\z[ZO~ [$;[%dj2yT[^bAb OWP@/БzhG fvFk!m(IhPE5Y>2/E+{i3Ԗ@m`!GR, 2$K|J|J7л=?"1v-aW}) dHHBtj->Rh 8YlA0[vp:ȉ8Ec1ԌlE 8@"%WFq*Ki YS1"d> UfpTr;ʙ5+&R{o. 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цEQ4\o̘?4q&MY- 9(؛)Sp(@P[jG7o懩jbGi 視Kœ vKF}[<~O7$sĂ:syӷclhJUJs”n?(YU>E>3h5& >!̏J%Nk0ʲY5^П{@wo\*Hf2_,#"wD6@_ ؃ ^ <Õ՘uDZ֗Mz w[XeSjXMQq&! z]&N+_̂5m[i'$ݒیc7qO3V%:l1f\Dl1>]2p[>k/m ą6Gq{̊dhwNoKynlvΖ';U[ բVG )=x>stream /CS0 CS 1 SCN 4 M /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 36 36.1429 cm 0 0 m 540 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 36 26.463 Tm [(C\037)15(\036)-30(\035)-10(\034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030 \251 \027\026\026\025 G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036)90(,)70( I\021)10(\020.)70( A\023)-5(\023 \034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030)-10(\017 \034)-10(\016)-15(\017\016\034)15(\r)-15(\016\f)25(.)]TJ /Span<>> BDC 23.34 0 Td ( )Tj EMC 43.885 0 Td ()Tj ET Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 54 747.9152 Tm [(o)5(ne-emplo)12(y)12(ee )-16(business )-15(to )-15(the )-15(most )-15(po)5(w)6(er)-10(ful )-15(g)5(o)-5(v)6(er)-5(n)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.759 TD [(ment )-41(o)5(n )-41(Ear)-13(th.)70( )4(\ne )-41(most )-41(impor)-13(tant )-41(issue )-41(f)-5(or )-41(lea)5(ders )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(is )-57(to )-57(identify )-57(and )-57(cultivate )-57(the )-57(co)5(nditio)5(ns )-57(that )-57(cr)10(eate )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(br)-5(ain gain.)70( )45(\ne)-5(y hav)6(e to kno)5(w the ke)-5(y fa)5(ctors.)]TJ 0 -2.577 TD [(W)80(e )-185(ask )-185(100 )-185(cor)10(e )-185(questio)5(ns )-185(in )-185(our )-185(standar)10(d )-170(W)80(or)-20(ld )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(P)46(ol)-5(l )-35(sur)-38(v)6(e)-5(y )-35(r)10(egar)10(ding )-35(se)-10(v)6(en )-35(cr)-10(itic)-10(al )-35(co)5(nditio)5(ns )-35(of )-35(lif)-5(e)8(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(co)5(nditio)5(ns )-139(that )-139(ar)10(e )-139(pr)10(esent )-139(in )-139(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )-139(countr)-35(y)85(.)70( )-124(W)-35(hen )]TJ T* [(an)5(y )-110(of )-110(these )-110(co)5(nditio)5(ns )-110(ar)10(e )-110(higher )-110(or )-110(hav)6(e )-110(mo)5(men)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.759 TD [(tum,)70( )-55(it )-55(is )-55(likel)-12(y )-55(that )-55(br)-5(ain )-54(gain )-55(and )-55(GDP )-55(ar)10(e )-55(higher)60(.)70( )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(\ne )-243(se)-10(v)6(en )-243(cr)-10(itic)-10(al )-243(co)5(nditio)5(ns )-243(co)-5(v)6(er )-243(law )-243(and )-243(or)10(der)60(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(f)-5(ood )5(and )4(shelter)60(,)70( )5(w)6(or)6(k,)70( )5(eco)5(no)5(mics,)70( )5(health,)70( )5(w)6(el)-5(l-being)10(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(and )-178(citiz)-15(en )-178(engag)5(ement.)70( )-133(\ner)10(e )-178(ar)10(e )-178(se)-10(v)6(er)-5(al )-178(questio)5(n )]TJ T* [(items )-77(per )-77(ea)5(c)-5(h )-77(co)5(nditio)5(n.)70( )-77(F)40(or )-77(instance)8(,)70( )-47(\223)-10(Do )-77(y)12(ou )-77(f)-5(eel )]TJ T* [(saf)-5(e )-143(walking )-143(alo)5(ne )-143(at )-143(night )-143(in )-143(y)12(our )-143(co)5(mm)10(unit)-15(y?\224)100( )-143(is )]TJ T* [(o)5(ne )-93(of )-93(f)-5(our )-93(questio)5(ns )-93(that )-93(measur)10(e )-93(the )-93(human )-93(co)5(n)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(ditio)5(n )-240(of )-240(law )-240(and )-240(or)10(der)60(.)70( )-240(A)5(t )-240(the )-240(other )-240(end )-240(of )-240(the )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(behavior)-5(al )-85(eco)5(no)5(mic )-85(alg)5(or)-10(ithm )-85(is,)70( )-55(\223)-10(Hav)6(e )-85(y)12(ou )-85(v)6(olun)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.759 TD [(teer)10(ed )-3(y)12(our )-3(time )-3(to )-3(an )-3(organiz)-10(atio)5(n )-3(\205)-8(\224)100( )-3(whic)-5(h )-3(fa)5(ctors )]TJ T* [(into the co)5(nditio)5(n of citiz)-15(en engag)5(ement.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.577 TD [(Ea)5(c)-5(h )-138(do)5(main )-138(is )-138(ne)-10(v)6(er )-138(static;)30( )-138(things )-138(ar)10(e )-138(al)-12(wa)5(y)-10(s )-138(g)5(et)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.759 TD [(ting )-81(a )-81(little )-81(better )-81(or )-81(a )-81(little )-81(w)6(orse)8(.)70( )-81(Bec)-10(ause )-81(the)-5(y )-81(ar)10(e )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(not )-22(static,)70( )-22(the)-5(y )-22(c)-10(an)60(\222)45(t )-22(be )8(\223)30(r)10(esol)-12(v)6(ed)-28(\224)100( )-22(\227 )-22(cities )-22(and )-22(coun)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.759 TD [(tr)-10(ies )-86(m)10(ust )-86(impr)10(o)-5(v)6(e )-86(them )-86(co)5(ntinuousl)-12(y)85(.)70( )-86(F)34(ur)-13(ther)-5(mor)10(e)8(,)70( )]TJ T* [(w)6(e )-221(f)-5(ound )-221(that )-221(ther)10(e )-221(is )-221(an )-221(or)10(der )-221(of )-221(impor)-13(tance )-221(to )]TJ T* [(the )-170(issues,)70( )-170(and )-170(that )-170(the )-170(higher )-170(the )-170(scor)10(es )-170(o)5(n )-170(these )]TJ T* [(issues,)70( )-46(the )-46(gr)10(eater )-46(the )-46(potential )-46(f)-5(or )-46(higher )-46(br)-5(ain )-46(gain )]TJ T* [(and )-237(GDP)130(.)70( )-237(A )-237(lea)5(der)-20(\222)60(s )-237(bigg)5(est )-237(c)-5(hal)-5(leng)5(e )-237(is )-237(cr)10(eating )]TJ T* [(mo)5(mentum o)5(n an)5(y of these cr)-10(itic)-10(al do)5(mains.)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf 0 -2.577 TD [(L)10(A)65(W and OR)10(DE)15(R)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.759 TD [(\ne )-110(pr)10(esence )-110(of )-110(law )-110(and )-110(or)10(der )-110(is )-110(the )-110(\trst )-110(and )-110(most )]TJ T* [(impor)-13(tant )-41(manag)5(eable )-41(co)5(nditio)5(n.)70( )4(T)85(ake )-41(S)-15(ierr)-5(a )-41(L)-25(eo)5(ne)8(,)70( )]TJ T* [(f)-5(or )-51(instance)8(.)70( )-51(N)10(ear)-20(l)-12(y )-51(half )-51(of )-51(S)-15(ierr)-5(a )-51(L)-25(eo)5(neans )-51(sa)5(y )-51(the)-5(y )]TJ T* [(hav)6(e )-150(ha)5(d )-150(mo)5(ne)-5(y )-150(stolen )-150(in )-150(the )-150(past )-150(y)12(ear )-150(and )-150(near)-20(l)-12(y )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(3 )-67(in )-67(10 )-67(sa)5(y )-67(the)-5(y )-67(hav)6(e )-67(been )-67(m)10(ugg)5(ed )-67(or )-67(beaten.)70( )-22(\nese )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(\tgur)10(es )-234(ar)10(e )-234(amo)5(ng )-234(the )-234(highest )-234(w)6(e)-10(\222)10(v)6(e )-234(f)-5(ound )-234(so )-234(far)60(.)70( )]TJ 24.545 62.265 Td [(W)-30(ithout )-319(law )-319(and )-319(or)10(der)60(,)70( )-319(S)-15(ierr)-5(a )-319(L)-25(eo)5(neans )-319(wil)-5(l )-319(be )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(se)-10(v)6(er)10(el)-12(y )-99(hinder)10(ed )-99(as )-99(the)-5(y )-99(r)10(ebuild )-99(their )-99(countr)-35(y )-99(af)-20(ter )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(a )-31(violent,)70( )-31(dec)-10(a)5(de-lo)5(ng )-31(civil )-31(war)60(.)70( )-17(W)-35(hen )-31(law )-31(and )-31(or)10(der )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(impr)10(o)-5(v)6(es )-299(in )-299(S)-15(ierr)-5(a )-299(L)-25(eo)5(ne)8(,)70( )-299(so )-299(wil)-5(l )-299(GDP )-299(and )-299(lif)-5(e )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(expectanc)-15(y \227 curr)10(entl)-12(y ag)5(e 40.)70( )]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf 0 -2.559 TD [( FO)-10(OD and SH)-10(E)15(L)125(T)-10(E)15(R)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.741 TD [(\nis )-2(is )-2(the )-2(same )-2(basic )-2(need )-2(Abr)-5(aham )-2(Maslo)5(w )-2(identi)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.741 TD [(\ted )-45(50 )-45(y)12(ears )-45(ag)5(o)30(.)70( )-45(But )-45(as )-45(impor)-13(tant )-45(as )-45(it )-45(is,)70( )-45(w)6(e )-45(f)-5(ound )]TJ T* [(it )-64(to )-64(be )-64(N)10(o)30(.)70( )-64(#2 )-64(o)5(n )-64(the )-64(ne)-10(w )-64(sc)-10(ale )-64(of )-64(w)6(el)-5(l-being )-64(\227 )-64(as )]TJ T* [(w)6(e )-90(saw )-90(in )-90(the )-60(\223)-35(law )-90(and )-90(or)10(der)-20(\224)100( )-90(example)8(,)70( )-90(o)5(ne)-10(\222)60(s )-90(abilit)-15(y )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(to )-130(obtain )-130(f)-5(ood )-130(and )-130(shelter )-130(ma)5(y )-130(depend )-130(o)5(n )-130(law )-130(and )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(or)10(der )-84(and )-84(is )-84(also )-84(highl)-12(y )-84(r)10(elated )-84(to )-84(lif)-5(e )-84(expectanc)-15(y )-84(in )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(lo)5(w)6(er-inco)5(me )-170(countr)-10(ies.)70( )-170(In )-170(the )-170(United )-170(S)-15(tates,)70( )-170(10% )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(sa)5(y )-245(ther)10(e )-245(hav)6(e )-245(been )-245(times )-245(when )-245(the)-5(y )-245(hav)6(en)60(\222)45(t )-245(ha)5(d )]TJ T* [(enough )-105(mo)5(ne)-5(y )-105(to )-105(pr)10(o)-5(vide )-105(a)5(dequate )-105(shelter )-105(f)-5(or )-105(their )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(families )6(in )6(the )6(past )6(y)12(ear)60(,)70( )6(and )6(17% )6(sa)5(y )6(the)-5(y )6(didn)60(\222)45(t )6(hav)6(e )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(enough )-274(mo)5(ne)-5(y )-274(f)-5(or )-274(f)-5(ood.)70( )-229(\nose )-274(numbers )-274(ar)10(e )-274(36% )]TJ T* [(and )-113(27% )-113(in )-113(R)-10(ussia.)70( )-113(Co)5(nsider )-113(the )-113(di\007)-5(er)10(ence )-113(in )-113(ea)5(c)-5(h )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(countr)-35(y)-40(\222)60(s )-142(GDP)130(.)70( )-142(But )-142(in )-142(both )-142(c)-10(ases,)70( )-142(if )-142(this )-142(co)5(nditio)5(n )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(impr)10(o)-5(v)6(es,)70( br)-5(ain gain and GDP wil)-5(l incr)10(ease)8(.)]TJ ET Q /CS1 CS 1 SCN 10 M /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 342 352.4053 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 342 283.6553 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs /T1_2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 355.5 335.1553 Tm [(T)20(he pr)20(esence of law and or)20(der )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(is the \037rst and most import)-21(ant )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD (manageable condition.)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -2.864 -3.877 Td [(W)25(OR)10(K)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.741 TD [(As )-83(F)36(r)10(eud )-83(said,)70( )-53(\223)-10(L)-25(o)-5(v)6(e )-83(and )-83(w)6(or)6(k )-83(ar)10(e )-83(the )-83(cor)-5(nersto)5(nes )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(of )-201(our )-201(humanness.)-8(\224)100( )-186(W)80(or)6(k )-201(is )-201(cr)-13(ucial )-201(to )-201(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )-201(a)5(dult )]TJ T* [(human )-83(bec)-10(ause )-83(w)6(or)6(k )-83(holds )-83(within )-83(it )-83(the )-83(soul )-83(of )-83(the )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(r)10(elatio)5(nship )-185(of )-185(o)5(ne )-185(citiz)-15(en )-185(to )-185(o)5(ne )-185(g)5(o)-5(v)6(er)-5(nment )-185(and )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(o)5(ne )-240(countr)-35(y)85(.)70( )-195(\ne )-240(most )-240(impor)-13(tant )-225(W)80(or)-20(ld )-240(P)46(ol)-5(l )-240(dis)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.741 TD [(co)-5(v)6(er)-35(y)85(,)70( )-196(so )-196(far)60(,)70( )-196(is )-196(that )-196(the )-196(pr)-10(imar)-35(y )-196(dr)-10(iv)6(er )-196(of )-196(almost )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y)12(o)5(ne )-220(is )-220(a )-190(\223)20(g)5(ood )-220(job)30(.)-8(\224)100( )-175(\nis )-220(par)-13(ticular )-220(co)5(nditio)5(n )]TJ T* [(r)10(elates )-256(to )-256(net )-256(migr)-5(atio)5(n )-256(in )-256(high-inco)5(me )-256(countr)-10(ies )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(and )-87(GDP )-87(gr)10(o)5(w)-10(th )-87(in )-87(lo)5(w-inco)5(me )-87(countr)-10(ies,)70( )-87(but )-87(it )-87(is )]TJ 0 -1.741 TD [(also a cor)10(e in\001uence of electio)5(ns,)70( r)10(e)-10(v)6(olutio)5(n,)70( and war)60(.)70( )]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 94 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 107 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 119 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 130 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 143 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 154 0 obj <>stream /CS0 CS 1 SCN 4 M /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 36 36.1429 cm 0 0 m 540 -0.143 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 34.2 26.463 Tm (\002)Tj /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj EMC 44.385 0 Td [(C\037)15(\036)-30(\035)-10(\034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030 \251 \027\026\026\025 G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036)90(,)70( I\021)10(\020.)70( A\023)-5(\023 \034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030)-10(\017 \034)-10(\016)-15(\017\016\034)15(\r)-15(\016\f)25(.)]TJ ET Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 54 747.9152 Tm [(It)-50(\222)60(s )-11(impor)-13(tant )-11(also )-11(to )-11(r)10(ecogniz)-15(e )19(\223)30(social )-11(entr)10(epr)10(eneurs\224)100( )]TJ 0 -1.743 TD [(in )-116(this )-116(c)-10(ateg)5(or)-35(y)85(,)70( )-116(as )-116(the)-5(y )-116(ar)10(e )-116(just )-116(as )-116(cr)-13(ucial )-116(to )-116(build)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(ing )-89(hot,)70( )-89(gr)10(o)5(wing )-89(cities.)70( )-89(S)-15(ocial )-89(entr)10(epr)10(eneurs )-89(pr)10(o)-5(vide )]TJ T* [(surg)5(es )-13(of )-13(positiv)6(e )-13(energ)-30(y )-13(thr)10(ough )-13(p)5(hilanthr)10(opies.)70( )32(\ne )]TJ T* [(w)6(or)6(k )-250(these )-250(entr)10(epr)10(eneurs )-250(do )-250(enhances )-250(the )-250(cultur)10(e )]TJ T* [(of )-130(their )-130(cit)-15(y)85(,)70( )-130(and )-130(al)-12(wa)5(y)-10(s )-130(incr)10(eases )-130(the )-130(w)6(el)-5(l-being )-130(of )]TJ T* [(their )-47(co)5(mm)10(unities.)70( )-2(\nese )-47(social )-47(enter)-15(pr)-10(isers )-47(not )-47(o)5(nl)-12(y )]TJ T* [(cr)10(eate )-90(better )-90(cities,)70( )-90(their )-90(organiz)-10(atio)5(ns )-90(ar)10(e )-90(eco)5(no)5(mic )]TJ T* [(engines and job-hatc)-5(hing ma)5(c)-5(hines.)]TJ ET Q /CS1 CS 1 SCN 10 M /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 72 571.8601 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 72 427.1101 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs /T1_1 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 85.5 554.6101 Tm [(T)82(alented people cr)20(eate brain gain. )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(Brain gain and brain drain ar)20(e )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD (among the most crucial factors )Tj 0 -1.727 TD [(for the gr)20(owth and well-being of )]TJ T* [(any or)20(ganization \227 fr)20(om a one-)]TJ T* (employee business to the most )Tj 0 -1.727 TD (powerful government on Earth.)Tj /T1_2 1 Tf -2.864 -3.879 Td (3\))Tj /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj EMC 1.636 0 Td [(S)-15(uperstars )]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf -1.636 -1.743 Td [(S)-15(uperstars )-483(ar)10(e )-483(extr)10(emel)-12(y )-483(r)-5(ar)10(e )-483(cr)10(eativ)6(e )-483(a)5(c)-5(hie)-10(v)6(ers,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.743 TD [(people )-229(unusual)-5(l)-12(y )-229(gif)-20(ted )-229(in )-229(the )-229(ar)-13(ts,)70( )-229(enter)-13(tainment,)70( )]TJ T* [(or )-113(spor)-13(ts.)70( )-68(\ne)-5(y)-40(\222)40(r)10(e )-113(famous )-113(authors,)70( )-113(sing)5(ers )-113(and )-113(other )]TJ T* [(m)10(usicians,)70( )-325(ar)-13(tists,)70( )-325(c)-5(hef)-12(s,)70( )-325(ar)10(c)-5(hitects,)70( )-325(a)5(ctors,)70( )-325(fashio)5(n )]TJ T* [(designers,)70( )-196(politicians,)70( )-196(soccer )-196(and )-196(basket)-8(bal)-5(l )-196(pla)5(y)12(ers,)70( )]TJ T* [(etc.)70( )-24(S)-15(uc)-5(h )-24(celebr)-10(ities )-23(need )-24(their )-23(o)5(wn )-24(c)-10(ateg)5(or)-35(y )-24(bec)-10(ause )]TJ T* [(the)-5(y )-141(ar)10(e )-141(valuable )-141(magnets )-141(f)-5(or )-141(the )-141(cities )-141(wher)10(e )-141(the)-5(y )]TJ T* [(liv)6(e )-122(and )-122(w)6(or)6(k,)70( )-122(but )-122(mostl)-12(y )-122(bec)-10(ause )-122(the)-5(y)-40(\222)40(r)10(e )-122(eco)5(no)5(mic )]TJ T* [(engines )-150(themsel)-12(v)6(es.)70( )-105(\ne)-5(y )-150(cr)10(eate )-150(hug)5(e )-150(ne)-10(w )-150(amounts )]TJ T* [(of )-133(eco)5(no)5(mic )-133(energ)-30(y )-133(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-133(their )-133(mo)-5(vies,)70( )-133(boo)5(ks,)70( )-133(co)5(n)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(cer)-13(ts,)70( )-192(spor)-13(ts )-192(c)-5(hampio)5(nships )-192(\227 )-192(the )-192(things )-192(the)-5(y )-192(do)30(,)70( )]TJ T* [(the )-54(r)10(elated )-54(businesses )-54(that )-54(pr)10(o)5(mote )-54(them,)70( )-54(the )-54(c)-10(auses )]TJ 0 -1.743 TD [(the)-5(y suppor)-13(t,)70( and o)5(n and o)5(n.)70( )]TJ /T1_2 1 Tf 0 -2.561 TD (4\))Tj /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj EMC 1.636 0 Td [(S)-15(uper Mentors)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf -1.636 -1.743 Td [(Inno)-5(vators,)70( )-664(Entr)10(epr)10(eneurs,)70( )-664(and )-664(S)-15(uperstars )-664(r)10(el)-12(y)85(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.743 TD [(whether )-137(the)-5(y )-137(kno)5(w )-137(it )-137(or )-137(not,)70( )-137(o)5(n )-137(g)5(enius )-137(de)-10(v)6(elopers.)70( )]TJ T* [(W)80(e )-13(c)-10(al)-5(l )-13(suc)-5(h )-13(de)-10(v)6(elopers )-13(S)-15(uper )-13(Mentors.)70( )32(\ne)-5(y )-13(ar)10(e )-13(the )]TJ 24.545 62.265 Td [(people )-35(who )-35(sa)5(y)85(,)70( )-5(\223)-32(Y)120(our )-35(idea )-35(could )-35(beco)5(me )-35(a )-35(co)5(mpan)5(y)85(.)70( )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(I)-10(\222)-40(l)-5(l )-147(line )-147(up )-147(in)5(v)6(estors )-147(f)-5(or )-147(y)12(ou.)-8(\224)100( )-147(O)-10(r)60(,)70( )-117(\223)-48(W)80(e )-147(need )-147(to )-147(g)5(et )]TJ T* [(behind )-106(that )-106(pr)10(of)-5(essor)-20(\222)60(s )-106(idea.)70( )-106(He )-106(needs )-106(a )-106(lab )-106(her)10(e )-106(in )]TJ T* [(to)5(wn.)-8(\224)100( )-221(O)-10(r)60(,)70( )-191(\223)-10(L)-25(et)-50(\222)60(s )-221(star)-13(t )-221(a )-221(y)12(outh )-221(pr)10(ogr)-5(am )-221(that)-50(\222)60(s )-221(the )]TJ T* [(best in the countr)-35(y)85(.)-8(\224)100( )]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(\ner)10(e )-125(ar)10(e )-125(se)-10(v)6(er)-5(al )-125(var)-10(ieties )-125(of )-125(S)-15(uper )-125(Mentors.)70( )-125(Of)-20(ten )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(the)-5(y )-63(ar)10(e )-33(\223)30(cit)-15(y )-63(fathers,)-8(\224)100( )-63(r)-10(ic)-5(h )-63(business )-63(people )-63(who )-63(c)-10(ar)10(e )]TJ T* [(deepl)-12(y )-249(about )-249(their )-249(cit)-15(y)85(.)70( )-204(\ne)-5(y )-249(c)-10(an )-249(be )-249(gr)10(eat )-249(col)-5(leg)5(e )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(pr)10(esidents )-34(or )-34(the )-34(hea)5(ds )-34(of )-34(p)5(hilanthr)10(opies )-34(or )-34(r)10(eligious )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(lea)5(ders )-307(or )-307(CEOs.)70( )-307(S)-15(o)5(metimes )-307(the)-5(y)-40(\222)40(r)10(e )-307(just )-307(av)6(er)-5(ag)5(e )]TJ T* [(citiz)-15(ens )-46(with )-46(a )-46(deep )-46(co)5(mmitment )-46(to )-46(the )-46(pla)5(ce )-46(wher)10(e )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(the)-5(y )-136(liv)6(e )-136(and )-136(the )-136(abilit)-15(y )-136(to )-136(\tnd )-136(and )-136(encour)-5(ag)5(e )-136(r)-5(aw )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(talent.)70( )-202(In )-202(an)5(y )-202(c)-10(ase)8(,)70( )-202(S)-15(uper )-202(Mentors )-202(hav)6(e )-202(a )-202(gif)-20(t )-202(f)-5(or )]TJ T* [(identify)-10(ing )-185(and )-185(de)-10(v)6(eloping )-185(y)12(oung )-185(stars,)70( )-185(and )-185(str)10(o)5(ng )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(hands to guide and lea)5(d them.)]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(S)-15(uper )-138(Mentors )-138(also )-138(hav)6(e )-138(the )-138(r)-5(ar)10(e )-138(c)-10(apa)5(cit)-15(y )-138(to )-138(co)5(m)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.735 TD [(mand )-480(br)10(oa)5(d )-480(suppor)-13(t )-480(and )-480(par)-13(ticipatio)5(n )-480(in )-480(loc)-10(al )]TJ T* [(initiativ)6(es )-129(that )-129(other)-38(wise )-129(w)6(ouldn)60(\222)45(t )-129(happen.)70( )-84(\ne )-129(best )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(and )2(fastest-gr)10(o)5(wing )2(cities )2(in )2(the )2(w)6(or)-20(ld )2(hav)6(e )2(an )2(inf)-5(or)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.735 TD [(mal,)70( )-282(ne)-10(v)6(er-elected )-282(gr)10(oup )-282(of )-282(S)-15(uper )-282(Mentors.)70( )-237(\ne)-5(y )]TJ T* [(w)6(or)6(k )-149(outside )-149(the )-149(loc)-10(al )-149(g)5(o)-5(v)6(er)-5(nment )-149(and )-149(meet )-149(r)10(egu)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.735 TD [(lar)-20(l)-12(y )-231(to )-231(deter)-5(mine )-231(a)5(ctivities )-231(and )-231(str)-5(ategies )-231(to )-231(help )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(their cit)-15(y and people win.)]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(One )-132(could )-132(argue )-132(that )-132(this )-132(gr)10(oup )-132(of )-132(S)-15(uper )-132(Mentors )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(makes )-172(a )-172(bigg)5(er )-172(and )-172(mor)10(e )-172(positiv)6(e )-172(impa)5(ct )-172(o)5(n )-172(cities )]TJ T* [(than )-201(do )-201(loc)-10(al )-201(g)5(o)-5(v)6(er)-5(nments.)70( )-156(\ne)-5(y )-201(hav)6(e )-201(as )-201(m)10(uc)-5(h )-201(or )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(mor)10(e )-19(a)5(ccess )-19(to )-19(mo)5(ne)-5(y )-19(and )-19(in\001uence )-19(within )-19(the )-19(co)5(m)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.735 TD [(m)10(unit)-15(y )-70(as )-70(g)5(o)-5(v)6(er)-5(nment )-70(lea)5(ders )-70(do)30(,)70( )-70(and )-70(the)-5(y )-70(hav)6(e )-70(the )]TJ T* [(gr)10(eat )22(a)5(dvantag)5(e )22(of )22(speed )22(and )22(f)-5(e)-10(w)6(er )22(barr)-10(iers.)70( )22(A)5(nd )22(the)-5(y )]TJ T* [(ser)-38(v)6(e )-25(a )-25(cr)-10(itic)-10(al )-25(functio)5(n )-25(\227 )-25(the)-5(y )-25(ar)10(e )-25(the )-25(v)6(er)-35(y )-25(kind)-20(ling )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(that star)-13(ts the \tr)10(es of Inno)-5(vators and Entr)10(epr)10(eneurs.)70( )]TJ /T1_3 1 Tf 0 -2.553 TD (Creating brain gain)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.735 TD [(T)85(alented )-229(people )-229(cr)10(eate )-229(br)-5(ain )-229(gain.)70( )-229(Br)-5(ain )-229(gain )-229(and )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(br)-5(ain )11(dr)-5(ain )11(ar)10(e )11(amo)5(ng )11(the )11(most )11(cr)-13(ucial )11(fa)5(ctors )11(f)-5(or )11(the )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(gr)10(o)5(w)-10(th and w)6(el)-5(l-being of an)5(y organiz)-10(atio)5(n \227 f)-60(r)10(o)5(m a )]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 142 0 obj <>stream /CS0 CS 1 SCN 4 M /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 36 36.1429 cm 0 0 m 540 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 36 26.463 Tm [(C\037)15(\036)-30(\035)-10(\034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030 \251 \027\026\026\025 G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036)90(,)70( I\021)10(\020.)70( A\023)-5(\023 \034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030)-10(\017 \034)-10(\016)-15(\017\016\034)15(\r)-15(\016\f)25(.)]TJ /Span<>> BDC 23.34 0 Td ( )Tj EMC 43.885 0 Td (\025)Tj ET Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 54 747.9152 Tm [(w)6(or)6(kf)-5(or)10(ce\) )-178(equals )-178(100,000.)70( )-178(In )-178(other )-178(w)6(or)10(ds,)70( )-178(a )-178(mer)10(e )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(100,000 )-237(stars )-237(of )-237(var)-35(y)-10(ing )-237(siz)-15(es )-237(cr)10(eated )-237(the )-237(unf)-5(or)10(e)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.746 TD [(c)-10(asted )-23(curr)10(ent )-23(state )-23(of )-23(gr)10(o)5(w)-10(th )-23(of )-23(the )-23(United )-23(S)-15(tates,)70( )-23(a )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(countr)-35(y of 300,000,000 people)8(.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.564 TD [(Her)10(e)-10(\222)60(s )10(the )10(par)-13(t )10(that )10(matters )10(to )10(lea)5(ders:)30( )54(\nese )10(100,000 )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(stars )-107(w)6(ould )-107(hav)6(e )-107(cr)10(eated )-107(that )-107(gr)10(o)5(w)-10(th )-107(wher)10(e)-10(v)6(er )-107(the)-5(y )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(r)10(esided.)70( )-172(If )-172(the)-5(y )-172(ha)5(d )-172(al)-5(l )-172(set )-172(up )-172(shop )-172(in )-172(S)-15(ioux )-172(F)30(al)-5(ls,)70( )]TJ T* [(K)-10(ansas )-110(Cit)-15(y)85(,)70( )-110(and )-110(F)30(arg)5(o)30(,)70( )-110(it )-110(w)6(ould )-110(hav)6(e )-110(al)-5(l )-110(happened )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(in )-43(the )-42(A)5(mer)-10(ic)-10(an )-42(Midw)6(est.)70( )-43(If )-42(this )-43(gr)10(oup )-43(ha)5(d )-42(al)-5(l )-42(liv)6(ed )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(in )-71(S)-15(a)5(o )-71(P)32(aulo)30(,)70( )-71(Rio )-71(de )-71(Janeir)10(o)30(,)70( )-71(or )-71(Br)-5(asilia,)70( )-71($10 )-71(tr)-10(il)-5(lio)5(n )]TJ T* [(w)6(ould hav)6(e magic)-10(al)-5(l)-12(y appear)10(ed in Br)-5(azil.)70( )]TJ ET Q /CS1 CS 1 SCN 10 M /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 72 524.1895 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 72 417.4395 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs /T1_1 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 85.5 506.9395 Tm [(Entr)20(epr)20(eneurs have the rar)20(e gifts )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD (of optimism and determination, )Tj 0 -1.727 TD [(whic)20(h ar)20(e, and pr)20(obably will )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(r)20(emain, the new most valuable )]TJ T* [(r)20(esour)20(ces in the world.)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf -2.864 -3.882 Td [(\ne )-197(math )-197(is )-197(simple)8(.)70( )-197(One )-197(star )-197(per )-197($100 )-197(mil)-5(lio)5(n )-197(of )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(GDP gr)10(o)5(w)-10(th.)]TJ 0 -2.564 TD [(If )-326(y)12(ou )-326(w)6(er)10(e )-326(to )-326(ask )-326(ho)5(w )-326(to )-326(signi\tc)-10(antl)-12(y )-326(incr)10(ease )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(y)12(our )-69(cit)-15(y)-40(\222)60(s )-69(GDP)130(,)70( )-69(w)6(e )-69(w)6(ould )-69(sa)5(y )-69(y)12(ou )-69(need )-69(to )-69(\tnd )-69(and )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(de)-10(v)6(elop )-103(10 )-103(stars.)70( )-103(A)5(nd )-103(y)12(ou )-103(should )-103(cr)10(eate )-103(the )-103(bigg)5(est )]TJ T* [(incubator )-168(of )-168(talent )-168(possible)8(.)70( )-153(Y)120(our )-168(incubator )-168(is )-168(y)12(our )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(energ)-30(y )-171(and )-171(job )-171(pipeline )-171(f)-5(or )-171(the )-171(futur)10(e)8(.)70( )-171(It )-171(wil)-5(l )-171(take )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(so)5(me )-181(time )-181(to )-181(see )-181(the )-181(outco)5(mes )-181(y)12(ou )-181(want,)70( )-181(but )-181(y)12(ou )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(w)6(o)5(n)60(\222)45(t )-132(g)5(et )-132(them )-132(if )-132(y)12(ou )-132(do)5(n)60(\222)45(t )-132(star)-13(t )-132(with )-132(10 )-132(stars.)70( )-87(\ne )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(o)5(nl)-12(y )-216(other )-216(alter)-5(nativ)6(e )-216(is )-216(to )-216(buy )-216(gr)10(o)5(w)-10(th,)70( )-216(like )-216(co)5(m)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(panies )-151(do)30(,)70( )-151(with )-151(a)5(cquisitio)5(ns.)70( )-151(Cor)-15(por)-5(ate )-151(lea)5(ders )-151(fa)5(ce )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(the )-84(organic )-84(v)-5(s.)70( )-84(a)5(cquisitio)5(n )-84(gr)10(o)5(w)-10(th )-84(issue )-84(al)-5(l )-84(the )-84(time)8(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(and )-52(the)-5(y )-52(kno)5(w )-52(that )-52(organic )-52(gr)10(o)5(w)-10(th )-52(is )-52(the )-52(best )-52(lo)5(ng-)]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(ter)-5(m )-93(str)-5(ateg)-30(y )-93(f)-5(or )-93(an)5(y )-93(organiz)-10(atio)5(n )-93(or )-93(co)5(mm)10(unit)-15(y )-93(of )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(people)8(.)]TJ 0 -2.564 TD [(T)95(o )-71(g)5(et )-71(a )-71(better )-71(idea )-71(of )-71(ho)5(w )-71(to )-71(identify )-71(and )-71(incubate )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(the )16(stars,)70( )16(our )16(team )16(coded )16(the )16(c)-5(har)-5(a)5(cter)-10(istics )16(of )16(se)-10(v)6(er)-5(al )]TJ 24.545 62.265 Td [(hundr)10(ed )-60(extr)-5(a)5(or)10(dinar)-10(il)-12(y )-60(successful )-60(business,)70( )-60(politic)-10(al,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(and )-83(no)5(npr)10(o\tt )-83(lea)5(ders.)70( )-82(Onl)-12(y )-83(f)-5(our )-82(c)-10(ateg)5(or)-10(ies )-83(or )-83(codes )]TJ T* [(w)6(er)10(e needed to c)-20(lassify them al)-5(l.)70( )]TJ /T1_2 1 Tf 0 -2.553 TD (1\))Tj /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj EMC 1.636 0 Td [(Inno)-10(vators)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf -1.636 -1.735 Td [(Inno)-5(vators )-153(g)5(et )-153(ideas )-153(that )-153(cr)10(eate )-153(ne)-10(w )-153(pr)10(oducts,)70( )-153(ne)-10(w )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(mar)6(kets,)70( stoc)-10(k value)8(,)70( and hatc)-5(h thousands of jobs.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(\ne)-5(y )-315(ar)10(e )-315(of)-20(ten )-315(str)-13(uc)-10(k )-315(with )-315(their )-315(disco)-5(v)6(er)-35(y )-315(while )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(emplo)12(y)12(ed )-71(b)12(y )-71(an )-71(organiz)-10(atio)5(n )-71(\227 )-71(a )-71(hospital,)70( )-71(the )-71(g)5(o)-5(v)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(er)-5(nment,)70( )-322(a )-322(cor)-15(por)-5(atio)5(n )-322(\227 )-322(or )-321(most )-321(of)-20(ten )-322(dur)-10(ing )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(their )-170(univ)6(ersit)-15(y )-170(studies.)70( )-125(\ne)-5(y )-170(ar)10(e )-170(as )-170(likel)-12(y)85(,)70( )-170(ho)5(w)6(e)-10(v)6(er)60(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(to )-259(f)-5(ol)-5(lo)5(w )-259(thr)10(ough )-259(o)5(n )-259(their )-259(disco)-5(v)6(er)-35(y )-259(outside )-259(that )]TJ T* [(organiz)-10(atio)5(n )-117(as )-117(within )-117(it.)70( )-118(In )-117(an)5(y )-118(c)-10(ase)8(,)70( )-117(the )-117(disco)-5(v)6(er)-35(y )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(cr)10(eates )-231(the )-231(next )-231(big )-231(surg)5(e )-231(of )-231(energ)-30(y )-231(f)-5(or )-231(incr)10(eased )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(eco)5(no)5(mic a)5(ctivit)-15(y and subsequent job hatc)-5(hing)10(.)]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(W)-35(hat )-85(makes )-85(Inno)-5(vators )-85(stars )-85(isn)60(\222)45(t )-85(just )-85(their )-85(cr)10(eativ)6(e )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(c)-10(apa)5(cit)-15(y)85(,)70( )-65(but )-65(also )-65(their )-65(r)-5(ar)10(e )-65(talent )-65(to )-65(seek )-65(inno)-5(vatio)5(n )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(in )-133(al)-5(l )-133(aspects )-132(of )-132(their )-133(liv)6(es.)70( )-133(Br)-10(il)-5(liant )-132(ideas )-132(ar)10(e )-133(of)-20(ten )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(bor)-5(n )-250(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-250(seeking )-250(solutio)5(ns )-250(to )-250(di\bcult )-250(pr)10(oblems,)70( )]TJ T* [(and )-176(Inno)-5(vators )-175(ar)10(e )-176(able )-176(to )-176(sol)-12(v)6(e )-176(the )-176(pr)10(oblems )-175(and )]TJ T* [(r)10(ealiz)-15(e )-91(the )-91(idea.)70( )-91(Ho)5(w)6(e)-10(v)6(er)60(,)70( )-91(the)-5(y )-91(ar)10(en)60(\222)45(t )-91(necessar)-10(il)-12(y )-91(the )]TJ T* [(o)5(nes who br)-10(ing it to mar)6(ket.)]TJ /T1_2 1 Tf 0 -2.553 TD (2\))Tj /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj EMC 1.636 0 Td [(Ent)-5(r)5(epr)5(eneurs)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf -1.636 -1.735 Td [(Entr)10(epr)10(eneurs )-110(ar)10(e )-110(most )-110(r)10(ecogniz)-10(able )-110(as )-110(super-sales)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.735 TD [(people )-149(or )-149(r)-5(ainmakers.)70( )-149(Entr)10(epr)10(eneurs )-149(ar)10(e )-149(those )-149(who )]TJ T* [(see )-187(an )-187(idea,)70( )-187(r)10(ecogniz)-15(e )-187(the )-187(potential,)70( )-187(\tgur)10(e )-187(out )-187(the )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(necessar)-35(y )13(steps )13(f)-5(or )14(making )14(the )13(idea )14(a )13(r)10(ealit)-15(y)85(,)70( )13(and )13(then )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(br)-10(ing )1(the )1(Inno)-5(vator )1(tog)5(ether )1(with )1(suppor)-13(ters )1(to )1(f)-5(or)-5(m )]TJ T* [(a )-266(ne)-10(w )-266(v)6(entur)10(e)8(.)70( )-266(Entr)10(epr)10(eneurs )-266(bet )-266(their )-266(mo)5(ne)-5(y )-266(or )]TJ T* [(c)-10(ar)10(eer )-12(o)5(n )-12(a )-12(ne)-10(w )-12(idea,)70( )-12(whether )-12(it)-50(\222)60(s )-12(a )-12(ne)-10(w )-12(business )-12(or )-12(a )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(ne)-10(w )-63(initiativ)6(e )-63(within )-63(an )-63(organiz)-10(atio)5(n.)70( )-63(Entr)10(epr)10(eneurs )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(hav)6(e )-359(the )-358(r)-5(ar)10(e )-358(gif)-20(ts )-358(of )-359(optimism )-358(and )-359(deter)-5(mina)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(tio)5(n,)70( )-162(whic)-5(h )-162(ar)10(e)8(,)70( )-162(and )-162(pr)10(obabl)-12(y )-162(wil)-5(l )-162(r)10(emain,)70( )-162(the )-162(ne)-10(w )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(most )-60(valuable )-60(r)10(esour)10(ces )-60(in )-60(the )-60(w)6(or)-20(ld.)70( )-60(Optimism )-60(and )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(deter)-5(minatio)5(n )6(ar)10(e )6(mor)10(e )6(valuable )6(in )6(the )6(equatio)5(n )6(than )]TJ T* [(cr)10(eativit)-15(y and inno)-5(vatio)5(n bec)-10(ause the)-5(y ar)10(e r)-5(ar)10(er)60(.)]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 129 0 obj <>stream /CS0 CS 1 SCN 4 M /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 36 36.1429 cm 0 0 m 540 -0.143 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 34.2 26.463 Tm (\003)Tj /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj EMC 44.385 0 Td [(C\037)15(\036)-30(\035)-10(\034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030 \251 \027\026\026\025 G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036)90(,)70( I\021)10(\020.)70( A\023)-5(\023 \034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030)-10(\017 \034)-10(\016)-15(\017\016\034)15(\r)-15(\016\f)25(.)]TJ ET Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 54 747.9152 Tm [(curr)10(ent )-159(out )-159(in )-159(the )-159(f)-5(or)-5(m )-159(of )-159(higher )-159(wag)5(es )-159(and )-159(mor)10(e )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(pur)10(c)-5(hases.)70( )-287(Its )-287(emplo)12(y)12(ees )-287(and )-287(suppliers )-287(ear)-5(n )-287(mor)10(e )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(so )-195(the)-5(y )-195(spend )-195(mor)10(e )-195(mo)5(ne)-5(y )-195(o)5(n )-195(things )-195(\227 )-195(c)-10(ars )-195(and )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(houses )-395(and )-395(co)5(mputers,)70( )-395(healthc)-10(ar)10(e)8(,)70( )-395(mo)-5(vie )-395(tic)-10(kets,)70( )]TJ T* [(gr)10(ocer)-10(ies,)70( )-161(and )-161(of )-161(course)8(,)70( )-161(tax)5(es.)70( )-116(\ne )-161(energ)-30(y )-161(w)6(eakens )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(as )-174(it )-174(spr)10(ea)5(ds,)70( )-174(whic)-5(h )-174(is )-174(wh)10(y )-174(Bil)-5(l )-174(Gates )-174(hasn)60(\222)45(t )-174(ma)5(de )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y)12(o)5(ne )-135(in )-135(the )-135(w)6(or)-20(ld )-135(a )-135(mil)-5(lio)5(nair)10(e)8(,)70( )-135(but )-135(the )-135(energ)-30(y )]TJ T* [(is )-92(no)5(netheless )-91(tr)-5(ansmitted )-92(bit )-91(b)12(y )-92(bit )-92(thr)10(oughout )-91(the )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(star)-20(\222)60(s )-5(organiz)-10(atio)5(n,)70( )-5(cit)-15(y)85(,)70( )-5(and )-5(countr)-35(y)85(.)70( )40(\ne )-5(star)-20(\222)60(s )-5(energ)-30(y )]TJ T* [(ma)5(y )-254(be )-254(so )-254(str)10(o)5(ng )-254(it )-254(tr)-5(ansmits )-254(al)-5(l )-254(o)-5(v)6(er )-254(the )-254(w)6(or)-20(ld.)70( )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(P)20(r)10(o)10(ximit)-15(y )-162(counts )-162(bec)-10(ause )-162(the )-162(c)-20(loser )-162(y)12(ou )-162(ar)10(e )-162(to )-162(the )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(stars,)70( the str)10(o)5(ng)5(er the mo)5(ne)-5(y curr)10(ents.)]TJ ET Q /CS1 CS 1 SCN 10 M /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 72 506.9492 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 72 438.1992 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs /T1_1 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 103.5 489.6992 Tm [(A country gr)20(ows one city )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(at a time. A city gr)20(ows one )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(or)20(ganization at a time.)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf -4.5 -3.935 Td [(\nese )-515(enter)-15(pr)-10(isers )-515(ar)10(e )-515(not )-515(limited )-515(to )-515(business.)70( )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(One )-334(guy )-334(in )-334(a )-334(Midw)6(ester)-5(n )-334(U)60(.S)30(.)70( )-334(cit)-15(y )-334(has )-334(built )-334(a )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [($100,000,000 )-191(junior )-191(col)-5(leg)5(e )-191(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-191(nothing)10(,)70( )-191(and )-191(it)-50(\222)60(s )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(thr)-10(iving )-272(and )-272(gr)10(o)5(wing)10(.)70( )-272(His )-272(gr)10(eat )-272(value )-272(to )-272(his )-272(cit)-15(y )]TJ T* [(and )-136(the )-136(United )-136(S)-15(tates )-136(is )-136(not )-136(just )-136(cr)10(eating )-136(educ)-10(ated )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(w)6(or)6(kers )-120(f)-5(or )-120(the )-120(labor )-120(f)-5(or)10(ce)8(,)70( )-120(but )-120(also )-120(in )-120(the )-120(cr)10(eatio)5(n )]TJ T* [(of )-151(man)5(y )-151(ne)-10(w )-151(tea)5(c)-5(hing)10(,)70( )-151(a)5(dministr)-5(ativ)6(e)8(,)70( )-151(suppor)-13(t,)70( )-151(and )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(tec)-5(hnic)-10(al )-83(jobs.)70( )-83(Of )-83(course)8(,)70( )-83(he )-83(has )-83(also )-83(pur)10(c)-5(hased )-83(and )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(de)-10(v)6(eloped )-44(r)10(eal )-44(estate)8(,)70( )-44(r)10(equir)-10(ing )-44(the )-44(ser)-38(vices )-44(and )-44(sup)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.799 TD [(plies )-44(of )-45(do)-5(z)-15(ens )-45(and )-44(do)-5(z)-15(ens )-45(of )-45(businesses )-44(of )-44(al)-5(l )-45(t)-15(y)-10(pes.)70( )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(\nis )-36(social )-36(entr)10(epr)10(eneur )-36(has )-36(cr)10(eated )-36($100,000,000 )-36(of )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(energ)-30(y )-71(out )-71(of )-71(no)5(wher)10(e)8(.)70( )-71(A)5(nd )-71(his )-71(Midw)6(ester)-5(n )-71(cit)-15(y )-71(\227 )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(and the r)10(est of the countr)-35(y \227 is bene\tting)10(.)]TJ 0 -2.617 TD [(\nese )-102(stars )-101(juice )-101(their )-101(immediate )-102(eco)5(no)5(my )-101(and )-102(that )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(of )-27(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y)-10(thing )-26(ar)10(ound )-27(them.)70( )18(\ne)-5(y )-27(ar)10(e )-27(dr)-10(iv)6(ers )-27(of )-27(GDP)130(.)70( )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(Br)-5(ain )-133(gain )-134(co)5(ntr)-10(ibutes )-134(to )-134(a )-133(countr)-35(y)-40(\222)60(s )-134(GDP )-134(gr)10(o)5(w)-10(th.)70( )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(A )-22(countr)-35(y )-22(gr)10(o)5(ws )-22(o)5(ne )-23(cit)-15(y )-23(at )-22(a )-22(time)8(.)70( )-23(A )-22(cit)-15(y )-22(gr)10(o)5(ws )-22(o)5(ne )]TJ 0 -1.799 TD [(organiz)-10(atio)5(n )-170(at )-170(a )-170(time)8(.)70( )-170(A)5(n )-170(organiz)-10(atio)5(n )-170(gr)10(o)5(ws )-170(o)5(ne )]TJ 24.545 62.265 Td [(star )-186(at )-186(a )-186(time)8(.)70( )-186(A)5(nd )-186(al)-5(l )-186(organiz)-10(atio)5(ns )-186(ar)10(e )-186(eco)5(no)5(mic )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(engines f)-5(or al)-5(l cities.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(But )-48(who )-48(ar)10(e )-48(these )-48(stars? )-3(\ne)-5(y )-48(could )-48(liv)6(e )-48(almost )-48(an)5(y)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.735 TD [(wher)10(e)8(.)70( )-139(Mor)10(e )-139(of)-20(ten )-139(than )-139(not,)70( )-139(the)-5(y )-139(ar)10(e )-139(single)8(,)70( )-139(y)12(oung )]TJ T* [(\227 )-169(bet)-5(w)6(een )-169(the )-169(ag)5(es )-169(of )-169(25 )-169(and )-169(35 )-169(\227 )-169(and )-169(hav)6(e )-169(at )]TJ T* [(least )-121(an )-121(undergr)-5(a)5(duate )-121(col)-5(leg)5(e )-121(degr)10(ee)8(.)70( )-121(A)5(nd )-121(most )-121(of )]TJ T* [(them )1(hav)6(e not )1(y)12(et )1(been disco)-5(v)6(er)10(ed nor )1(hav)6(e )1(the)-5(y )1(cr)10(e)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(ated their big in)5(v)6(entio)5(n or enter)-15(pr)-10(ise)8(.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(\ner)10(ein )-290(lies )-290(the )-290(oppor)-13(tunit)-15(y)85(.)70( )-290(If )-290(1,000 )-290(w)6(or)-20(ld-c)-20(lass )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(explor)10(ers )-417(and )-417(in)5(v)6(entors )-417(w)6(er)10(e )-417(the )-417(her)10(oes )-417(of )-417(the )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(unf)-5(or)10(ec)-10(asted )-150($10 )-150(tr)-10(il)-5(lio)5(n,)70( )-150(ho)5(w )-150(man)5(y )-150(stars )-150(ar)10(e )-150(ther)10(e )]TJ T* [(in )-98(the )-98(w)6(or)-20(ld? )-98(Ho)5(w )-98(man)5(y )-98(ex)5(ceptio)5(nal )-98(people )-98(should )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(w)6(e )-18(be )-18(watc)-5(hing )-18(and )-18(tr)-5(a)5(c)-10(king? )-18(Ho)5(w )-18(man)5(y )-18(ar)10(e )-18(in )-18(y)12(our )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(cit)-15(y)85(,)70( )-118(and )-118(what )-118(e\007)-5(ect )-118(ar)10(e )-118(the)-5(y )-118(having )-118(o)5(n )-118(br)-5(ain )-118(gain/)]TJ T* [(br)-5(ain )-54(dr)-5(ain? )-54(Bec)-10(ause )-54(y)12(ou )-54(want )-54(and )-54(need )-54(them )-54(al)-5(l )-54(\205)70( )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(the smal)-5(l,)70( medium,)70( and larg)5(e stars.)]TJ /T1_2 1 Tf 0 -2.553 TD [(T)20(he four types of stars)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.735 TD [(\nis )-29(math )-29(and )-29(inter)-15(polatio)5(n )-29(ar)10(e )-29(r)10(eal)-5(l)-12(y )-29(r)10(ough )-29(appr)10(o)10(x)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(imatio)5(ns,)70( )-520(but )-520(hopeful)-5(l)-12(y )-520(mor)10(e )-520(pr)10(ecise )-520(than )-520(the )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(c)-10(alculatio)5(ns )-66(that )-66(mispr)10(edicted )-66(the )-66(U)60(.S)30(.)70( )-66(GDP )-66(b)12(y )-66($10 )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(tr)-10(il)-5(lio)5(n.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(If )-533(1,000 )-533(individuals )-533(w)6(er)10(e )-533(the )-503(\223Columbus-t)-15(y)-10(pe)-10(\224)100( )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(explor)10(ers )-55(who )-55(r)10(eceiv)6(e )-55(al)-5(l )-55(the )-55(cr)10(edit )-55(f)-5(or )-55(the )-55(eco)5(no)5(mic )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(value )-199(the)-5(y )-199(disco)-5(v)6(er)10(ed )-199(and )-199(c)-20(laimed,)70( )-199(let)-50(\222)60(s )-199(g)5(ener)10(ousl)-12(y )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(assume )-96(that )-96(the)-5(y )-96(ha)5(d )-96(10 )-96(other )-96(w)6(or)-20(ld-c)-20(lass )-96(suppor)-13(t)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(ing )-188(c)-10(ast )-188(members )-188(ar)10(ound )-188(them )-188(\227 )-188(10 )-188(people )-188(who )]TJ T* [(w)6(er)10(e )-73(so )-73(impor)-13(tant )-73(that )-73(ther)10(e )-73(w)6(ould )-73(be )-73(no )-73(eco)5(no)5(mic )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(mir)-5(a)5(c)-20(le )-239(without )-239(them.)70( )-239(S)-15(o )-239(that )-239(equals )-239(10,000.)70( )-224(W)80(e )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(then )-27(m)10(ultiplied )-27(the )-27(10,000 )-27(builders )-27(of )-27(big )-27(businesses )]TJ T* [(b)12(y )5(10 )5(again )5(to )5(deter)-5(mine )5(a )5(r)10(ough )5(gaug)5(e )5(of )5(ho)5(w )5(man)5(y )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(in)5(v)6(entors )-4(and )-4(r)-5(ainmakers )-4(it )-4(takes )-4(to )-4(suppor)-13(t )-4(the )-4(co)5(n)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.735 TD [(tinuing )-51(gr)10(o)5(w)-10(th )-51(of )-51(the )-51(total )-51(U)60(.S)30(.)70( )-51(GDP)130(.)70( )-6(T)95(en )-51(thousand )]TJ T* [(m)10(ultiplied )-4(b)12(y )-5(10 )-4(\(to )-5(take )-4(into )-5(a)5(ccount )-4(and )-4(giv)6(e )-5(cr)10(edit )]TJ T* [(to )-54(the )-54(do)5(minance )-54(of )-54(jobs )-54(in )-54(smal)-5(l- )-54(to )-54(medium-siz)-15(ed )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(cor)-15(por)-5(atio)5(ns,)70( )-85(whic)-5(h )-85(make )-85(up )-85(about )-85(70% )-85(of )-85(the )-85(U)60(.S)30(.)70( )]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 118 0 obj <>stream /CS0 CS 1 SCN 4 M /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 36 36.1429 cm 0 0 m 540 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 36 26.463 Tm [(C\037)15(\036)-30(\035)-10(\034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030 \251 \027\026\026\025 G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036)90(,)70( I\021)10(\020.)70( A\023)-5(\023 \034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030)-10(\017 \034)-10(\016)-15(\017\016\034)15(\r)-15(\016\f)25(.)]TJ /Span<>> BDC 23.34 0 Td ( )Tj EMC 43.885 0 Td (\004)Tj ET Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 54 747.9152 Tm [(the )-132(migr)-5(atio)5(n )-132(patter)-5(ns )-132(of )-132(the )-132(most )-132(talented )-132(people)8(.)70( )]TJ 0 -1.779 TD [(V)85(alue )-113(is )-113(no)5(w )-113(cr)10(eated )-113(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-113(piles )-113(of )-113(ideas )-113(and )-113(deter)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(minatio)5(n,)70( )9(not )9(piles )9(of )9(mater)-10(ials )9(and )9(natur)-5(al )9(r)10(esour)10(ces.)70( )]TJ T* [(\ne )-77(eco)5(no)5(mists )-77(under)10(estimated )-76(the )-77(massiv)6(e )-77(f)-5(or)10(ce )-77(of )]TJ T* [(inno)-5(vatio)5(n )-110(and )-110(entr)10(epr)10(eneurship )-110(that )-110(led )-110(to )-110(a )-110(tec)-5(h)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.779 TD [(nolog)-30(y r)10(e)-10(v)6(olutio)5(n.)]TJ 0 -2.597 TD [(N)10(o)5(w )-166(global )-166(eco)5(no)5(mists )-166(ar)10(e )-166(sa)5(y)-10(ing )-166(that )-166(b)12(y )-166(2040 )-166(or )]TJ 0 -1.779 TD [(soo)5(ner)60(,)70( )-257(the )-257(U)60(.S)30(.)70( )-257(GDP )-257(wil)-5(l )-257(fal)-5(l )-257(to )-257(seco)5(nd,)70( )-257(behind )]TJ 0 -1.779 TD [(China.)70( )-14(\neir )-59(f)-5(or)-5(m)10(ulas )-59(assume )-59(that )-59(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y)-10(thing )-59(is )-59(lin)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.779 TD [(ear )-165(or )-166(c)-15(y)12(c)-20(lic)-10(al )-166(and )-165(that )-165(man )-166(is )-165(r)-5(atio)5(nal.)70( )-165(China )-166(has )]TJ 0 -1.779 TD [(mor)10(e )-187(co)5(nsumers )-187(and )-187(mor)10(e )-187(lo)5(w-wag)5(e )-187(pr)10(oducers,)70( )-187(so )]TJ T* [(logic )-211(dictates )-211(China)30(\222)60(s )-211(eco)5(no)5(my )-211(wil)-5(l )-211(be )-211(an )-211(unstop)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(pable )-219(jugg)5(er)-5(naut.)70( )-174(\nat )-219(logic )-219(is )-219(likel)-12(y )-219(to )-219(be )-219(just )-219(as )]TJ 0 -1.779 TD [(colossal)-5(l)-12(y )-238(w)-10(r)10(o)5(ng )-237(this )-238(time )-237(bec)-10(ause )-238(it )-237(doesn)60(\222)45(t )-237(co)5(n)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.779 TD [(sider )-289(wher)10(e )-290(the )-289(next )-290(big )-289(build-out )-289(of )-290(inno)-5(vatio)5(n )]TJ T* [(and )-409(entr)10(epr)10(eneurship )-409(wil)-5(l )-409(occur)60(.)70( )-409(It )-409(doesn)60(\222)45(t )-409(co)5(n)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(sider )-121(br)-5(ain )-121(gain )-121(or )-121(the )-121(migr)-5(atio)5(n )-121(patter)-5(ns )-121(of )-121(talent.)70( )]TJ T* [(It )-129(could,)70( )-129(ho)5(w)6(e)-10(v)6(er)60(,)70( )-129(be )-129(colossal)-5(l)-12(y )-129(r)-10(ight )-129(\227 )-129(but )-129(o)5(nl)-12(y )-129(if )]TJ T* [(China )9(beco)5(mes )9(a )9(center )9(of )9(inno)-5(vatio)5(n )9(and )9(enter)-15(pr)-10(ise)8(,)70( )]TJ T* [(attr)-5(a)5(cting and r)10(etaining highl)-12(y talented people)8(.)]TJ ET Q /CS1 CS 1 SCN 10 M /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 72 344.1344 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 72 199.3844 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs /T1_1 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 90 326.8844 Tm [(W)41(e consider Bill Gates to be )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(the poster c)20(hild for a colossal )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD (economic engine, but Paul Allen, )Tj 0 -1.727 TD [(Steven Balmer)41(, Jeff Raikes, and )]TJ T* [(others played key r)20(oles. T)20(her)20(e )]TJ T* [(would pr)20(obably be no Micr)20(osoft )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD (if it hadn\222t been for them.)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -3.273 -3.915 Td [(S)-15(o)30(,)70( )19(ho)5(w )19(man)5(y )19(talented )19(r)-5(ainmakers )19(w)6(ould )19(y)12(ou )19(need )19(to )]TJ 0 -1.779 TD [(c)-5(hang)5(e the GDP of o)5(ne cit)-15(y and then o)5(ne countr)-35(y?)]TJ 0 -2.597 TD [(Resear)10(c)-5(hers )-528(counted )-528(ho)5(w )-528(man)5(y )-528(people )-528(cr)10(eated )]TJ 0 -1.779 TD [(the )-217(tec)-5(hnolog)-30(y )-217(build-out )-217(that )-217(led )-217(to )-217(the )-217($10 )-217(tr)-10(il)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(lio)5(n )-169(of )-169(unplanned )-169(r)10(e)-10(v)6(enue )-169(gr)10(o)5(w)-10(th )-169(o)-5(v)6(er )-169(the )-169(last )-169(25 )]TJ T* [(y)12(ears )-203(in )-203(the )-203(United )-203(S)-15(tates.)70( )-203(It )-203(appears )-203(to )-203(be )-203(about )]TJ 24.545 62.265 Td [(1,000 )-63(people)8(.)70( )-63(Just )-63(1,000 )-63(unusual )-63(star )-63(inno)-5(vators )-63(and )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(r)-5(ainmakers.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.577 TD [(S)-15(o)5(me )-301(of )-301(those )-301(inno)-5(vators,)70( )-301(like )-286(V)-30(into)5(n )-301(Cer)-10(f)16(,)70( )-301(o)5(ne )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(of )-142(the )-143(f)-5(ounding )-142(fathers )-142(of )-142(the )-143(Inter)-5(net,)70( )-143(ha)5(d )-143(a )-143(br)-10(il)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.759 TD [(liant )-132(idea )-132(that )-132(others )-132(shar)10(ed )-132(with )-132(the )-132(w)6(or)-20(ld.)70( )-132(S)-15(o)5(me)8(,)70( )]TJ T* [(like )-249(Meg )-234(W)-35(hitman,)70( )-249(put )-249(tog)5(ether )-249(a )-249(br)-10(il)-5(liant )-249(team )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(and )-222(business )-222(model )-222(that )-222(pr)10(opel)-5(led )-222(the )-222(inno)-5(vatio)5(n.)70( )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(But )-106(if )-106(y)12(ou )-106(o)5(nl)-12(y )-106(count )-106(the )-76(\223)30(stars,)-8(\224)100( )-106(the )-106(ke)-5(y )-106(individual )]TJ T* [(pio)5(neers )-131(who )-131(initiated )-131(the )-131(single )-131(spar)6(k )-131(that )-131(ignited )]TJ T* [(the )-265(br)10(eakthr)10(ough )-265(idea )-265(or )-265(co)5(mpan)5(y)85(,)70( )-265(y)12(ou )-265(w)6(o)5(n)60(\222)45(t )-265(g)5(et )]TJ T* [(m)10(uc)-5(h )-140(be)-5(y)12(o)5(nd )-140(1,000.)70( )-140(A)5(nd )-140(of )-140(that )-140(1,000,)70( )-140(mor)10(e )-140(than )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(half )-121(w)6(er)10(e )-122(A)5(mer)-10(ic)-10(ans )-121(who )-122(ha)5(d )-122(migr)-5(ated )-121(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-122(other )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(countr)-10(ies.)]TJ 0 -2.577 TD [(Ho)5(w)6(e)-10(v)6(er)60(,)70( )-166(the )-166(inher)10(ent )-166(pr)10(oblem )-166(in )-166(loo)5(king )-166(f)-5(or )]TJ /T1_2 1 Tf 19.694 0 Td (only)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf ( )Tj -19.694 -1.759 Td [(the )-157(1,000 )-157(A)5(mer)-10(ic)-10(ans )-157(who )-157(cr)10(eated )-157(the )-157(unf)-5(or)10(ec)-10(asted )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [($10 )-110(tr)-10(il)-5(lio)5(n )-110(is )-110(that )-110(it )-110(o)-5(v)6(er)-20(loo)5(ks )-110(too )-110(man)5(y )-110(lesser)60(,)70( )-110(but )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(equal)-5(l)-12(y )-140(necessar)-35(y)85(,)70( )-140(individuals,)70( )-140(the )-140(gr)10(eat )-140(team )-140(mem)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.759 TD [(bers )-231(who )-231(suppor)-13(ted )-231(the )-231(stars.)70( )-186(T)85(ake )-231(Micr)10(osof)-20(t,)70( )-231(f)-5(or )]TJ T* [(instance)8(.)70( )-210(W)80(e )-225(co)5(nsider )-225(Bil)-5(l )-225(Gates )-225(to )-225(be )-225(the )-225(poster )]TJ T* [(c)-5(hild )-289(f)-5(or )-290(this )-289(colossal )-289(eco)5(no)5(mic )-289(engine)8(,)70( )-290(but )-289(P)32(aul )]TJ T* [(Al)-5(len,)70( )-88(S)-15(te)-10(v)6(en )-88(Balmer)60(,)70( )-88(Je\007 )-88(R)-10(aikes,)70( )-88(and )-88(others )-88(pla)5(y)12(ed )]TJ T* [(ke)-5(y )-281(r)10(oles.)70( )-236(\ner)10(e )-281(w)6(ould )-281(pr)10(obabl)-12(y )-281(be )-281(no )-281(Micr)10(osof)-20(t )]TJ T* [(if )-161(it )-162(ha)5(dn)60(\222)45(t )-161(been )-161(f)-5(or )-161(them.)70( )-117(\ne )-162(same )-161(is )-161(tr)-13(ue )-161(f)-5(or )-161(al)-5(l )]TJ T* [(w)6(or)-20(ld-c)-20(lass )-236(eco)5(no)5(mic )-236(a)5(c)-5(hie)-10(v)6(ements )-236(and )-236(smal)-5(l )-236(and )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(medium-siz)-15(ed )-130(o)5(nes )-130(as )-130(w)6(el)-5(l.)70( )-85(\ner)10(e )-130(is )-130(a )-130(star )-130(in)5(v)6(entor )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(and/or )-183(enter)-15(pr)-10(iser )-183(who)5(m )-183(w)6(e )-183(cr)10(edit )-183(with )-183(the )-183(inno)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(vatio)5(n,)70( )-326(but )-326(w)6(e )-326(of)-20(ten )-326(f)-5(org)5(et )-326(the )-326(inno)-5(vator)-20(\222)60(s )-326(g)5(ood )]TJ T* [(f)-5(or)-13(tune )-307(to )-307(hav)6(e )-307(ha)5(d )-307(se)-10(v)6(er)-5(al )-307(stel)-5(lar )-307(per)-10(f)-5(or)-5(mers )-307(or )]TJ T* [(S)-15(uper Mentors in his or her univ)6(erse)8(.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.577 TD [(L)-25(et )-29(me )-29(quic)-10(kl)-12(y )-29(r)10(e)-10(vie)-10(w )-29(what )-29(exa)5(ctl)-12(y )-29(makes )-29(a )-29(star )-29(dif)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.759 TD [(f)-5(er)10(ent )-90(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-90(a )-90(t)-15(y)-10(pic)-10(al,)70( )-90(har)10(dw)6(or)6(king )-90(emplo)12(y)12(ee)8(.)70( )-90(A )-90(star )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(cr)10(eates )-153(larg)5(e )-153(amounts )-153(of )-153(ne)-10(w )-153(human )-153(energ)-30(y )-153(wher)10(e )]TJ T* [(no)5(ne )-315(pr)10(e)-10(viousl)-12(y )-315(existed.)70( )-270(\nat )-315(energ)-30(y )-315(cr)10(eates )-315(eco)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(no)5(mic )-70(energ)-30(y)85(.)70( )-25(\ne )-70(star)-20(\222)60(s )-70(organiz)-10(atio)5(n )-70(is )-70(the )-70(\trst )-70(and )]TJ T* [(gr)10(eatest )-181(bene\tciar)-35(y)85(,)70( )-181(but )-181(the )-181(organiz)-10(atio)5(n )-181(sends )-181(the )]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 63 0 obj <> endobj 64 0 obj <> endobj 219 0 obj <>stream H\͊0yCT-xf k |ɔ.l >3 T~fF;ƻkA^RXo;4V\/ CeQ >ps"W=^a-7&W_eA}0 eQH zik3 |ڦҸsN|.d˴6-@!B ]q"pb@.KDy 49f[8aNS攘kyO1gHn)'L|a{*TS"OŞ<)rS':qe2F׊ݗϞw]>QzWdG+1`8 endstream endobj 218 0 obj <>stream H|Tkp^!K,`"bD4uR 86 P Um$Xݕd[mc J C ChKG2 \N"3ww~=[p8ՙ{wߗVJLUHS*VJcbhB&~QtMjwc7W\[h%ù~/UQW7nvl$M)PQ.ЫrtwEBYPҔ2izUr=u\)I6R^ U+erT,?%R64$2J*(FQ̒T%r ;32ry!pAd9lC$d#H.>"LA>/2qpq$|!bq⿡K.-lxA|hy`@P? A4~:4>.JH[ E0 xJw=H,Gϋb;C(xR{/s/zDqCeJcFntxSעr5v" j]W8P VKGVhT|fpQMbqͨvǸQ[= FNXK36PZ( d(r態2s,5 >:f^j2 ?~jGzt>;",w1հ鲲*2XZ^ڵ;ʍtŒ+9ޫ><48ݛ0_=4fUcȌ*(wy&n k ren4|ZSc2: gAmnt[t IuY"àne#[OMn'(>'Bf4X CR$Zl0' OwgcE;,,̡'A@ieYY[:0f3h L/DHnQVG!\nIɨUoSՈ W|dnd~~ht`vfҾ}; ?.oogBb['$5s1%\WWh8.x<MsN䂥fkMêMfhI_5=Ɏ]X8d415b--]-C\ WGAV[©h]IPk3+]rJfe_=|ÿLI|OZ:³U"i3['HTh;چ?R#Ej1 }$kyp /|-5>ǃC{<3?i Tς }Ӝ79.x,{H7bc'.HDQa.;2y7̅b)q /T#5sVk*RWd ~w,pz}YY[0i l3> =>-7E֓4[ K9M:'?Kh;p ==vH"MMk26LT~$HW}c<).t"?^kTrCn`g⛶sc]{,K)iqd frN:ƴ*Cw¥kQ޾{9 lI.&+rD(nf/N L)dbMPKh(mٖ%뽫c%KZYO?$a1`0vHvDZmhKB pl:UΙ{{fetT%+~ϰKL+fG6}\ը@@4t΢=f `P m/x)7.]7nMT>SIam9ikvAC"*v/Y@XPEf*Fm- o` voN(2ٖ΄]ZZw ȆӴ7+ۉ l CX-73)B|?ˎpQOIv-ӽ}FĹ}t zBoMG8\_AUX[TP_E:}H0Moo^h2) RܔY*ėڧ[~&$@Lal5!G{${xOSˡ\JuWж,HBG2O'z1@tuxk`2S Ώp $\>z0?5ys7ړ:mQbS_|vKU P(H F9ޒX!uwpn7 ڭ{+׃?*MA[#( pñ\wzYqo $}m#HɾnՐQ\UL:SO *}hbq]ZSv 1Z0o~kZCh86d~N./BcDsPy1AG؃ 鑲\+;$_|(X&ѡr$l`VMagҍ+1sBKys.7[~D0?>]7>>gtъeQYRA|`ۙ:-)XZo"Yͻy2N&0o U[f%lw%Axܜ\VWoDZQvp0 *jǺ//]l\,xյhl.§sx2?5|A_hSF CD2#OTXz/ӗ$ 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[(vil)-5(lag)5(e )-9(o)5(n )-9(Ear)-13(th )-9(m)10(ust )-9(r)10(ealiz)-15(e )-9(that )-9(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )-9(decisio)5(n )-9(the)-5(y )]TJ T* [(make )-48(should )-48(co)5(nsider )-48(the )-48(impa)5(ct,)70( )-48(\trst )-48(and )-48(f)-5(or)10(emost,)70( )]TJ T* [(o)5(n g)5(ood jobs.)]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(\ne )-29(e)-10(v)6(olutio)5(n )-29(of )-29(the )]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf 8.468 0 Td [(g)-15(r)-5(eat )-26(glob)5(al )-27(dr)-5(eam)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf [( )-29(is )-29(g)5(oing )-29(to )-29(be )]TJ -8.468 -1.735 Td [(the )-48(mater)-10(ial )-48(of )-48(a )-48(mil)-5(lio)5(n )-48(P)-14(h.D)20(.)70( )-48(disser)-13(tatio)5(ns.)70( )-48(But )-48(it)-50(\222)60(s )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(o)5(nl)-12(y )-96(the )-96(beginning )-96(of )-96(the )-96(stor)-35(y)85(.)70( )-51(\ne )-96(shif)-20(t )-96(in )-96(impor)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(tance )-185(to )-155(\223)40(a )-185(g)5(ood )-185(job)30(\224)100( )-185(lea)5(ds )-185(to )-185(a )-185(signi\tc)-10(ant )-185(c)-5(hang)5(e )]TJ T* [(in )-286(the )-286(e)-10(v)6(olutio)5(n )-286(of )-286(civiliz)-10(atio)5(n.)70( )-241(\ner)10(e )-286(ar)10(e )-286(end)-20(less )]TJ T* [(indic)-10(ators,)70( )-114(but )-114(the )-114(most )-114(e)-10(vident )-114(c)-5(hang)5(e )-114(is )-114(in )-114(global )]TJ T* [(migr)-5(atio)5(n patter)-5(ns.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(Man )-136(and )-136(w)6(o)5(man )-136(pr)10(obabl)-12(y )-136(appear)10(ed )-136(about )-136(200,000 )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(y)12(ears )-241(ag)5(o )-241(o)5(n )-241(the )-241(savannah )-241(plains )-241(in )-241(what )-241(is )-241(no)5(w )]TJ T* [(kno)5(wn )-59(as )-59(Ethiopia,)70( )-59(and )-59(fanned )-59(out )-59(a)5(cr)10(oss )-59(the )-59(Ear)-13(th )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(to )-46(impr)10(o)-5(v)6(e )-46(their )-46(liv)6(es,)70( )-46(their )-46(tr)-10(ibes,)70( )-46(and )-46(their )-46(families.)70( )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(W)80(e )-174(hav)6(e )-174(ne)-10(v)6(er )-174(stopped )-174(walking)10(.)70( )-129(\ne )-174(\trst )-174(to )-174(mo)-5(v)6(e )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(hav)6(e )-267(al)-12(wa)5(y)-10(s )-267(been )-267(the )-267(boldest )-267(a)5(dv)6(entur)10(ers,)70( )-267(explor)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.735 TD [(ers,)70( )-106(and )-106(wander)10(ers,)70( )-106(and )-106(that)-50(\222)60(s )-106(stil)-5(l )-106(tr)-13(ue)8(.)70( )-106(Until )-106(r)-5(ather )]TJ T* [(r)10(ecentl)-12(y )-390(in )-390(human )-390(e)-10(v)6(olutio)5(n,)70( )-390(the )-390(explor)10(ers )-390(w)6(er)10(e )]TJ T* [(loo)5(king )-120(f)-5(or )-120(ne)-10(w )-120(hunting )-120(gr)10(ounds,)70( )-120(cr)10(opland,)70( )-120(terr)-10(ito)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(r)-10(ies,)70( )-16(passag)5(e)-10(wa)5(y)-10(s,)70( )-16(and )-16(natur)-5(al )-16(r)10(esour)10(ces.)70( )-16(But )-16(no)5(w)75(,)70( )-16(the )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(explor)10(ers ar)10(e seeking so)5(mething else)8(.)]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(T)95(oda)5(y)-40(\222)60(s )-82(explor)10(ers )-82(migr)-5(ate )-82(to )-82(the )-82(cities )-82(that )-82(ar)10(e )-82(most )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(likel)-12(y )-259(to )-259(maximiz)-15(e )-259(inno)-5(vatio)5(n )-259(and )-259(entr)10(epr)10(eneur)-10(ial )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(talents )-111(and )-111(skil)-5(ls.)70( )-96(W)-35(her)10(e)-10(v)6(er )-111(the)-5(y )-111(c)-10(an )-111(f)-60(r)10(eel)-12(y )-111(migr)-5(ate )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(is )-210(wher)10(e )-210(the )-210(next )-210(eco)5(no)5(mic )-210(empir)10(es )-210(wil)-5(l )-210(r)-10(ise)8(.)70( )-210(S)-15(an )]TJ T* [(F)36(r)-5(ancisco)30(,)70( )-179(Mumbai,)70( )-179(and )-179(D)-35(ublin )-179(hav)6(e )-179(beco)5(me )-179(hot)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(beds )-75(of )-75(job )-75(cr)10(eatio)5(n.)70( )-30(\nis )-75(p)5(heno)5(meno)5(n )-75(has )-75(occurr)10(ed )]TJ T* [(in )-61(other )-61(hot )-61(cities )-61(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-61(A)15(ustin )-61(to )-61(Bosto)5(n )-61(and )-61(S)-15(eoul )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(to )-326(S)-15(ingapor)10(e)8(.)70( )-326(Highl)-12(y )-326(talented )-326(explor)10(ers )-326(with )-326(the )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(best )-306(skil)-5(ls )-306(and )-306(the )-306(most )-306(kno)5(wledg)5(e )-306(ar)10(e )-306(attr)-5(a)5(cted )]TJ T* [(to )-143(the )-143(best )-143(cities.)70( )-128(W)-35(hen )-143(the)-5(y )-143(c)-5(hoose )-143(y)12(our )-143(cit)-15(y)85(,)70( )-143(y)12(ou )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(attain )-193(the )-193(ne)-10(w )-193(Hol)-12(y )-193(Gr)-5(ail )-193(of )-193(global )-193(lea)5(dership )-193(\227 )]TJ 21.273 0 Td ( )Tj -21.273 -1.735 Td [(br)-5(ain gain.)]TJ /T1_2 1 Tf 24.545 59.697 Td (Brain gain)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.773 TD [(Br)-5(ain )-130(gain )-130(is )-130(de\tned )-130(as )-130(a )-130(cit)-15(y)-40(\222)60(s )-130(or )-130(countr)-35(y)-40(\222)60(s )-130(attr)-5(a)5(c)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(tio)5(n )-139(of )-138(talented )-139(people )-138(whose )-138(ex)5(ceptio)5(nal )-138(gif)-20(ts )-139(and )]TJ T* [(kno)5(wledg)5(e )-238(cr)10(eate )-238(ne)-10(w )-238(business )-238(and )-238(ne)-10(w )-238(jobs )-238(and )]TJ 0 -1.773 TD [(incr)10(ease )-209(that )-209(cit)-15(y)-40(\222)60(s )-209(or )-209(countr)-35(y)-40(\222)60(s )-209(eco)5(no)5(my)85(.)70( )-164(T)95(o )-209(so)5(me )]TJ 0 -1.773 TD [(degr)10(ee)8(,)70( )-36(al)-5(l )-36(cities )-36(of )-36(al)-5(l )-36(siz)-15(es,)70( )-36(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(ywher)10(e )-36(in )-36(the )-36(w)6(or)-20(ld,)70( )]TJ T* [(hav)6(e )-167(a )-167(success )-167(stor)-35(y )-167(of )-167(br)-5(ain )-167(gain.)70( )-167(S)-15(o)5(meo)5(ne )-167(ha)5(d )-167(a )]TJ T* [(g)5(ood )-106(idea,)70( )-106(and )-106(its )-106(implementatio)5(n )-106(cr)10(eated )-106(ne)-10(w )-106(jobs )]TJ 0 -1.773 TD [(in )-168(that )-168(to)5(wn.)70( )-168(Br)-5(ain )-168(gain )-168(is )-168(the )-168(big-bang )-168(theor)-35(y )-168(of )]TJ 0 -1.773 TD [(eco)5(no)5(mic )-67(de)-10(v)6(elop)5(ment.)70( )-22(\ne )-67(c)-5(hal)-5(leng)5(e )-67(lea)5(ders )-67(fa)5(ce )-67(is )]TJ T* [(ho)5(w to tr)-10(igg)5(er br)-5(ain gain in their cities.)]TJ ET Q /CS1 CS 1 SCN 10 M /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 342 529.75 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 342 442 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs /T1_3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 351 512.5 Tm [(T)20(he evolution of the )]TJ /T1_4 1 Tf (great global )Tj 0 -1.727 TD (dream)Tj /T1_3 1 Tf ( is going to be the material of )Tj 0 -1.727 TD [(a million Ph.D. dissert)-21(ations. But it\222)78(s )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(only the beginning of the story)41(.)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf -2.455 -3.909 Td [(It)-50(\222)60(s )-196(a )-196(ne)-10(w )-196(c)-5(hal)-5(leng)5(e)8(,)70( )-196(but )-196(an )-196(old )-196(issue)8(.)70( )-151(T)95(w)6(ent)-15(y-\tv)6(e )]TJ 0 -1.773 TD [(y)12(ears )-71(ag)5(o)30(,)70( )-72(vir)-13(tual)-5(l)-12(y )-72(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )-71(eco)5(no)5(mist,)70( )-72(liber)-5(al )-72(and )-71(co)5(n)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.773 TD [(ser)-38(vativ)6(e)8(,)70( )-9(f)-5(or)10(ec)-10(ast )-9(that )-9(the )-9(GDP )-9(of )-9(the )-9(United )-9(S)-15(tates )]TJ 0 -1.773 TD [(w)6(ould )-112(lose )-112(its )-112(\trst-pla)5(ce )-112(r)-5(anking )-112(and )-112(dr)10(op )-112(to )-112(thir)10(d.)70( )]TJ T* [(N)10(e)-10(ws )-282(sho)5(ws,)70( )-282(ne)-10(wspapers,)70( )-282(and )-282(business )-282(magazines )]TJ T* [(pr)10(edicted )-25(that )-25(Japan)60(\222)60(s )-25(GDP )-25(w)6(ould )-25(be )-25(ar)10(ound )-25($5 )-25(tr)-10(il)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.773 TD [(lio)5(n,)70( )-37(Ger)-5(man)5(y)-40(\222)60(s )-37(w)6(ould )-37(be )-37(ar)10(ound )-37($4 )-37(tr)-10(il)-5(lio)5(n,)70( )-37(and )-37(the )]TJ 0 -1.773 TD [(United )-101(S)-15(tates )-101(w)6(ould )-101(fal)-5(l )-101(to )-101(thir)10(d )-101(at )-101(about )-101($3.5 )-101(tr)-10(il)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(lio)5(n b)12(y 2007.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.591 TD [(\ne )-136(eco)5(no)5(mists )-136(w)6(er)10(e )-136(par)-13(tl)-12(y )-136(r)-10(ight.)70( )-136(Japan )-136(is )-136(at )-136(about )]TJ 0 -1.773 TD [($4.5 )-325(tr)-10(il)-5(lio)5(n )-325(and )-325(Ger)-5(man)5(y)-40(\222)60(s )-325(at )-325(about )-325($4 )-325(tr)-10(il)-5(lio)5(n,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.773 TD [(too)30(.)70( )-109(But )-109(the)-5(y )-109(couldn)60(\222)45(t )-109(hav)6(e )-109(been )-109(mor)10(e )-109(w)-10(r)10(o)5(ng )-109(about )]TJ T* [(the )-259(United )-260(S)-15(tates.)70( )-215(\ne )-260(countr)-35(y)-40(\222)60(s )-260(GDP )-259(didn)60(\222)45(t )-260(fal)-5(l.)70( )]TJ T* [(O)-35(v)6(er )-165(the )-165(last )-165(25 )-165(y)12(ears,)70( )-165(it )-165(gr)10(e)-10(w )-165(to )-165($13 )-165(tr)-10(il)-5(lio)5(n.)70( )-120(\ne )]TJ 0 -1.773 TD [(best )-85(eco)5(no)5(mists )-85(in )-85(the )-85(w)6(or)-20(ld )-85(w)6(er)10(e )-85(o\007 )-85(b)12(y )-85(mor)10(e )-85(than )]TJ 21.273 0 Td ( )Tj -21.273 -1.773 Td [($10 tr)-10(il)-5(lio)5(n.)]TJ 0 -2.591 TD [(\ne)-5(y )-395(w)6(er)10(e )-395(w)-10(r)10(o)5(ng )-395(bec)-10(ause )-395(their )-395(eco)5(no)5(mic )-395(mod)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.773 TD [(els )-144(didn)60(\222)45(t )-144(inc)-20(lude )-144(the )-144(most )-144(po)5(w)6(er)-10(ful )-144(var)-10(iable )-144(of )-144(al)-5(l:)30( )]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 102 0 obj <> endobj 103 0 obj <> endobj 223 0 obj <>stream H\j >wIm.( 9MNRQ1搷*d>G^Mkt0K'mX^2s'q-֌ KW赙UwghdPUpF/{g.ۅ4C({HpqDߛ hU *Flw(bqQ`)ߙq|M||K|\&.#׉M&=1eYƞeI!>stream HlkLWgv׸өc+lT<(/(eX18D  P "".>Z$WبMM; |s眛"NEQ-au{Ƹ'c͌I^Y=x ;Jx7W}nCrZ;va9"yL;Ȧgq43Ǘ`8szE͘h4NafĦ3C'ttMZ8aNc4]fl?do:umd4g4dƋ6mJ֨^SMzYPzmd9:cZpZڬ2tL"_WU52c0M5Zdb atdV LۘX ,vayiHLlV:C/SC$ FB H$lBb8U'4mFHKgKc~U?*eN|dT *ᐆ7HjSxt 㼍#(f2o@oW>Q!q5LePDo^V]q` ńW{FZO 5ݦ]"Sq*27(*yiVLZŶ` ywQId/VlRW]^բ$.,V278(1,4m߫"[ jT_qX3| 4$\G~ 쮨o=e*ORkKTGF1:%tle%ˡ("F{NtwlN A7“XAjIEgU)blʒ[RSTժ#\[jAxm[=g(B ruesu-oɿ« endstream endobj 7 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 20 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 28 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 71 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 82 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 93 0 obj <>stream /CS0 CS 1 SCN 4 M /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 36 36.1429 cm 0 0 m 540 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 36 26.463 Tm [(C\037)15(\036)-30(\035)-10(\034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030 \251 \027\026\026\025 G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036)90(,)70( I\021)10(\020.)70( A\023)-5(\023 \034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030)-10(\017 \034)-10(\016)-15(\017\016\034)15(\r)-15(\016\f)25(.)]TJ /Span<>> BDC 23.34 0 Td ( )Tj EMC 43.885 0 Td (\006)Tj ET Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 54 747.9152 Tm [(A)5(nd )-175(those )-175(ar)10(e )-175(just )-175(thr)10(ee )-175(demogr)-5(ap)5(hics.)70( )-175(Chr)-10(istians,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(Je)-10(ws,)70( )1(Buddhists,)70( )1(old )1(people)8(,)70( )1(y)12(oung )1(people)8(,)70( )1(bla)5(c)-10(k )1(peo)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(ple)8(,)70( )-8(white )-8(people)8(,)70( )-8(co)5(mm)10(unists,)70( )-8(c)-10(apitalists,)70( )-8(Easter)-5(ners,)70( )]TJ T* [(W)80(ester)-5(ners...)70( )-99(\nese )-144(data )-144(ar)10(e )-144(o)-5(v)6(er)-38(whelming )-144(bec)-10(ause)8(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(while )-320(the)-5(y )-320(o\007)-5(er )-320(answ)6(ers )-320(to )-320(man)5(y )-320(questio)5(ns )-320(that )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(could )-442(ne)-10(v)6(er )-442(be )-442(answ)6(er)10(ed )-442(bef)-5(or)10(e)8(,)70( )-442(the)-5(y )-442(make )-442(us )]TJ T* [(intensel)-12(y )-66(awar)10(e )-66(of )-66(ho)5(w )-66(little )-66(w)6(e )-66(kno)5(w )-66(about )-66(what )-66(is )]TJ T* [(in the hear)-13(ts and minds of 6 bil)-5(lio)5(n people)8(.)70( )]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf 0 -2.553 TD [(T)20(he great global goal)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.735 TD [(Gal)-5(lup )-140(is )-140(co)5(mmitted )-140(to )-140(co)5(nducting )-140(the )-125(W)80(or)-20(ld )-140(P)46(ol)-5(l )]TJ T* [(f)-5(or )-198(100 )-198(y)12(ears,)70( )-198(but )-198(w)6(e )-198(ma)5(y )-198(hav)6(e )-198(alr)10(ea)5(dy )-198(f)-5(ound )-198(the )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(single )7(most )7(sear)-10(ing)10(,)70( )7(c)-20(lar)-10(ify)-10(ing)10(,)70( )7(helpful,)70( )7(w)6(or)-20(ld-alter)-10(ing )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(fa)5(ct.)70( )-103(If )-103(used )-103(appr)10(opr)-10(iatel)-12(y)85(,)70( )-103(it )-103(ma)5(y )-103(c)-5(hang)5(e )-103(ho)5(w )-103(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )]TJ T* [(lea)5(der )-96(r)-13(uns )-96(his )-96(or )-96(her )-96(countr)-35(y)85(.)70( )-96(But )-96(at )-96(the )-96(v)6(er)-35(y )-96(least,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(it )-126(needs )-126(to )-126(be )-126(co)5(nsider)10(ed )-126(in )-126(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )-126(polic)-15(y)85(,)70( )-126(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )-126(law)75(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(and )-58(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )-58(social )-58(initiativ)6(e)8(.)70( )-58(Al)-5(l )-58(lea)5(ders )-58(\227 )-58(polic)-15(y- )-58(and )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(lawmakers,)70( )-153(pr)10(esidents )-153(and )-153(pr)-10(ime )-153(ministers,)70( )-153(par)10(ents,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(judg)5(es,)70( )-252(pr)-10(iests,)70( )-252(pastors,)70( )-252(imams,)70( )-252(tea)5(c)-5(hers,)70( )-252(manag)5(ers,)70( )]TJ T* [(and )-20(CEOs )-20(\227 )-20(need )-20(to )-20(co)5(nsider )-20(it )-20(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )-20(da)5(y )-20(in )-20(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(thing the)-5(y do)30(.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(W)-35(hat the whole w)6(or)-20(ld wants is a g)5(ood job)30(.)]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(\nat )-124(is )-124(o)5(ne )-124(of )-124(the )-124(single )-124(bigg)5(est )-124(disco)-5(v)6(er)-10(ies )-124(Gal)-5(lup )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(has )-54(e)-10(v)6(er )-54(ma)5(de)8(.)70( )-54(It )-54(is )-54(as )-54(simple )-54(and )-54(as )-54(str)-5(aightf)-5(or)-38(war)10(d )]TJ T* [(an )-42(explanatio)5(n )-42(of )-42(the )-42(data )-42(as )-42(w)6(e )-42(c)-10(an )-42(giv)6(e)8(.)70( )-42(If )-42(y)12(ou )-42(and )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(I )-1(w)6(er)10(e )-1(walking )-1(do)5(wn )-1(the )-1(str)10(eet )-1(in )-1(Khar)-13(toum,)70( )44(T)95(ehr)-5(an,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(Ber)-20(lin,)70( )-310(Lima,)70( )-310(L)-25(os )-310(A)5(ng)5(eles,)70( )-310(Baghda)5(d,)70( )-310(Kolkata,)70( )-310(or )]TJ T* [(Istanbul,)70( )-166(w)6(e )-166(w)6(ould )-166(disco)-5(v)6(er )-166(that )-166(o)5(n )-166(most )-166(da)5(y)-10(s )-166(the )]TJ T* [(single )-63(most )-63(do)5(minant )-63(thought )-63(c)-10(arr)-10(ied )-63(ar)10(ound )-63(in )-63(the )]TJ T* [(hea)5(ds )-12(of )-12(most )-12(people )-12(y)12(ou )-12(and )-12(I )-12(see )-12(is,)70( )18(\223)-10(I )-12(want )-12(a )-12(g)5(ood )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(job)30(.)-8(\224)100( )-14(It )-14(is )-14(the )-14(ne)-10(w )-14(curr)10(ent )-14(state )-14(of )-14(mind,)70( )-14(and )-14(it )-14(estab)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.735 TD [(lishes )-33(our )-33(r)10(elatio)5(nship )-33(with )-33(our )-33(cit)-15(y)85(,)70( )-33(our )-33(countr)-35(y)85(,)70( )-33(and )]TJ T* [(the whole w)6(or)-20(ld ar)10(ound us.)]TJ 0 -2.553 TD [(Humans )-239(used )-239(to )-239(desir)10(e )-239(lo)-5(v)6(e)8(,)70( )-239(mo)5(ne)-5(y)85(,)70( )-239(f)-5(ood,)70( )-239(shelter)60(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(saf)-5(et)-15(y)85(,)70( )-12(and/or )-12(pea)5(ce )-12(mor)10(e )-12(than )-12(an)5(y)-10(thing )-12(else)8(.)70( )33(\ne )-12(last )]TJ 0 -1.735 TD [(25 )-146(y)12(ears )-146(hav)6(e )-146(c)-5(hang)5(ed )-146(us.)70( )-146(N)10(o)5(w )-146(w)6(e )-146(want )-146(to )-146(hav)6(e )-146(a )]TJ 24.545 62.265 Td [(g)5(ood )-86(job)30(.)70( )-41(\nis )-86(c)-5(hang)5(es )-86(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y)-10(thing )-86(f)-5(or )-86(w)6(or)-20(ld )-86(lea)5(ders.)70( )]TJ 0 -1.745 TD [(Ev)6(er)-35(y)-10(thing )-172(the)-5(y )-172(do )-172(\227 )-172(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-172(waging )-172(war )-172(to )-172(build)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(ing )-48(societies )-48(\227 )-48(wil)-5(l )-48(need )-48(to )-48(be )-48(do)5(ne )-48(within )-48(the )-48(ne)-10(w )]TJ T* [(co)5(ntext of the human need f)-5(or a )30(\223)20(g)5(ood job)30(.)-8(\224)100( )]TJ 0 -2.563 TD [(Ho)5(w )-245(does )-245(this )-245(c)-5(hang)5(e )-245(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y)-10(thing? )-200(\ne )-245(lea)5(ders )-245(of )]TJ 0 -1.745 TD [(countr)-10(ies )-196(and )-196(cities )-196(m)10(ust )-196(make )-196(cr)10(eating )-196(g)5(ood )-196(jobs )]TJ 0 -1.745 TD [(their )-242(N)10(o)30(.)70( )-242(1 )-242(missio)5(n )-242(and )-242(pr)-10(imar)-35(y )-242(pur)-15(pose )-242(bec)-10(ause )]TJ 0 -1.745 TD [(secur)-10(ing )-32(g)5(ood )-32(jobs )-32(is )-32(beco)5(ming )-32(the )-32(ne)-10(w )-32(curr)10(enc)-15(y )-32(f)-5(or )]TJ T* [(lea)5(dership)30(.)70( )-75(Ev)6(er)-35(y)-10(thing )-75(lea)5(ders )-75(do )-75(m)10(ust )-75(co)5(nsider )-75(this )]TJ T* [(ne)-10(w )-176(global )-176(state )-176(of )-176(mind,)70( )-176(lest )-176(the)-5(y )-176(put )-176(their )-176(cities )]TJ T* [(and countr)-10(ies at r)-10(isk.)70( )]TJ ET Q /CS1 CS 1 SCN 10 M /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 342 524.2664 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 342 436.5164 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs /T1_2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 364.5 507.0164 Tm [(W)20(hat the whole world wants )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(is a good job. T)20(hat is one of )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD (the single biggest discoveries )Tj 0 -1.727 TD ( has ever made.)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -3.682 -3.881 Td [(L)-25(ea)5(ders )-72(in )-72(educ)-10(atio)5(n )-72(wil)-5(l )-72(be )-72(f)-5(or)10(ced )-72(to )-72(think )-72(be)-5(y)12(o)5(nd )]TJ 0 -1.745 TD [(cor)10(e )-315(curr)-10(icula )-315(and )-315(gr)-5(a)5(duatio)5(n )-315(r)-5(ates.)70( )-315(If )-315(y)12(ou )-315(ar)10(e )-315(a )]TJ 0 -1.745 TD [(sc)-5(hool )7(super)-10(intendent )7(or )7(a )7(univ)6(ersit)-15(y )7(pr)10(esident,)70( )7(y)12(ou)10(\222)-40(l)-5(l )]TJ 0 -1.745 TD [(need )-41(to )-41(r)10(ecogniz)-15(e )-41(that )-41(students )-41(do)5(n)60(\222)45(t )-41(want )-41(to )-41(mer)10(el)-12(y )]TJ T* [(gr)-5(a)5(duate )-124(\227 )-124(their )-124(educ)-10(atio)5(n )-124(wil)-5(l )-124(need )-124(to )-124(r)10(esult )-124(in )-124(a )]TJ T* [(\223)20(g)5(ood job)30(.)-8(\224)100( )]TJ 0 -2.563 TD [(L)-10(awmakers )-164(need )-164(to )-164(co)5(ntemplate )-164(whether )-164(and )-164(ho)5(w )]TJ 0 -1.745 TD [(ne)-10(w )-188(laws )-188(attr)-5(a)5(ct )-188(or )-188(r)10(epel )-188(a )-188(wide )-188(r)-5(ang)5(e )-188(of )-188(individ)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.745 TD [(ual )-168(value )-168(sy)-10(stems.)70( )-168(If )-168(enough )-168(people )-168(ar)10(e )-168(su\bcientl)-12(y )]TJ T* [(r)10(epel)-5(led,)70( )-151(then )-151(the )-151(ne)-10(w )-151(laws )-151(wil)-5(l )-151(e\007)-5(ectiv)6(el)-12(y )-151(str)-5(angle )]TJ T* [(job cr)10(eatio)5(n.)]TJ 0 -2.563 TD [(Militar)-35(y )-141(lea)5(ders )-141(m)10(ust )-141(co)5(nsider )-141(it )-141(when )-141(waging )-141(war )]TJ 0 -1.745 TD [(and )-204(planning )-204(f)-5(or )-204(pea)5(ce)8(.)70( )-159(\ne)-5(y )-204(m)10(ust )-204(ask )-204(themsel)-12(v)6(es )]TJ T* [(whether )-96(militar)-35(y )-96(str)-10(ikes,)70( )-96(occupatio)5(ns,)70( )-96(or )-96(co)5(mm)10(unit)-15(y )]TJ T* [(policing )-282(wil)-5(l )-282(e\007)-5(ectiv)6(el)-12(y )-282(build )-282(a )-282(gr)10(o)5(wing )-282(eco)5(no)5(my )]TJ 0 -1.745 TD [(with )-94(g)5(ood )-94(jobs.)70( )-49(\ne )-94(oppor)-13(tunit)-15(y )-94(to )-94(hav)6(e )-94(a )-94(g)5(ood )-94(job )]TJ 0 -1.745 TD [(is )-59(essential )-59(to )-59(c)-5(hanging )-59(a )-59(populatio)5(n)60(\222)60(s )-59(desper)-5(ate)8(,)70( )-59(and )]TJ T* [(violent,)70( state of mind.)70( )]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 81 0 obj <>stream /CS0 CS 1 SCN 4 M /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 36 36.1429 cm 0 0 m 540 -0.143 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 34.2 26.463 Tm (\027)Tj /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj EMC 44.385 0 Td [(C\037)15(\036)-30(\035)-10(\034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030 \251 \027\026\026\025 G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036)90(,)70( I\021)10(\020.)70( A\023)-5(\023 \034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030)-10(\017 \034)-10(\016)-15(\017\016\034)15(\r)-15(\016\f)25(.)]TJ ET Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 54 747.9152 Tm [(L)-25(ebano)5(n,)70( )-159(K)-10(az)-10(akhstan,)70( )-144(V)80(ene)-4(zuela,)70( )-159(Ho)5(ndur)-5(as,)70( )-159(China )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(...)70( )15(Y)120(ou g)5(et the pictur)10(e)8(.)]TJ 0 -2.565 TD [(Having )-187(co)5(nstr)-13(ucted )-187(the )-187(questio)5(nnair)10(e)8(,)70( )-187(our )-187(team )-187(of )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(exper)-13(ts )4(f)-5(ound )4(its )4(next )4(bigg)5(est )4(c)-5(hal)-5(leng)5(e )4(was )4(c)-5(hoosing )]TJ T* [(a )-173(methodolog)-30(y )-173(to )-173(ensur)10(e )-173(co)5(nsistent )-173(data )-173(col)-5(lectio)5(n )]TJ T* [(so )-145(the )-145(whole )-145(set )-145(is )-145(co)5(mpar)-5(able)8(.)70( )-145(F)40(or )-145(instance)8(,)70( )-145(when )]TJ T* [(w)6(e )-423(ask )-423(about )-423(lif)-5(e )-423(satisfa)5(ctio)5(n,)70( )-423(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y)12(o)5(ne )-423(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-423(a )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(Manhattan )-226(socialite )-226(to )-226(a )-226(Masai )-226(mother )-226(has )-226(to )-226(be )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(asked )-55(the )-55(same )-55(questio)5(n )-55(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )-55(time )-55(in )-55(the )-55(same )-55(wa)5(y )]TJ T* [(with )-110(the )-110(same )-110(meaning )-110(and )-110(in )-110(their )-110(o)5(wn )-110(languag)5(es )]TJ T* [(so )-172(the )-172(answ)6(ers )-172(could )-172(be )-172(statistic)-10(al)-5(l)-12(y )-172(co)5(mpar)-5(able)8(.)70( )-172(If )]TJ T* [(the )-2(meaning )-2(of )-2(the )-2(questio)5(ns )-2(isn)60(\222)45(t )-2(identic)-10(al )-2(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-2(lan)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.746 TD [(guag)5(e )-18(to )-19(languag)5(e)8(,)70( )-19(cultur)10(e )-19(to )-18(cultur)10(e)8(,)70( )-19(y)12(ear )-18(to )-18(y)12(ear)60(,)70( )-19(the )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(data ar)10(e useless.)]TJ ET Q /CS1 CS 1 SCN 10 M /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 72 466.4775 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 72 340.7275 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs /T1_1 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 86.4 449.2275 Tm [(W)20(hen we ask ab)-21(out life )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(satisfaction, everyone fr)20(om a )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD [(Manhatt)-21(an socialite to a Masai )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD (mother has to be asked the same )Tj T* (question every time in the same )Tj T* (way with the same meaning.)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -2.945 -3.883 Td [(F)34(ur)-13(ther)-5(mor)10(e)8(,)70( )-75(w)6(e )-75(needed )-75(to )-75(cr)10(eate )-75(the )-75(\trst-e)-10(v)6(er )-75(r)10(eli)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.746 TD [(able )-195(and )-195(co)5(nsistent )-195(benc)-5(hmar)6(ks )-195(so )-195(lea)5(ders )-195(c)-10(an )-195(see )]TJ T* [(the )-171(tr)10(ends )-172(and )-171(patter)-5(ns.)70( )-172(S)-15(o )-172(w)6(e )-172(benc)-5(hmar)6(ked )-172(w)6(el)-5(l-)]TJ T* [(being)10(,)70( )-330(war )-330(and )-330(pea)5(ce)8(,)70( )-330(law )-330(and )-330(or)10(der)60(,)70( )-330(hopes )-330(and )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(dr)10(eams,)70( )-228(healthc)-10(ar)10(e)8(,)70( )-228(su\007)-5(er)-10(ing )-228(and )-228(str)-10(iving)10(,)70( )-228(perso)5(nal )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(eco)5(no)5(mics,)70( )5(po)-5(v)6(er)-13(t)-15(y)85(,)70( )5(en)5(vir)10(o)5(nmental )5(issues,)70( )5(w)6(or)6(kpla)5(ces,)70( )]TJ T* [(and o)5(n and o)5(n.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.565 TD [(W)80(e )-283(hav)6(e )-283(no)5(w )-283(co)5(mpleted )-283(the )-283(design,)70( )-283(engineer)-10(ing)10(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(and )-67(\trst )-67(y)12(ear )-67(of )-67(global )-67(data )-67(col)-5(lectio)5(n.)70( )-22(\ne )-67(\trst-e)-10(v)6(er )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(w)6(or)-20(ld pol)-5(l o)5(n almost e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y)-10(thing is do)5(ne)8(.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.565 TD [(\nen )-468(our )-468(Gal)-5(lup )-468(scientists,)70( )-468(a\bliated )-468(a)5(c)-10(a)5(demics,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.746 TD [(and )-163(col)-5(leagues )-163(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-163(ar)10(ound )-163(the )-163(w)6(or)-20(ld )-163(who )-163(helped )]TJ T* [(us )-98(make )-99(the )-98(pol)-5(l )-98(g)5(ot )-99(busy)85(.)70( )-54(\ne)-5(y )-98(counted )-99(and )-98(sor)-13(ted )]TJ 24.545 62.265 Td [(and )-159(used )-159(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )-159(statistic)-10(al )-159(tec)-5(hnique )-159(kno)5(wn )-159(to )-159(man )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(to )-182(anal)-12(y)-12(z)-15(e )-182(exa)5(ctl)-12(y )-182(what )-182(the )-182(w)6(or)-20(ld )-182(is )-182(thinking)10(.)70( )-137(\ne )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(co)5(nc)-20(lusio)5(ns )-375(ar)10(e )-375(co)5(mplex.)70( )-330(\nis )-375(ma)5(y )-375(be )-375(the )-375(gr)10(eat )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(understatement in Gal)-5(lup)30(\222)60(s histor)-35(y)85(,)70( but it)-50(\222)60(s tr)-13(ue)8(.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.577 TD [(F)40(or )-188(instance)8(,)70( )-188(when )-188(y)12(ou )-188(dig )-188(deepl)-12(y )-188(into )-188(the )-188(hopes,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(f)-5(ears,)70( )-433(motivatio)5(ns,)70( )-433(and )-433(satisfa)5(ctio)5(ns )-433(of )-433(1 )-433(bil)-5(lio)5(n )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(Muslims,)70( )-154(the )-154(mor)10(e )-154(y)12(ou )-154(lear)-5(n,)70( )-154(the )-154(mor)10(e )-154(y)12(ou )-154(r)10(ealiz)-15(e )]TJ T* [(ho)5(w )-135(little )-135(the )-135(w)6(or)-20(ld )-135(kno)5(ws,)70( )-135(ho)5(w )-135(w)-10(r)10(o)5(ng )-135(people )-135(ar)10(e)8(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(and )-123(ho)5(w )-123(m)10(uc)-5(h )-123(mor)10(e )-123(co)5(mplic)-10(ated )-123(Muslim )-123(attitudes )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(and )-185(opinio)5(ns )-185(ar)10(e )-185(than )-185(co)5(n)5(v)6(entio)5(nal )-185(wisdo)5(m )-185(w)6(ould )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(lea)5(d )-217(us )-217(to )-217(belie)-10(v)6(e)8(.)70( )-202(W)80(ester)-5(n )-217(lea)5(ders )-217(tel)-5(l )-217(us )-217(r)10(eligio)5(n )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(dr)-10(iv)6(es )-180(Muslims )-180(to )-180(war)60(.)70( )-180(But )-180(Muslim )-180(extr)10(emists )-180(tel)-5(l )]TJ T* [(the )-80(W)80(or)-20(ld )-95(P)46(ol)-5(l )-95(their )-95(ang)5(er )-95(is )-95(not )-95(about )-95(r)10(eligio)5(n,)70( )-95(it)-50(\222)60(s )]TJ T* [(about politics.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.577 TD [(It)-50(\222)60(s )-2(the )-2(same )-2(with )-2(the )-2(3 )-2(bil)-5(lio)5(n )-2(people )-2(who )-2(liv)6(e )-2(o)5(n )-2($2 )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(a )-36(da)5(y )-36(or )-36(less )-36(\227 )-36(the )-36(hungr)-35(y )-36(half )-36(of )-36(the )-36(w)6(or)-20(ld)-28(\222)60(s )-36(popu)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(latio)5(n.)70( )-107(W)-35(hat )-122(the)-5(y)-40(\222)40(r)10(e )-122(thinking )-122(is )-122(v)6(er)-35(y )-122(di\007)-5(er)10(ent )-122(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )]TJ T* [(what )-113(most )-113(g)5(o)-5(v)6(er)-5(nment )-113(ag)5(encies )-113(and )-113(NGOs )-113(under)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(stand )-162(and )-162(r)10(epor)-13(t.)70( )]TJ /T1_2 1 Tf 7.51 0 Td [(W)-10(hile )-147(w)-10(e\222)40(r)-5(e )-147(r)-13(ushing )-147(them )-147(f)-10(o)10(o)10(d )-147(and )]TJ -7.51 -1.759 Td [(medicine)5(,)30( most of)-10( them f)-10(ee)5(l the only r)-5(eal so)5(lution is jobs)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf (.)Tj 0 -2.577 TD [(A)5(nother )-71(example:)30( )-71(One )-71(of )-71(the )-71(most )-71(impor)-13(tant )-71(ques)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.759 TD [(tio)5(ns )-275(in )-275(the )-275(w)6(or)-20(ld )-275(is,)70( )-245(\223)-48(W)-35(hat )-274(do )-275(Muslim )-275(w)6(o)5(men )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(want?\224)100( )-158(Disco)-5(v)6(er)-10(ing )-158(what )-158(Muslim )-158(w)6(o)5(men )-158(want )-158(has )]TJ T* [(been )-39(as )-39(big )-39(a )-39(sur)-15(pr)-10(ise )-39(to )-39(us )-39(as )-39(an)5(y)-10(thing )-39(w)6(e )-39(hav)6(e )-39(e)-10(v)6(er )]TJ T* [(seen.)70( )-277(Muslim )-277(w)6(o)5(men )-277(want )-277(al)-5(l )-277(the )-277(f)-60(r)10(eedo)5(ms )-277(that )]TJ T* [(their )-4(counter)-15(par)-13(ts )-4(in )-4(the )11(W)80(ester)-5(n )-4(w)6(or)-20(ld )-4(hav)6(e )-4(\227 )-4(the)-5(y )]TJ T* [(want )-100(the )-100(r)-10(ight )-100(to )-100(v)6(ote)8(,)70( )-100(to )-100(hav)6(e )-100(the )-100(same )-100(r)-10(ights )-100(that )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(men )-76(do)30(,)70( )-76(and )-76(to )-76(hold )-76(lea)5(dership )-76(positio)5(ns )-76(in )-76(g)5(o)-5(v)6(er)-5(n)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.759 TD [(ment.)70( )-202(\ne )-247(big )-247(sur)-15(pr)-10(ise )-247(is )-247(that )-247(most )-247(Muslim )-247(men )]TJ T* [(think )-176(Muslim )-177(w)6(o)5(men )-176(should )-176(hav)6(e )-177(these)8(,)70( )-177(too)30(.)70( )-176(A)5(nd )]TJ T* [(bec)-10(ause )-98(w)6(o)5(men )-98(ar)10(e )-98(half )-98(of )-98(the )-98(populatio)5(n,)70( )-98(it)-50(\222)60(s )-98(di\b)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(cult )-40(to )-40(win )-40(in )-40(the )-40(ne)-10(w )-40(w)6(or)-20(ld )-40(unless )-40(the)-5(y)85(,)70( )-40(their )-40(hopes )]TJ T* [(and )-69(dr)10(eams,)70( )-69(and )-69(their )-69(talents )-69(ar)10(e )-69(integr)-5(ated )-69(into )-69(the )]TJ 0 -1.759 TD [(lea)5(dership )-93(of )-93(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )-93(organiz)-10(atio)5(n,)70( )-93(eco)5(no)5(my)85(,)70( )-93(and )-93(g)5(o)-5(v)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.759 TD [(er)-5(nment in the w)6(or)-20(ld.)70( )]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 70 0 obj <>stream /CS0 CS 1 SCN 4 M /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 36 36.1429 cm 0 0 m 540 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 36 26.463 Tm [(C\037)15(\036)-30(\035)-10(\034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030 \251 \027\026\026\025 G\024)5(\023)-5(\023\022)15(\036)90(,)70( I\021)10(\020.)70( A\023)-5(\023 \034)-10(\033)10(\032)-10(\031\030)-10(\017 \034)-10(\016)-15(\017\016\034)15(\r)-15(\016\f)25(.)]TJ /Span<>> BDC 23.34 0 Td ( )Tj EMC 43.885 0 Td (\013)Tj ET Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /T1_0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 54 603.9152 Tm [(Mor)10(e )-174(and )-174(mor)10(e )-174(of)-20(ten,)70( )-174(global )-174(lea)5(ders )-174(ar)10(e )-174(asking )-174(us )]TJ 0 -1.869 TD [(the )-13(same )-13(simple)8(,)70( )-13(y)12(et )-13(colossal,)70( )-13(questio)5(n:)30( )17(\223)-10(Does )-13(an)5(y)12(o)5(ne )]TJ 0 -1.869 TD [(kno)5(w f)-5(or sur)10(e what the w)6(or)-20(ld is thinking?\224)]TJ 0 -2.687 TD [(\ner)10(e )-178(is )-178(a )-178(gr)10(eat )-178(deal )-178(of )-178(c)-20(lassic )-178(eco)5(no)5(mic )-178(data )-178(that )]TJ 0 -1.869 TD [(r)10(ecor)10(ds )-226(an )-226(in\tnite )-226(amount )-226(of )-226(human )-226(tr)-5(ansa)5(ctio)5(ns,)70( )]TJ T* [(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-268(GDP )-267(to )-268(unemplo)12(y)-10(ment )-268(to )-267(bir)-13(th )-267(and )-268(death )]TJ 0 -1.869 TD [(r)-5(ates,)70( )-73(that )-73(indic)-10(ate )-73(what )-73(man )-73(and )-73(w)6(o)5(man )-73(ar)10(e )-73(doing)10(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.869 TD [(but )-102(ther)10(e )-102(is )-102(no )-102(o)5(ng)5(oing)10(,)70( )-102(in\tnite)8(,)70( )-102(sy)-10(stematic )-102(a)5(ccount )]TJ T* [(of what man and w)6(o)5(man ar)10(e )]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf (thinking)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -0.07 Tc (. )Tj 0 Tc 0 -2.687 TD [(Global )-177(lea)5(ders )-177(ar)10(e )-177(r)-10(ight )-177(to )-177(w)6(o)5(nder)60(.)70( )-132(T)95(o )-177(kno)5(w )-177(what )]TJ 0 -1.869 TD [(the )-60(whole )-60(w)6(or)-20(ld )-60(is )-60(thinking )-60(\227 )-60(not )-60(just )-60(what )-60(people )]TJ T* [(in )-74(their )-74(o)5(wn )-74(countr)-10(ies )-74(ar)10(e )-74(thinking )-74(\227 )-74(o)5(n )-74(almost )-74(al)-5(l )]TJ T* [(issues )-77(al)-5(l )-77(the )-77(time )-77(w)6(ould )-77(cer)-13(tainl)-12(y )-77(make )-77(their )-77(jobs )-77(a )]TJ 0 -1.869 TD [(lot )-147(easier )-147(at )-147(the )-147(v)6(er)-35(y )-147(least.)70( )-147(A)5(t )-147(most,)70( )-147(kno)5(wing )-147(what )]TJ 0 -1.869 TD [(the )-190(w)6(or)-20(ld )-190(is )-190(thinking )-190(w)6(ould )-190(cr)10(eate )-190(ne)-10(wf)-5(ound )-190(pr)10(e)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(cisio)5(n )-226(in )-226(w)6(or)-20(ld )-226(lea)5(dership)30(.)70( )-226(L)-25(ea)5(ders )-226(w)6(ouldn)60(\222)45(t )-226(make )]TJ T* [(mistakes )-173(and )-173(miss )-173(oppor)-13(tunities )-173(bec)-10(ause )-173(the)-5(y )-173(mis)]TJ (-)Tj T* [(judg)5(e )-163(the )-163(hear)-13(ts )-163(and )-163(minds )-163(of )-163(their )-163(co)5(nstituencies,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.869 TD [(and )-29(the )-29(other )-29(6 )-29(bil)-5(lio)5(n )-29(with )-29(who)5(m )-30(those )-29(co)5(nstituen)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.869 TD [(cies inter)-5(a)5(ct.)70( )]TJ 0 -2.687 TD [(W)80(e )-62(think )-62(w)6(e )-62(hav)6(e )-62(f)-5(ound )-62(a )-62(v)6(er)-35(y )-62(g)5(ood )-62(answ)6(er )-62(to )-62(that )]TJ 0 -1.869 TD [(v)6(er)-35(y )9(g)5(ood )9(questio)5(n.)70( )24(W)80(e )9(cr)10(eated )9(a )9(ne)-10(w )9(body )9(of )9(behav)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.869 TD [(ior)-5(al )-47(eco)5(no)5(mic )-47(data )-47(f)-5(or )-47(w)6(or)-20(ld )-47(lea)5(ders )-47(that )-47(r)10(epr)10(esents )]TJ 0 -1.869 TD [(the )-129(opinio)5(n )-129(of )-129(al)-5(l )-129(6 )-129(bil)-5(lio)5(n )-129(inhabitants,)70( )-129(r)10(epor)-13(ted )-129(b)12(y )]TJ T* [(countr)-35(y )-347(and )-347(almost )-347(al)-5(l )-347(demogr)-5(ap)5(hics )-347(and )-347(socio)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.869 TD [(gr)-5(ap)5(hics imaginable)8(.)70( )]TJ 24.545 49.174 Td [(W)80(e )-12(c)-10(al)-5(l )-12(it )-12(the )3(W)80(or)-20(ld )-12(P)46(ol)-5(l.)70( )3(W)80(e)-10(\222)10(v)6(e )-12(co)5(mmitted )-12(to )-12(doing )]TJ 0 -1.83 TD [(it f)-5(or 100 y)12(ears.)]TJ /T1_2 1 Tf 0 -2.648 TD [(T)20(he W)41(orld P)20(oll)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.83 TD [(W)80(e )-139(kne)-10(w )-139(g)5(oing )-139(in )-139(it )-139(was )-139(a )-139(mo)5(numental )-139(c)-5(hal)-5(leng)5(e)8(,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.83 TD [(but )-197(cr)10(eating )-197(the )-182(W)80(or)-20(ld )-197(P)46(ol)-5(l )-197(was )-197(e)-10(v)6(en )-197(har)10(der )-197(than )]TJ 0 -1.83 TD [(w)6(e )-164(thought.)70( )-119(T)95(o )-164(star)-13(t,)70( )-164(Gal)-5(lup )-164(scientists )-163(co)5(mbed )-164(the )]TJ 0 -1.83 TD [(best )-210(public )-210(opinio)5(n )-210(ar)10(c)-5(hiv)6(es,)70( )-210(a)5(c)-10(a)5(demic )-210(institutio)5(ns,)70( )]TJ 0 -1.83 TD [(the )-94(United )-94(N)10(atio)5(ns,)70( )-94(the )-79(W)80(or)-20(ld )-94(Bank,)70( )-94(the )-94(Eur)10(opean )]TJ T* [(Unio)5(n )-270(ar)10(c)-5(hiv)6(es,)70( )-270(the )-270(S)-15(tate )-270(Depar)-13(tment,)70( )-270(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y)-10(thing )]TJ 0 -1.83 TD [(and )-140(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(ywher)10(e )-140(w)6(e )-140(thought )-140(w)6(e )-140(might )-140(\tnd )-140(existing )]TJ 0 -1.83 TD [(inf)-5(or)-5(matio)5(n of this t)-15(y)-10(pe)8(.)70( )]TJ ET Q /CS1 CS 1 SCN 10 M /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 342 369.9494 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 342 263.1994 cm 0 0 m 198 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs /T1_3 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 355.5 352.6994 Tm [(T)20(he W)41(orld P)20(oll needed to cover )]TJ 0 -1.727 TD (almost every issue in the world, )Tj 0 -1.727 TD (be translated accurately into )Tj 0 -1.727 TD (dozens of languages, and be )Tj T* [(meaningful in every cultur)20(e.)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf -2.864 -3.967 Td [(W)80(e )-93(couldn)60(\222)45(t )-93(\tnd )-93(it.)70( )-48(\ner)10(e )-93(was )-93(no )-93(w)6(or)-20(ld )-93(pol)-5(l.)70( )-93(S)-15(o )-93(w)6(e )]TJ 0 -1.83 TD [(ma)5(de o)5(ne)8(.)]TJ 0 -2.648 TD [(W)80(e )-135(kne)-10(w )-135(the )-135(whole )-135(pr)10(oject )-135(hung )-135(o)5(n )-135(the )-135(questio)5(n)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.83 TD [(nair)10(e)8(.)70( )-178(It )-178(needed )-178(to )-178(co)-5(v)6(er )-178(almost )-178(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )-178(issue )-178(in )-178(the )]TJ T* [(w)6(or)-20(ld,)70( )-190(be )-191(tr)-5(anslated )-190(a)5(ccur)-5(atel)-12(y )-191(into )-191(do)-5(z)-15(ens )-191(of )-191(lan)]TJ (-)Tj 0 -1.83 TD [(guag)5(es,)70( )-251(and )-251(be )-251(meaning)-10(ful )-251(in )-251(e)-10(v)6(er)-35(y )-251(cultur)10(e)8(.)70( )-251(Ev)6(en )]TJ 0 -1.83 TD [(mor)10(e )-197(di\bcult )-197(was )-197(engineer)-10(ing )-197(co)5(nsistent )-197(sampling )]TJ 0 -1.83 TD [(f)-60(r)-5(ames )-58(in )-58(mor)10(e )-58(than )-58(100 )-58(countr)-10(ies )-58(f)-60(r)10(o)5(m )-58(Ecua)5(dor )-58(to )]TJ 0 -1.83 TD [(Rwanda,)70( )-269(I)10(r)-5(an,)70( )-269(R)-10(ussia,)70( )-269(Af)-5(ghanistan,)70( )-269(I)10(r)10(eland,)70( )-269(Cuba,)70( )]TJ 24 0 0 24 54 720.3604 Tm [(Global Migr)-5(atio)5(n P)32(atter)-5(ns and Job Cr)10(eatio)5(n)]TJ /T1_2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 54 693.75 Tm [(\222)79(s W)41(orld P)20(oll reveals new \037ndings on the \223great global dream\224 )]TJ ( )Tj 0 -1.727 TD (and how it will affect the rise of the next economic empire)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -3.349 TD [(By J)-15(im Clif)-20(to)5(n,)70( Chair)-5(man and CEO of Gal)-5(lup)]TJ ET Q 4 M /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 54 630 cm 0 0 m 504 0 l S Q endstream endobj 27 0 obj <>stream /CS0 CS 1 SCN 0.5 w /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 36 378.75 cm 0 0 m 260.25 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 296 270.4859 cm 0 0 m 0 108.014 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n BT /CS1 cs 1 scn /GS1 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 125.6376 360.75 Tm (For more information on the )Tj 13.447 0 Td ( )Tj -13.808 -1.693 Td [( W)30(orld Poll, please visit )]TJ 13.808 0 Td ( )Tj -12.389 -1.693 Td [(www)55(.gallupworldpoll.com )]TJ 12.389 0 Td ( )Tj -17.806 -1.693 Td [(or contact W)30(orld Headquarters )]TJ 17.806 0 Td ( )Tj -7.727 -1.693 Td (at 202-715-3030.)Tj ET Q endstream endobj 24 0 obj <> endobj 25 0 obj <> endobj 217 0 obj <>stream H\j@{Y/$ Edfxw&G,4%;pvbfp{誃 :ȥJQ΍扫jU[Q͇evO].n2PKh=}׾Vfnv-[q6׺ U|zq>җҟ%g]gڎ QXlr.7UNQZ}:ύpbS 34./K ZieɬKK"Ӣxa ]2]ρ+c@!9@;3|dxcȄ-O6 l>>2.~ڱ:1+5q4ɳ>stream HT{Tٙ*+8D|Ui4F!4 +l]UZ_[ V,#"z4(j 1FqR+=YoOGNs~% IO3>V*.f[Ԕ"i=?Ӧ. 2OCNW+^McL:0! %kvN9iPO""fR^Xd/ڲR],yy|չPo)H%4PL%?SK9ْ"3¬b-eYyŅK^gͲ -f(GgV HR8;ɜP1f3Edɶ*0%j,RQMd-4[v[aXxlJdh,%R 1" bAhHH3b&C$'F+\ Da%>%j{D/K֐1YKEͣZf1mmV{&etn?_MrW3J7ɷjTB3El@5|5:o SQc~w aN_\J6־Kj[yiHcScKsTG r?o}c6wyaeʟ6o~C}.y0ˆFְB}پa0$L ]_6QRG w, Y^Jz9`f6^ݷC&OL\uOD۴+p.Oq`VefGWJsMr"%W'%Ѡa`vN${Jy&|։A=Tt*N+PEh(Ae@^(r2[/q &BD }ܲT)#;T vKA=`}>%/A˄(ɀ[!305WeQ0mCW1롁c 7bp9`pƑ 9Y55j%)94j7{Hlw\-T-]VbFίÁB~:Sa!Rj_`cMKOh߅`rhU8eaأr{mZ' 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m 540 0 l S Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n /CS0 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 477.5014 39.7505 cm 0 0 m 0.048 0 l 0.144 0.409 3.733 10.693 3.829 11.705 c 3.853 11.897 3.685 12.307 3.468 12.596 c 3.251 12.885 2.938 13.053 2.505 13.053 c 1.902 13.053 l 1.782 13.053 1.758 13.102 1.758 13.246 c 1.758 13.824 l 1.758 13.92 1.782 13.993 1.926 13.993 c 2.143 13.993 2.986 13.921 4.865 13.921 c 6.888 13.921 7.803 13.993 8.044 13.993 c 8.188 13.993 8.212 13.92 8.212 13.824 c 8.212 13.222 l 8.212 13.126 8.188 13.053 8.044 13.053 c 7.08 13.053 l 6.478 13.053 6.262 12.524 6.406 12.09 c 10.163 0 l 10.211 0 l 10.476 0.771 13.968 10.935 13.968 12.307 c 13.968 12.692 13.776 13.053 13.125 13.053 c 12.475 13.053 l 12.33 13.053 12.306 13.126 12.306 13.27 c 12.306 13.824 l 12.306 13.92 12.33 13.993 12.499 13.993 c 12.74 13.993 13.582 13.921 15.076 13.921 c 16.424 13.921 17.123 13.993 17.316 13.993 c 17.46 13.993 17.484 13.945 17.484 13.824 c 17.484 13.222 l 17.484 13.126 17.484 13.053 17.316 13.053 c 16.738 13.053 l 16.328 13.053 15.991 12.789 15.774 12.403 c 15.582 12.066 10.548 -1.831 10.066 -2.986 c 9.946 -3.251 9.826 -3.612 9.561 -3.612 c 9.272 -3.612 9.152 -3.42 9.031 -3.083 c 4.576 10.139 l 4.528 10.139 l 4.311 9.489 -0.073 -2.89 -0.217 -3.155 c -0.337 -3.395 -0.482 -3.612 -0.699 -3.612 c -0.891 -3.612 -1.036 -3.516 -1.132 -3.227 c -6.503 12.187 l -6.743 12.86 -7.081 13.053 -7.538 13.053 c -8.357 13.053 l -8.477 13.053 -8.501 13.15 -8.501 13.246 c -8.501 13.824 l -8.501 13.945 -8.477 13.993 -8.309 13.993 c -8.116 13.993 -7.369 13.921 -5.732 13.921 c -3.998 13.921 -3.011 13.993 -2.77 13.993 c -2.601 13.993 -2.577 13.92 -2.577 13.848 c -2.577 13.246 l -2.577 13.126 -2.601 13.053 -2.77 13.053 c -3.179 13.053 l -3.805 13.053 -4.022 12.716 -3.877 12.187 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 494.8176 37.9929 cm 0 0 m -1.108 1.324 -1.325 2.216 -1.325 3.925 c -1.325 5.154 -0.674 6.695 0.747 7.803 c 1.999 8.766 3.179 8.959 3.974 8.959 c 5.298 8.959 6.623 8.284 7.345 7.562 c 8.429 6.454 8.983 5.202 8.983 3.636 c 8.983 1.011 6.623 -1.662 3.661 -1.662 c 2.505 -1.662 1.011 -1.205 0 0 c 6.96 3.876 m 6.96 6.55 5.009 8.236 3.781 8.236 c 3.131 8.236 2.505 8.091 1.927 7.466 c 0.987 6.502 0.65 5.515 0.65 3.684 c 0.65 2.335 0.795 1.42 1.565 0.313 c 2.119 -0.482 2.818 -0.94 3.95 -0.94 c 5.78 -0.94 6.96 1.3 6.96 3.876 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 506.9793 43.0264 cm 0 0 m 0 1.228 -0.193 1.468 -0.867 1.83 c -1.325 2.071 l -1.469 2.119 -1.517 2.143 -1.517 2.239 c -1.517 2.384 l -1.517 2.48 -1.469 2.528 -1.325 2.6 c 1.059 3.828 l 1.204 3.901 1.301 3.925 1.397 3.925 c 1.541 3.925 1.565 3.78 1.565 3.636 c 1.686 1.975 l 1.782 1.975 l 2.505 3.083 3.637 4.07 4.672 4.07 c 5.491 4.07 5.9 3.564 5.9 3.01 c 5.9 2.312 5.322 1.83 4.889 1.83 c 4.624 1.83 4.383 1.926 4.191 2.023 c 3.998 2.143 3.709 2.216 3.396 2.216 c 3.011 2.216 2.384 1.975 1.975 1.204 c 1.83 0.939 1.734 0.505 1.734 0.433 c 1.734 -4.624 l 1.734 -5.372 1.903 -5.612 2.408 -5.612 c 3.54 -5.612 l 3.685 -5.612 3.709 -5.684 3.709 -5.829 c 3.709 -6.262 l 3.709 -6.407 3.685 -6.479 3.588 -6.479 c 3.444 -6.479 2.336 -6.407 1.035 -6.407 c -0.457 -6.407 -1.469 -6.479 -1.613 -6.479 c -1.71 -6.479 -1.758 -6.431 -1.758 -6.238 c -1.758 -5.829 l -1.758 -5.66 -1.71 -5.612 -1.493 -5.612 c -0.554 -5.612 l -0.193 -5.612 -0.024 -5.468 -0.024 -5.154 c 0 -4.359 0 -3.517 0 -2.264 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 517.3829 43.7971 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.253 0 -4.889 0.024 -5.636 c 0.048 -6.045 0.145 -6.383 0.65 -6.383 c 1.734 -6.383 l 1.951 -6.383 1.999 -6.455 1.999 -6.6 c 1.999 -7.009 l 1.999 -7.153 1.951 -7.249 1.854 -7.249 c 1.686 -7.249 0.626 -7.177 -0.867 -7.177 c -2.409 -7.177 -3.372 -7.249 -3.589 -7.249 c -3.709 -7.249 -3.757 -7.153 -3.757 -7.009 c -3.757 -6.6 l -3.757 -6.431 -3.709 -6.383 -3.444 -6.383 c -2.288 -6.383 l -2.023 -6.383 -1.782 -6.213 -1.758 -5.781 c -1.734 -5.033 -1.734 -0.892 -1.734 0.505 c -1.734 2.023 l -1.734 3.732 -1.758 5.924 -1.806 6.55 c -1.855 7.369 -2.24 7.755 -3.011 7.995 c -3.492 8.164 l -3.613 8.212 -3.637 8.236 -3.637 8.284 c -3.637 8.477 l -3.637 8.549 -3.565 8.598 -3.42 8.646 c -2.577 9.031 -1.493 9.464 -0.602 10.042 c -0.385 10.187 -0.241 10.235 -0.097 10.235 c 0.072 10.235 0.12 10.115 0.096 9.802 c 0.072 8.477 0 3.467 0 2.143 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 528.2449 51.2866 cm 0 0 m 0 0.915 -0.169 1.204 -1.518 1.421 c -1.662 1.445 -1.686 1.493 -1.686 1.589 c -1.686 1.999 l -1.686 2.095 -1.637 2.143 -1.493 2.167 c -0.554 2.36 0.698 2.577 1.155 2.673 c 1.372 2.697 1.541 2.745 1.71 2.745 c 1.83 2.745 1.855 2.577 1.83 2.312 c 1.758 1.108 1.734 -2.384 1.734 -5.443 c 1.734 -10.765 l 1.734 -11.656 1.782 -12.716 1.974 -12.957 c 2.191 -13.198 2.697 -13.342 3.035 -13.367 c 3.371 -13.39 3.467 -13.415 3.515 -13.535 c 3.563 -13.728 l 3.588 -13.872 3.54 -13.944 3.396 -13.992 c 0.674 -14.908 l 0.53 -14.956 0.409 -14.883 0.361 -14.715 c 0.048 -13.655 l -0.723 -14.426 -2.264 -14.956 -3.492 -14.956 c -4.288 -14.956 -5.202 -15.004 -6.334 -13.848 c -7.563 -12.644 -7.851 -11.56 -7.851 -9.947 c -7.851 -8.453 -7.298 -6.984 -6.166 -5.852 c -5.226 -4.841 -3.926 -4.335 -2.577 -4.335 c -1.589 -4.335 -0.723 -4.48 0 -4.696 c h 0 -7.635 m 0 -7.297 0 -6.84 -0.217 -6.454 c -0.554 -5.804 -1.325 -5.154 -2.746 -5.154 c -3.492 -5.154 -4.311 -5.371 -4.937 -6.021 c -5.877 -7.032 -6.045 -8.308 -6.045 -9.224 c -6.045 -11.945 -4.167 -13.92 -2.769 -13.92 c -1.421 -13.92 -0.386 -13.222 -0.145 -12.596 c -0.025 -12.235 0 -12.042 0 -11.777 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 543.5854 43.0014 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.132 0.023 -4.407 0.048 -4.744 c 0.096 -5.274 0.336 -5.515 0.842 -5.515 c 2.383 -5.515 l 2.552 -5.515 2.576 -5.587 2.576 -5.683 c 2.576 -6.262 l 2.576 -6.382 2.552 -6.454 2.36 -6.454 c 2.022 -6.454 1.276 -6.382 -0.988 -6.382 c -3.108 -6.382 -4.047 -6.454 -4.311 -6.454 c -4.48 -6.454 -4.504 -6.382 -4.504 -6.285 c -4.504 -5.683 l -4.504 -5.563 -4.48 -5.515 -4.36 -5.515 c -3.324 -5.515 l -2.505 -5.515 -2.337 -5.395 -2.264 -4.744 c -2.241 -4.503 -2.168 -0.746 -2.168 2.048 c -2.168 4.817 l -2.168 6.407 -2.192 9.032 -2.216 9.273 c -2.264 9.754 -2.505 9.803 -3.156 9.803 c -4.528 9.803 l -4.649 9.803 -4.672 9.851 -4.672 9.995 c -4.672 10.573 l -4.672 10.694 -4.649 10.742 -4.528 10.742 c -4.263 10.742 -3.396 10.67 -1.109 10.67 c -0.675 10.67 0.746 10.742 1.541 10.742 c 4.263 10.742 5.539 10.477 6.911 9.538 c 8.043 8.768 8.742 7.418 8.742 6.045 c 8.742 3.012 6.454 1.132 2.624 1.132 c 1.734 1.132 0.771 1.157 0 1.253 c h 0 2.12 m 0.48 1.976 1.276 1.903 2.215 1.903 c 3.684 1.903 4.985 2.698 5.611 3.541 c 6.141 4.24 6.237 5.13 6.237 5.973 c 6.237 9.128 3.299 9.971 1.878 9.971 c 1.468 9.971 0.48 9.971 0 9.803 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 553.8445 37.9929 cm 0 0 m -1.109 1.324 -1.325 2.216 -1.325 3.925 c -1.325 5.154 -0.675 6.695 0.746 7.803 c 1.999 8.766 3.179 8.959 3.974 8.959 c 5.298 8.959 6.623 8.284 7.345 7.562 c 8.429 6.454 8.983 5.202 8.983 3.636 c 8.983 1.011 6.623 -1.662 3.66 -1.662 c 2.504 -1.662 1.011 -1.205 0 0 c 6.959 3.876 m 6.959 6.55 5.008 8.236 3.78 8.236 c 3.131 8.236 2.504 8.091 1.926 7.466 c 0.987 6.502 0.65 5.515 0.65 3.684 c 0.65 2.335 0.794 1.42 1.564 0.313 c 2.119 -0.482 2.818 -0.94 3.949 -0.94 c 5.779 -0.94 6.959 1.3 6.959 3.876 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 567.7157 43.7971 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.253 0 -4.889 0.024 -5.636 c 0.048 -6.045 0.145 -6.383 0.651 -6.383 c 1.734 -6.383 l 1.951 -6.383 1.999 -6.455 1.999 -6.6 c 1.999 -7.009 l 1.999 -7.153 1.951 -7.249 1.854 -7.249 c 1.686 -7.249 0.626 -7.177 -0.868 -7.177 c -2.409 -7.177 -3.372 -7.249 -3.589 -7.249 c -3.708 -7.249 -3.757 -7.153 -3.757 -7.009 c -3.757 -6.6 l -3.757 -6.431 -3.708 -6.383 -3.444 -6.383 c -2.288 -6.383 l -2.023 -6.383 -1.783 -6.213 -1.758 -5.781 c -1.734 -5.033 -1.734 -0.892 -1.734 0.505 c -1.734 2.023 l -1.734 3.732 -1.758 5.924 -1.806 6.55 c -1.855 7.369 -2.24 7.755 -3.011 7.995 c -3.492 8.164 l -3.612 8.212 -3.637 8.236 -3.637 8.284 c -3.637 8.477 l -3.637 8.549 -3.564 8.598 -3.42 8.646 c -2.576 9.031 -1.493 9.464 -0.602 10.042 c -0.385 10.187 -0.241 10.235 -0.097 10.235 c 0.072 10.235 0.12 10.115 0.096 9.802 c 0.072 8.477 0 3.467 0 2.143 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 574.0013 43.7971 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.253 0 -4.889 0.024 -5.636 c 0.048 -6.045 0.144 -6.383 0.65 -6.383 c 1.734 -6.383 l 1.951 -6.383 1.999 -6.455 1.999 -6.6 c 1.999 -7.009 l 1.999 -7.153 1.951 -7.249 1.855 -7.249 c 1.685 -7.249 0.627 -7.177 -0.867 -7.177 c -2.408 -7.177 -3.372 -7.249 -3.588 -7.249 c -3.709 -7.249 -3.757 -7.153 -3.757 -7.009 c -3.757 -6.6 l -3.757 -6.431 -3.709 -6.383 -3.444 -6.383 c -2.288 -6.383 l -2.024 -6.383 -1.782 -6.213 -1.758 -5.781 c -1.734 -5.033 -1.734 -0.892 -1.734 0.505 c -1.734 2.023 l -1.734 3.732 -1.758 5.924 -1.807 6.55 c -1.855 7.369 -2.24 7.755 -3.011 7.995 c -3.492 8.164 l -3.613 8.212 -3.636 8.236 -3.636 8.284 c -3.636 8.477 l -3.636 8.549 -3.565 8.598 -3.42 8.646 c -2.577 9.031 -1.493 9.464 -0.602 10.042 c -0.385 10.187 -0.24 10.235 -0.096 10.235 c 0.072 10.235 0.12 10.115 0.096 9.802 c 0.072 8.477 0 3.467 0 2.143 c h f Q /CS1 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 476.661 69.7548 cm 0 0 m 0.195 -2.529 l -0.263 -2.529 l -0.461 -1.614 -0.643 -1.344 -0.999 -1.003 c -1.51 -0.508 -2.167 -0.261 -2.969 -0.261 c -4.066 -0.261 -4.897 -0.694 -5.468 -1.556 c -5.945 -2.287 -6.184 -3.154 -6.184 -4.163 c -6.184 -4.981 -6.026 -5.727 -5.707 -6.402 c -5.389 -7.077 -4.971 -7.571 -4.455 -7.885 c -3.939 -8.198 -3.409 -8.356 -2.865 -8.356 c -2.547 -8.356 -2.24 -8.316 -1.941 -8.238 c -1.645 -8.159 -1.359 -8.043 -1.082 -7.89 c -1.082 -6.005 l -1.082 -5.551 -1.116 -5.443 -1.181 -5.303 c -1.247 -5.163 -1.349 -5.058 -1.487 -4.984 c -1.625 -4.911 -1.868 -4.875 -2.216 -4.875 c -2.216 -4.394 l 1.14 -4.394 l 1.14 -4.875 l 0.976 -4.875 l 0.634 -4.875 0.4 -4.99 0.273 -5.22 c 0.185 -5.384 0.142 -5.522 0.142 -6.005 c 0.142 -8.057 l -0.344 -8.315 -0.824 -8.507 -1.298 -8.628 c -1.772 -8.748 -2.298 -8.81 -2.877 -8.81 c -4.54 -8.81 -5.802 -8.277 -6.664 -7.21 c -7.312 -6.41 -7.636 -5.487 -7.636 -4.442 c -7.636 -3.684 -7.453 -2.958 -7.089 -2.264 c -6.656 -1.439 -6.062 -0.805 -5.308 -0.36 c -4.677 0.009 -3.93 0.192 -3.069 0.192 c -2.755 0.192 -2.47 0.167 -2.214 0.117 c -1.957 0.065 -1.594 -0.045 -1.123 -0.219 c -0.885 -0.308 -0.85 -0.334 -0.77 -0.352 c -0.656 -0.376 -0.508 -0.34 -0.462 -0.259 c -0.404 -0.155 -0.404 -0.064 -0.4 0 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 481.7535 69.7575 cm 0 0 m -2.975 -6.892 l -3.239 -7.525 -3.479 -7.813 -3.695 -8.021 c -3.802 -8.123 -4.036 -8.208 -4.397 -8.272 c -4.397 -8.631 l -1.666 -8.631 l -1.666 -8.272 l -2.083 -8.242 -2.307 -8.202 -2.432 -8.101 c -2.558 -8.001 -2.667 -7.858 -2.667 -7.726 c -2.667 -7.56 -2.595 -7.438 -2.45 -7.101 c -1.868 -5.752 l 1.497 -5.752 l 2.009 -6.991 l 2.179 -7.395 2.272 -7.55 2.272 -7.737 c 2.272 -7.876 2.212 -7.995 2.091 -8.093 c 1.969 -8.191 1.729 -8.237 1.385 -8.254 c 1.385 -8.631 l 4.467 -8.631 l 5.19 -8.631 l 11.529 -8.631 l 12.277 -6.294 l 11.857 -6.221 l 11.636 -6.755 11.414 -7.146 11.193 -7.393 c 10.972 -7.642 10.727 -7.815 10.46 -7.913 c 10.191 -8.01 9.941 -8.087 9.278 -8.087 c 8.646 -8.087 l 8.089 -8.087 7.756 -8.066 7.65 -8.023 c 7.543 -7.981 7.466 -7.914 7.414 -7.824 c 7.346 -7.692 7.312 -7.45 7.312 -7.096 c 7.312 -1.646 l 7.312 -1.137 7.345 -1.051 7.413 -0.916 c 7.48 -0.781 7.604 -0.67 7.787 -0.581 c 7.97 -0.493 8.287 -0.441 8.741 -0.447 c 8.741 0 l 4.841 0 l 4.841 -0.447 l 5.167 -0.447 l 5.495 -0.447 5.742 -0.55 5.909 -0.74 c 6.027 -0.878 6.088 -0.985 6.088 -1.534 c 6.088 -7.089 l 6.088 -7.588 6.043 -7.791 5.954 -7.927 c 5.798 -8.164 5.248 -8.217 4.875 -8.227 c 4.527 -8.217 4.188 -8.17 3.992 -7.996 c 3.794 -7.823 3.574 -7.561 3.332 -6.98 c 0.448 -0.001 l h -1.627 -5.09 m -0.149 -1.758 l 1.316 -5.09 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 501.4066 63.5747 cm 0 0 m 0.436 -0.111 l -0.311 -2.448 l -7.001 -2.448 l -7.001 -2.029 l -6.674 -2.029 l -6.308 -2.029 -6.046 -1.906 -5.888 -1.666 c -5.799 -1.528 -5.754 -1.406 -5.754 -0.906 c -5.754 4.649 l -5.754 5.198 -5.814 5.312 -5.932 5.451 c -6.099 5.64 -6.347 5.735 -6.674 5.735 c -7.001 5.735 l -7.001 6.182 l -3.102 6.182 l -3.102 5.735 l -3.554 5.739 -3.872 5.698 -4.054 5.61 c -4.236 5.521 -4.361 5.408 -4.428 5.275 c -4.496 5.14 -4.53 5.046 -4.53 4.536 c -4.53 -0.913 l -4.53 -1.267 -4.495 -1.509 -4.427 -1.642 c -4.377 -1.731 -4.297 -1.798 -4.192 -1.84 c -4.085 -1.883 -3.753 -1.904 -3.195 -1.904 c -2.563 -1.904 l -1.899 -1.904 -1.667 -1.788 -1.398 -1.69 c -1.131 -1.592 -0.885 -1.421 -0.664 -1.172 c -0.443 -0.925 -0.221 -0.534 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 510.3054 69.7557 cm 0 0 m -2.856 0.001 l -2.856 -0.449 l -2.53 -0.449 l -2.201 -0.449 -1.954 -0.544 -1.787 -0.734 c -1.669 -0.873 -1.609 -0.992 -1.609 -1.541 c -1.609 -5.022 l -1.609 -5.936 -1.69 -6.585 -1.854 -6.965 c -2.017 -7.348 -2.323 -7.663 -2.769 -7.908 c -3.216 -8.153 -3.72 -8.276 -4.286 -8.276 c -4.728 -8.276 -5.1 -8.198 -5.404 -8.041 c -5.708 -7.885 -5.941 -7.687 -6.102 -7.445 c -6.264 -7.205 -6.374 -6.869 -6.436 -6.437 c -6.498 -6.007 -6.528 -5.623 -6.528 -5.29 c -6.528 -1.541 l -6.528 -1.049 -6.477 -0.947 -6.371 -0.792 c -6.218 -0.563 -5.966 -0.449 -5.612 -0.449 c -5.282 -0.449 l -5.282 0.001 l -9.001 0.001 l -9.001 -0.449 l -8.678 -0.449 l -8.352 -0.449 -8.118 -0.533 -7.973 -0.701 c -7.826 -0.87 -7.753 -1.002 -7.753 -1.541 c -7.753 -4.901 l -7.753 -5.938 -7.686 -6.644 -7.55 -7.019 c -7.346 -7.568 -7 -8.007 -6.511 -8.332 c -6.024 -8.656 -5.308 -8.82 -4.366 -8.82 c -3.5 -8.82 -2.816 -8.65 -2.312 -8.31 c -1.81 -7.969 -1.472 -7.561 -1.3 -7.085 c -1.128 -6.609 -1.042 -5.94 -1.042 -5.077 c -1.042 -1.586 l -1.042 -1.102 -0.997 -1.014 -0.907 -0.88 c -0.725 -0.593 -0.462 -0.449 -0.121 -0.449 c 0.001 -0.449 l 0.764 -0.449 l 0.888 -0.449 l 1.218 -0.449 1.467 -0.544 1.634 -0.734 c 1.749 -0.867 1.807 -0.988 1.807 -1.541 c 1.807 -7.096 l 1.807 -7.598 1.764 -7.722 1.678 -7.856 c 1.52 -8.097 1.256 -8.219 0.888 -8.219 c 0.56 -8.219 l 0.56 -8.629 l 4.278 -8.629 l 4.278 -8.221 l 3.945 -8.221 l 3.618 -8.221 3.372 -8.132 3.21 -7.942 c 3.09 -7.808 3.031 -7.65 3.031 -7.096 c 3.031 -4.702 l 3.351 -4.738 3.588 -4.748 3.812 -4.756 c 4.056 -4.766 4.24 -4.762 4.478 -4.761 c 5.29 -4.757 6.045 -4.508 6.583 -4.131 c 7.319 -3.615 7.435 -2.723 7.447 -2.385 c 7.479 -1.602 7.11 -1.087 6.917 -0.859 c 6.62 -0.502 6.051 -0.19 5.633 -0.075 c 5.321 0.01 4.624 0.015 3.703 0.01 c h 5.433 -3.954 m 5.163 -4.15 4.672 -4.294 4.314 -4.328 c 4.126 -4.346 3.771 -4.349 3.593 -4.342 c 3.368 -4.332 3.189 -4.305 3.031 -4.273 c 3.031 -0.581 l 3.222 -0.529 3.724 -0.504 3.861 -0.506 c 4.274 -0.509 4.781 -0.542 5.088 -0.634 c 5.331 -0.708 5.661 -0.847 5.926 -1.302 c 6.153 -1.689 6.198 -2.135 6.176 -2.508 c 6.131 -3.305 5.904 -3.613 5.433 -3.954 c f Q 0.6 scn q 1 0 0 1 525.5698 69.7548 cm 0 0 m 1.516 0 2.005 -0.147 2.482 -0.684 c 2.714 -0.954 3.044 -1.491 3.044 -2.359 c 3.044 -2.897 2.898 -3.47 2.554 -3.923 c 1.944 -4.705 1.052 -4.742 -0.39 -4.742 c -2.677 -4.742 l -2.677 -8.629 l -3.459 -8.629 l -3.459 0 l h -2.677 -4.021 m 0.344 -4.021 l 1.419 -4.021 2.25 -3.606 2.25 -2.346 c 2.25 -2.199 2.25 -1.772 2.005 -1.369 c 1.602 -0.708 0.918 -0.684 0.245 -0.684 c -2.677 -0.684 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 533.2427 69.975 cm 0 0 m 2.287 0 3.691 -1.65 3.691 -4.425 c 3.691 -6.637 2.702 -9.069 0 -9.069 c -2.946 -9.069 -3.74 -6.368 -3.74 -4.51 c -3.74 -2.909 -3.092 0 0 0 c -0.037 -8.335 m 2.187 -8.335 2.824 -6.087 2.824 -4.4 c 2.824 -3.08 2.261 -0.709 0 -0.709 c -2.139 -0.709 -2.873 -2.774 -2.873 -4.535 c -2.873 -5.647 -2.518 -8.335 -0.037 -8.335 c f Q Q /CS1 cs 0.6 scn q 1 0 0 1 538.6819 61.1256 cm 0 0 m 0 8.629 l 0.831 8.629 l 0.831 0.758 l 5.598 0.758 l 5.598 0 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 545.4365 61.1256 cm 0 0 m 0 8.629 l 0.832 8.629 l 0.832 0.758 l 5.599 0.758 l 5.599 0 l h f Q q 0 0 612 792 re W n q 1 0 0 1 551.8698 68.6486 cm 0 0 m -0.141 -0.143 -0.314 -0.213 -0.514 -0.213 c -0.717 -0.213 -0.889 -0.143 -1.031 0 c -1.172 0.141 -1.242 0.314 -1.242 0.516 c -1.242 0.716 -1.17 0.887 -1.028 1.028 c -0.887 1.171 -0.715 1.242 -0.514 1.242 c -0.314 1.242 -0.141 1.171 0 1.028 c 0.143 0.888 0.214 0.717 0.214 0.516 c 0.214 0.316 0.143 0.143 0 0 c -0.96 0.959 m -1.081 0.836 -1.144 0.688 -1.144 0.515 c -1.144 0.341 -1.081 0.193 -0.96 0.071 c -0.839 -0.054 -0.692 -0.115 -0.518 -0.115 c -0.341 -0.115 -0.195 -0.054 -0.072 0.071 c 0.051 0.193 0.111 0.341 0.111 0.515 c 0.111 0.688 0.051 0.836 -0.072 0.959 c -0.196 1.081 -0.344 1.143 -0.518 1.143 c -0.69 1.143 -0.838 1.081 -0.96 0.959 c -0.529 0.918 m -0.431 0.918 -0.357 0.909 -0.309 0.89 c -0.227 0.856 -0.184 0.787 -0.184 0.688 c -0.184 0.615 -0.212 0.563 -0.263 0.53 c -0.291 0.513 -0.329 0.499 -0.379 0.491 c -0.316 0.481 -0.271 0.455 -0.243 0.414 c -0.214 0.371 -0.198 0.329 -0.198 0.29 c -0.198 0.229 l -0.198 0.169 l -0.196 0.149 -0.194 0.135 -0.19 0.129 c -0.184 0.118 l -0.316 0.118 l -0.318 0.119 -0.32 0.124 -0.32 0.126 c -0.32 0.129 -0.32 0.132 -0.321 0.135 c -0.323 0.161 l -0.323 0.225 l -0.323 0.317 -0.35 0.378 -0.401 0.409 c -0.431 0.426 -0.481 0.433 -0.557 0.433 c -0.67 0.433 l -0.67 0.118 l -0.811 0.118 l -0.811 0.918 l h -0.374 0.79 m -0.41 0.81 -0.467 0.821 -0.548 0.821 c -0.67 0.821 l -0.67 0.534 l -0.54 0.534 l -0.48 0.534 -0.434 0.538 -0.405 0.551 c -0.35 0.573 -0.321 0.614 -0.321 0.674 c -0.321 0.732 -0.339 0.771 -0.374 0.79 c f Q Q endstream endobj 208 0 obj <> endobj xref 0 227 0000000003 65535 f 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